Chapter Ten

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"Have a safe flight," my dad says, laying his hand on Blaine's shoulder. Carole gives him a quick hug, and then the two walk away, leaving Blaine and I alone. Well, as alone as you can be in a crowded airport. We quickly wrap our arms around one another, fully aware that we can't kiss because we are in a public place in Ohio.
"Thank you, for the amazing week," I whisper. Blaine breathes in deeply and then sighs, and I feel his breath wash over the exposed skin of my neck.
"Thank you, Kurt," we pull away, and I smile sadly. Tears are welling in my eyes and I blink quickly to try and get them to disperse.
"I have to go," Blaine says, softly so that I almost can't hear him over the loud din of the airport.
"I'll talk to you later," I tell him. I grab his hand and bring it up to kiss his knuckles, smiling.
"This isn't goodbye. I'll just, see you later," I say, my throat catching. Blaine laughs quietly, and I wish we weren't in Ohio so I wouldn't be afraid to bring him into a kiss. But it is. And we can't kiss any time that we like and while it's not okay, I'll accept it for now.
"I'll see you later," Blaine slowly comes out of my hold and grabs his suitcase, walking towards the security gate and back towards his life in New York.
"Come on, Kurt. Let's go," my dad places his hand on my shoulder and leads me away.
Two weeks later and I'm laying on my bed with my homework in front of me. My computer sits towards the foot of my bed, where Blaine and I are skyping together. He's strumming some chords on a guitar, a combination I've never heard of before. I get a little excited when I think about how he's comfortable enough to work on a song in front of me.
"What are you doing?" Blaine's voice sounds from my computer. I look at him briefly, the Skype feed a little slow but it's better than nothing.
"Homework. I have to read and annotate this for class tomorrow," I tell him, grabbing the highlight. I put the cap in between my teeth as I highlight, my feet in the air as I lay on my stomach.
"I certainly don't miss that," Blaine laughs, and I glare playfully at him.
"Yeah, but you have homework too mister. Didn't your record label say you needed another verse by the end of the week?" I tell him. His laugh immediately dies, and he lays on his bed, groaning.
"Yes. But I'm all out of creative juices right now," he says, his voice muffled from being so far away from the computer's speakers.
"Play me what you have so far," I suggest, pushing my English away and sitting up on my bed. My computer bounces around as I adjust my position and look at Blaine.
"You're just trying to get an exclusive, you sneaky bastard," Blaine jokes. I roll my eyes, looking at him pointedly.
"I'm actually trying to help. In case you didn't know, Blaine, I do have experience in music," I tell him. Blaine's eyes widen as he realizes that I'm being completely serious.
"Of course, Kurt. I'm sorry, it's just I never really play any of my songs to other people besides the record label until they are finished," he says. I smile, letting him know I don't take any offense to it.
"I understand. Now, play me it!" I demand, feeling excited that I'm going to hear one of his songs before anybody else. Not only that, but I'm going to try to work on it with him.
Blaine grabs a guitar and strums it lightly, playing the intro. As he goes into the chorus, I can't help but watch him. His brow is furrowed in concentration as he plays, his voice as smooth as ever. The lyrics are amazing, and his emotions pour out onto the notes. This is what I really love about music, being able to show the emotions you might not be able to put into words.
"And that's what I got so far," Blaine says. I think, trying to figure out what I would like to hear as a fan.
"What if you do this," I start humming the chorus softly, and then go into a verse that seems to go with what Blaine is saying.
"That, that might actually work. Can you sing it again?" Blaine asks. I do, and this time he starts playing different chords. He places his guitar pick in between his mouth and writes what I assume to be notes on some paper in front of him.
Blaine then sings what I just suggested, his voice and the guitar's sound blending smoothly with one another. I smile as he finishes, looking at him when he turns to me with happiness.
"Kurt, this is perfect! Thank you so much," he says. I blush slightly at his praise, unable to tear my gaze away from the childlike excitement on Blaine's face.
"You did most of the work, I just suggested some lyrics," I tell him. Blaine rolls his eyes at me lightly.
"Give yourself more credit. Now, can you write me another one that has to be finished by the Christmas deadline?" Blaine jokes. I laugh and return to my homework.
Blaine's phone rings and he glances at it. He answers and I turn away, figuring if he needs privacy he will call me back later.
"Wait, are you serious?" I hear. I look at the computer, unable to help myself as I watch Blaine listen to whatever the person on the phone is saying.
"Oh my god," Blaine says, his phone sliding from his grip and tumbling onto the bed. He frantically dives at it.
"Yeah, yeah I'm still here. Just dropped my phone. With who else, do we know? Can I know?" I continue to watch Blaine, curious about what is going on.
"Of course, thank you so much Julie," Blaine hangs up, and I watch him. I know Julie is the name of his publicist, so whatever it is seems important.
"Blaine, what's going on?" I ask. Blaine turns to me, surprise and shock clear on his face.
"I just got nominated for the Grammy's" Blaine soft voice sounds through the computer. My eyes widen in shock as I drop my pen in surprise.
"What?" I ask.
"I just got nominated for the fucking Grammy's, Kurt. For the Best New Artist," Blaine grins, still clearly in shock but the excitement of the news beginning to sink in.
"Oh my god, Blaine! That's amazing!" I tell him, wishing nothing more than to leap through the computer screen and kiss him.
"Holy shit! I can't even believe it," Blaine says, his voice still conveying the shock of the news.
"You deserve it, Blaine. People really like you and your music. I mean, you are a really popular musician," I tell him. Blaine laughs, looking at me with wonder.
"Be my date?" He blurts. I look at him surprised, figuring he just asked that without knowing what it means for our relationship.
"I know we said we were going to hold off on going public for a while until we knew each other better. But Kurt we've been talking since August. That's four months, and yes it may seem like that's not a lot of time but, the Grammys are the end of January. That would be almost six month since we've known each other. And Kurt, I can't imagine being there without you," Blaine says, seeing my surprised look. I laugh, realizing he mistook my surprise for reluctance.
"I'm going to need a really nice tux," I tell him. Blaine's smile grows wider, and he laughs.
"Wait, you're not just saying that because I'm saying all this stuff, right? Because God do I want you there with me, but only if you are ready," Blaine rambles, suddenly worried. I laugh and wish I could kiss him to shut him up.
"Blaine, I promise, the minute you asked me of be your date I agreed. And then you went into your adorable little rant and I couldn't just kiss you to shut you up. So I had to let you finish," I grin. Blaine looks at me with an expression I can only say is lustfully.
"I really wish you were here right now," his voice is deeper than normal, huskier than his normal smoothness and it does way too many things to my body right now that I can't feel because he's not here. I bite my lip and manage not to groan at how goddamn sexy that voice is.
And then the moment is totally ruined by my dad coming into my room. He doesn't see me on the computer with Blaine, and holds up a plane ticket.
"Oh my god! You're seriously letting me go?" I ask, forgetting about Blaine in front of me.
"I trust you two to be responsible and you're right. It would do you good to go see the city you'll eventually be living in," he says.
"Wait, what's going on?" Blaine says from my computer. I gasp, grabbing my ticket and the computer. I hold the ticket up to the camera so he can clearly see the destination. Out of the corner of my eye, I see my dad leave and close the door behind him.
"How would you feel about me coming out the week before Christmas? I know you'll be busy working on the album and everything, so if not that's totally fine," I ramble. Blaine stares at me in shock.
"Could this day get any fucking better? What's next, I'm gonna get cyber lucky?" Blaine wiggles his eyebrows and I blush.
"As much as I'm sure both of us would enjoy that. I don't want our first time like that to be thousands of miles away," I tell him, looking down at the keyboard as my cheeks flush red.
"I'm kidding, Kurt. And I want that too. And God, I can't wait to see you," Blaine says. I grin and put the ticket back on my desk.
"So, how'd Julie deal with the photos of us at the airport?" I ask, feeling guilty that his publicist had to work so hard to protect my identity only for us to eventually go public anyways.
"She was pissed at me, like she usually is. But she understands that I just want to be with you, and that we want to 'come out' in a sense on our own terms," Blaine explains. I sigh, still feeling guilty.
"I just feel like it's somehow my fault for being careless and getting caught at the airport with you. I feel bad that she had do so much in order to keep my name private. I mean, I doubt there are any laws protecting me since I'm eighteen," I explain.
"Sure, rub it in that you're older," Blaine jokes, but he seems to understand my feelings on the fact that someone took pictures of us at the airport two weeks ago. And not the kind of pictures that you had no clue who I was. This time, it was a full on front shot of both me and Blaine as I'm kissing Blaine's hand.
Blaine's publicist Julie was practically Wonder Woman as she went to all the papers and magazines and tabloids and everyone to protect my name. So for now, I will just continue being Blaine's Mystery Man.
"Just, thank her again for me," I tell him.
"She's probably getting tired of hearing that from me, but I will. And I'm sure you can, when you come out. You'll probably have to spend a day by yourself though, since I have to go in and record the new songs one day," Blaine explains.
"How about I just hang out at the studio with you? I wouldn't mind seeing the Blaine Anderson hard at work producing his next album," I grin.
"Careful, Kurt. Your fanboy is starting to show," Blaine playfully scolds, and I just smile cheekily at him.
"You love the fanboy in me. If I wasn't a fan of yours, we wouldn't have met," I say. Blaine's laugh stops, and he looks at me seriously for a second.
"I'd like to think that even if we hadn't met at my concert, I'd have still someone met you and we'd find our way together," Blaine says. I bury my face in my pillow and groan before looking back up at him.
"You can't say things like that over Skype. You can only say that in person because it's torture not being able to kiss you for that. And you say you suck at romance," I tell him. Blaine laughs, and I momentarily think I see a blush on his cheeks.
"When you get here, you can kiss me however much you want," Blaine says.
"Promise?" I ask softly. Blaine smiles at me, and I can't help the matching one that blooms across my face.
"Promise," he whispers. We stare at each other in silence for several moments. He's only been gone for a couple weeks and I already miss him so much. Talking to him like this is great, but it seems that in moments like these, they only make the physical distance between us that much longer.
"Kurt, dinner's ready!" My dad yells at me from downstairs.
"Be down there in a second," I yell back. I turn to my computer, and smile softly at Blaine.
"I'll talk to you later, okay?" I tell him.
"Promise?" Blaine asks. I smile.
"Promise," I whisper back, and wave goodbye as I end out Skype call. As I'm closing out of my computer, I realize how dangerous this is. How dangerous Blaine is, because already he is slowly grabbing my heart in those hands of his. Already, he is making me fall in love with him. We've only known each other for so short a time, and yet, I still feel like the connection we have exceeds the four months we've known each other.
"Kurt, I'm serious, get down here," my dad's voice snaps me out of my reverie and I quickly hurry down the stairs, trying to leave the troubling thoughts of love behind.

Sorry it's kinda short and sucky. It's really late and I'm tired but I'd feel guilty not posting when I told myself I'd publish a chapter a day. 

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