Chapter Thirteen

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I'm woken up the next morning by Blaine moving me off his chest. I groan, burying my face in his pillow, feeling cold even as I feel him wrapping the blankets tighter around me.
"I'm going to take a shower, Kurt. If you still want to come with me to the studio, we are leaving at eight," I hear Blaine say. I feel him kiss the top of my head and then hear him disappear into his bathroom. I close my eyes and snuggle deeper into his bed, surrounded by the scent that is distinctly Blaine. The realization I came to last night comes up in my mind, and I can't help the smile that spreads across my face.
I'm in love with Blaine.
I don't worry myself yet if he loves me back. After all, I know I pretty much jumped the gun early. We've known each other for so short a time, and have been dating for even shorter a time. But while I'm here, surrounded by Blaine, the love I feel for him grows with every moment.
Eventually, however, I do really need to get up so that I don't make Blaine late. I do know that he would wait for me to get ready, causing him to be late and his label to be pissed at him because of it. I can't help but be excited as I get ready to go to Blaine's studio, the fanboy in me rearing its ugly head.
I dress in my signature skinny jeans, this time it's a pair of light grey pants, paired with a pink shirt tucked into the pants. I grab a white belt as well as a grey scarf, and finally, my Doc Martins. I grin as I look over my outfit, waiting for Blaine to finish showering so I can do my hair.
I realize that I've been waking up next to Blaine, and he's seen my terrible bed head not just once, but twice. I blush as I realize I really don't care about it too.
"Good morning beautiful," Blaine says, exiting the shower. My blush returns when I see him walking out wearing only a pair of dark red skinny jeans. His toned body moves with grace, and I can't tear my eyes away from the thin line of hair on his navel, traveling down into his pants and disappearing.
I'm totally eye fucking my boyfriend, and when I finally look up to see his smirk, he knows it. Well, two can play at that game.
I quickly walk over to him and his smirk widens.
"See something you like?" Blaine asks. I give him another once over, making myself not think about how he felt in my hand, hot and hard. Because that just causes me to want to continue eye fucking, which contradicts my plan.
"I've seen better. I was on the football team once you know," I whisper, mentally cringing at the image of all the chubby football players at my school. But Blaine doesn't have to know that, yet.
"You just keep surprising me," Blaine says, looking at me with wonder clear on his expression. I laugh as I remember exactly why I was on the football team.
"I was the kicker for one game and it was the only game we won that season," I say between laughs. My laughter immediately dies in my throat when Blaine grabs my waist and pulls me into him. I flush as I remember that Blaine wasn't wearing a shirt, which I really couldn't forget, but it's different seeing shirtless Blaine and feeling shirtless Blaine.
"So not only were you a cheerleader, you were also on the football team?" He practically growls. I smirk and lean down to kiss him, teasing him by only lightly brushing my lips against his own.
"Maybe one day I'll show you a move or two," I murmur. Blaine groans as I continue to deny him a deeper kiss.
"Come on, we need to leave soon so you aren't late," I pull away, laughing. Blaine glares at me, which only causes me to laugh harder. I just wink as I walk towards the bathroom, swaying my hips only slightly more than I need to.
I quickly style my hair, keeping it relatively simple. When I get out, Blaine has dressed in a black and white tee shirt, and is struggling to decide which bow tie he should wear. I walk behind him and grab them, holding each one up to his neck and quickly decide on the red and black one.
"Let me?" I ask, holding the tie in my hand. Blaine smiles and lets me fix his bowtie for him. I smile at the domesticality of the action, but can't help but think that it feels right. It feels right to pick out a bow tie for Blaine, it feels right to tie it for him before I send him on his way.
I hope that I can continue to do that in the future.
"You ready?" Blaine asks as I finish. I smile and straighten the tie before I nod.
"I can't wait to see your studio," I admit. Blaine laughs and grabs my hand, bringing it up to his lips to kiss my knuckles.
"Yes, yes. We both know your fanboy is showing," Blaine winks at me and I just stick my tongue out at him. Blaine laughs and we head towards the elevator together.
Richard is waiting down at the door this time. He smiles as he sees Blaine and I walking towards him.
"Mr. Anderson, Mr. Hummel, are you ready to leave?" He asks. Blaine groans and looks at the older man.
"How many times do I have to tell you to call me Blaine, Richard?" Blaine asks. Richard just smiles unapologetically and leads us to the car. He holds open the door for both of us, and we head into the car.
"So, are you going to let me hear the new song you are recording? Is it the one I helped you with?" I ask as we start moving. Blaine grins.
"I finished recording that the day you flew out. This is the last song of the album I'm recording today," he explains.
"You didn't answer my first question though. Are you going to let me hear it?" I plead, pouting my lip a little. Blaine surprises me by leaning over and kissing me, gently biting my lower lip.
"Probably not, no." He teases me.
"Please?" I ask, giving him my famous Kurt Hummel puppy dog eyes. Blaine groans when he sees them, and I mentally cheer. They've never failed me before, which I guess is a reason I'm a little spoiled.
"Maybe later? I don't want to show you until we have it all finished," Blaine says. I figure that is the best I'm going to get, and smile. I quickly peck his lips in response, and when I pull away Blaine is grinning practically ear to ear.
We sit there in silence pretty much the rest of the drive. But it's a comfortable silence, as I've put my head on his shoulder and snuggle close to him, the seat belts a little awkward but I honestly don't care.
We arrive at Blaine's studio pretty quick, which I guess is a reason why Blaine lives where he does. I'm sure it makes the commute pretty easy. Blaine leads me in, and I look around the building in awe. He grabs my hand and leads me through the building with the ease you get from being there often.
He tells me stories of different people he's met here, different artist that I never realized recorded their albums here.
"And this is where people get paid the big bucks to make me sound good," Blaine leads me into a sound booth. He grins as we enter, his words causing a guy who can't be more than probably mid twenties to look up. He laughs as he hears what Blaine says.
"They couldn't pay me enough to make you sound good. I'm not that much of a miracle worker," he remarks. Blaine and him laugh easily together, while I smile.
"You must be Kurt. My name is Reggie. Like he said, I'm the one responsible for making him sound good," he introduces himself. I look at Blaine, unable to stop myself from teasing him.
"How many people did you tell about me? Everybody you introduce me to has had that same reaction?" I ask. Reggie laughs as Blaine blushes, which causes me to bite back a groan, because he looks hot blushing.
"Shut up, Kurt," Blaine remarks. I laugh along with Reggie.
"I like this one, Blaine," he says. Now it's my turn to blush, until we are both just sitting there blushing together.
"Blaine, good to see you bud. So as you know, you are recording your last song for the album today. Then, you'll have the holidays all to yourself as we cut tracks together. You ready to start?" A man in a suit walks in. Blaine turns to him and acts all business and professional, which just causes me to stare and try not to get turned on.
"Yes, sir. I am," Blaine states. The man grins and rubs his hands together.
"Alright, I leave him in your very capable hands, Reggie," he leaves the room as quickly as he appeared. Blaine then goes into the recording studio and follows Reggie's instructions.
I watch him sing, but don't hear anything as the sounds just go straight to Reggie's headphones. Blaine records the same part at least ten times before Reggie lets him go to the next verse. Eventually, after a couple hours straight, Reggie lets Blaine take a break. I comes out of the studio and I hand him a water bottle. I looks at me gratefully before gulping half of it in one go.
"Take a quick break, Blaine. I'm going to head to the bathroom real quick and then we will continue," Reggie says.
"Alright, thanks Reg," Blaine responds. I watch as he leaves and turn towards Blaine.
"So, are you at least going to let me know what the song is about?" I ask, the fanboy in me wanting something to know. Blaine smirks, shaking his head.
"I don't think so. You'll just have to wait until I finish," Blaine says. I narrow my eyes before putting on my best seductive face. I don't really know what I'm doing, after all I have all the sexual appeal of a baby penguin. But thankfully, Blaine seems to think I'm being seductive.
"And there's no way I can get it out of you?" I ask, my voice lower than normal, but still higher than most guys. Blaine shakes his head, visibly swallowing as I step closer to him.
"Nope. It's a surprise," Blaine whispers.
"Oh, really? Not even if I do this?" I kiss his lips lightly before trailing my kisses up his jaw, sucking lightly on a spot behind his ear. His moan gives me confidence, and when I lightly lick the spot I'm sucking on, Blaine groans. I smirk against his skin as I trail my hands on his body.
"So what's it about?" I ask. Blaine shakes his head, not saying a word. I go back to teasing him, enjoying the feeling of power in my veins as I reduce this confident pop star to putty in my hands. I even get bold enough to run my fingers around his inner thighs, going high but not high enough.
"Kurt, you are such a fucking tease," Blaine moans. I smile as he leans his head back, exposing more of his throat for me to kiss.
"What's your song about?" I ask, sucking hard on one particular spot near his collarbone.
"How we met. Please, Kurt, you have to stop. Reggie will be back soon," Blaine moans. I smirk against his skin, and lightly trail my fingers over the bulge in his pants. Blaine groans and I kiss him hard, pushing my body up against his. Our tongues dance with each other and neither of us hear Reggie come back into the room, too absorbed in each other.
"Alright, stop sucking face and get back in the studio, Blaine. We have a song to record," Reggie interrupts us. We jump apart, but not too far apart.
Sometimes, skinny jeans suck because they make it way too obvious that you're aroused. Somehow, we manage to maneuver ourselves in a way that isn't too obvious that Reggie asks embarrassing questions.
Blaine records for most of the day, and I stay there with him. While some might say that sitting around watching Blaine record might be boring, to me it's not. I watch his facial expressions, knowing which ones mean he's hitting high notes, which ones mean he's drawing out notes, which ones means he's singing softly. He creates a story with his expressions, and I like trying to figure out how his song goes without hearing any music or notes.
After a while, Reggie finally gets everything he needed to get from Blaine. He quickly collapses into the couch I'm sitting on, exhaustion clear in his body. He stretches out, placing his head in my lap. I smile as I play with the curls that have escaped his gel, stroking his hair as we wait for Reggie to put together a preliminary track.
When I hear it, I can't help but smile. The emotions that Blaine shares perfectly capture my own experience. The confusion about why this boy would be interested in me, the excitement that comes with a new experience. All this and more was explained in Blaine's song, and I think that this will become one of the fans favorites.
"I love it," I tell Blaine. He smiles tiredly from my lap, and I gently stroke his cheek.
"Come on. How about you take a hot bath and I can take over your kitchen and cook us something to eat? We haven't eaten all day and it's nearly six," I suggest. Blaine groans and his eyes close momentarily.
"That sounds perfect," he says. I smile and we stand up. I grab his hand after he hugs Reggie goodbye.
"It was nice meeting you, Reggie," I say. He smiles and tells me likewise, and before long, Blaine and I are in his apartment once again.
My suggestion is quickly followed as Blaine takes a bath while I look around at what ingredients Blaine has, trying to figure out something to make. I end up seeing some leftover chicken he had, and cook a chicken and rice dish that was quick and easy to make.
My phone rings as I start cooking the chicken, and I smile when I see the caller ID.
"Hey, Rachel. What's up?" I answer.
"Hey, Kurt! How's New York?"  Rachel immediately asks, the jealousy in her voice clear, but at the same time she's curious.
"It's really cold. But besides that I'm having so much fun. Yesterday, Blaine took me to see the Empire State Building, the Statue of Liberty, Central Park. We even went to Times Square and walked down Broadway. God I can't wait to live here, Rachel," I gush. Rachel laughs, and I'm glad to hear the jealousy isn't in her voice.
"I know. And we will be at NYADA becoming stars and getting famous on Broadway together. I can't wait either," Rachel's voice has taken a dreamy quality from talking about college that I know my voice takes as well.
"Blaine apparently bought tickets to a Broadway show on our last full day together," I tell her. Rachel squeals, and I laugh.
"Which one?" She demands.
"He won't tell. No matter what I do," I grumble, thinking back to all the pleading I've been doing. I blush when I think about what would happen if I tried to convince him like I did at the studio today. Would that work? It worked pretty well when I convinced him to tell me about his song today.
"So how is lover boy anyways?" Rachel snaps me out of my thoughts.
"Good. We just got back from his studio. He was recording the last song for his new album all day today so he's exhausted. I'm cooking us dinner right now while he takes a bath," I tell her.
"You two are sharing the same apartment together, right? All alone?" Rachel asks.
"Yes, we are," I inform her, already knowing where this is going. But before she asks the inevitable, she suddenly gasps.
"Kurt! Turn the tv to channel 263!" Rachel suddenly demands. I head to the living room after putting the rice on, setting a timer for five minutes. I turn on the channel and am instantly greeted by a celebrity talk show.
"Rachel, you know I don't watch these shows," I complain about to turn the tv off when I suddenly see a picture of me and Blaine outside his studio today.
"That's right, folks! Blaine Anderson's Ohio Mystery Man has visited the big apple! Here, they are seen together outside of Anderson's recording studio, where sources say Anderson was recording his latest single for his next album. And it seems that Mystery Man is returning the favor of visiting Anderson, as the later seems to be always visiting Ohio for him. It raises even more questions about Anderson's extremely stylish Mystery Man, as he's seen wearing the latest Marc Jacobs apparel. Who is this Mystery Man, and will we see him at the Grammy's alongside Anderson? Stay tuned," the female announcer says. I blush as they talk about me, and Rachel rambles about it in my ear.
"I guess I should get used to it," I remark. This shuts her up pretty fast.
"What do you mean by that?" She asks.
"Well, you know how Blaine was nominated for the Grammy's? Well, we are planning on coming out as a couple then," I tell her. I rip the phone away from my ear as she screams.
"Kurt, oh my gosh this is huge! I'm so incredibly jealous of you right now," Rachel screams. I laugh at her antics, and hear the timer for the rice go off.
"I got to go, Rachel. I'll talk to you later though," I tell her. Rachel agrees, and hangs up quickly. I grin at her antics, before heading back into the kitchen. I put the chicken and rice on two separate plates, putting both of them out on the table. I pour water for both of us, and then light a couple candles I found. I smile at the scene in front of me, and then head to tell Blaine that dinner is ready.
He comes out a couple minutes later, his hair free of gel and curls damp to the touch. He's just in a pair of old sweats and a tee shirt with Dalton's logo on it. I smile as I see it, and lead him to the kitchen. He looks at the scene in front of me and hugs me.
"Oh my god you are perfect," he murmurs in my ear. I smile and lead him to the table.
"Then sit down and eat the food your perfect boyfriend made for you," I say cheekily. Blaine laughs but eagerly digs in.  He compliments me on the dinner, and I blush and try to shrug it off, saying that I'm better at baking than cooking.
"I remember. I still have dreams about that cherry pie," Blaine jokes. I laugh at him.
"If you liked that, I should make you my mom's chocolate chip cookies. We made those every Sunday together," I smile at the memory, even though talking about my mom is still a little painful for me. It probably always will. Blaine reaches over and grabs my hand.
"She sounds like an amazing person," he says. I smile sadly.
"She was," I tell him.
"You miss her, don't you?" He asks.
"I'll always miss her. I know I have Carole now, and I love her, I really do. So does my dad. But, my mom was different. She's someone who nobody could ever replace, and I'm glad Carole never tried to," I explain, trying not to sound like a dick.
"I understand," Blaine says. And thankfully, he doesn't press me for any more, because if I continued to talk about my mom, I'd probably cry and I really don't feel like crying right now. We move on to happier topics, and continue eating.
When we finish, Blaine makes me sit and cleans the dishes. I watch him move with a huge smile on my face, unable to tear my eyes away from him. He's just so mesmerizing to watch. He finishes quickly, and together, we get ready for bed.
We kiss goodnight, and I know I could quickly get used to this. Falling asleep next to Blaine is easy, what will be hard, will be leaving him once the holidays are over. I manage to push those thoughts away for now, figuring I'm going to enjoy these next two weeks of bliss before having to face the harsh realities of real life once again.

It might have some grammar problems, which I will go back and fix later. I'm finishing this at about midnight, since this is the only chance I've had all day to work on it. But I would have felt guilty if I didn't post today! Thanks for reading, and please vote? Also, tell me what you think so far? I love hearing back from the people who read my stories, even if it only is one person :)

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