Chapter Seven

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I wake up the next morning with a smile on my face, and I know exactly why. Blaine Anderson is my boyfriend. Wow, that's weird to say. I have a boyfriend. And it's not just anyone, it's Blaine freaking Anderson.

Good morning handsome Blaine's text makes me smile even wider as I respond with a good morning as well. I yawn as I grab my phone and head downstairs, preparing to go into the kitchen for some food and to spend the day texting with Blaine.

No matter how many times I say it, it still sounds weird to me. I, Kurt Hummel, have a boyfriend.

"What's up white boy?" I look up in surprise to see Mercedes sitting in my living room, along with Rachel and Tina. My thoughts immediately go to my hair, which isn't styled perfectly because I just woke up and didn't think they would be here.

"What the hell? A little warning that you guys are here so I can actually look presentable?" I yell at my three best friends. They all laugh and grin at me.

"Don't worry, Kurt. We don't judge you for your bed head. In fact, it makes you look pretty sexy. Anyways, we are kidnapping you and going to the mall for the day. So you get your butt upstairs and change while we wait," Mercedes says. I blush and don't say anything, not being able to think of a witty comeback this early in the morning.

So instead, I spend forty five minutes getting ready. I normally take that long, but I'm not hustling at all. The girls pop into my room when I'm almost done, sitting on my bed as I'm styling my hair.

"So, white boy, how's lover boy?" Mercedes asks me. I look over at her in confusion.

"Who?" I ask. She laughs.

"Blaine Anderson of course! You know, the guy who flew from New York two days early just to surprise you at glee club yesterday," she wiggles her eyebrows at me, and I blush as I think of him. Unfortunately, this doesn't go unnoticed by the girls.

"Oh my god something happened between you two, didn't it?" Rachel says.

"You gotta tell us, Kurt!" Tina pleads. I don't say anything at the moment. I just take my time perfectly styling my hair. Their pleads get louder until I finally turn around to face them.

"Well, we came back here after glee club and watched a movie. He stayed over for dinner and then his brother picked him up," I tell them, leaving out the part where we kissed and when he asked me to be his boyfriend.

"Kurt, that isn't all of it. I know you and you wouldn't be blushing like that if it was it? So what happened? Did you two finally crack and tell each other how much you love one another?" Rachel asks. My phone buzzes on my nightstand, and Tina locks eyes with me.

" Tina, don't you dare," I threaten. She dives for my phone at the same time I do. However, both Rachel and Mercedes hold me back, and she reaches my phone first.

"What are you planning on doing today? I already miss kissing you!" Tina screams, and I wince as the three girls scream at me. She is typing something and I try to grab my phone from her.

"Tina, what are you saying?" I yell. She just laughs as she sends whatever text she sent. I groan as I can't escape the two girls holding me down onto my bed and I hear my phone buzz in Tina's hands.

"Oh god kill me now," I put my face in my hands as I sigh.

"Relax, I'm just telling lover boy that we are kidnapping you and that he will have to keep missing your kisses. He said please don't hurt him. Hmm, what should I say to that?" Tina wonders.

"Okay, you made your point. I'm sorry I didn't tell you about him as soon as you walked in, but it literally just happened and we are trying to keep this under wraps. You know, because he is a famous pop star and all," I glare at her. Tina just shrugs and finally hands me my phone.

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