Thirty Two

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I wake up the next morning with my face buried in Blaine's neck, his arms surrounding me and the warmth from the blankets and our body heat just this side of uncomfortable. All in all, it's the best way to wake up. Slowly, I pull away so I can look up at his face, smiling as I watch his eyelids flutter in his sleep. His lips are twitching so slightly it wouldn't have been noticed if I wasn't inches away from him. I lay my head back on his chest and close my eyes, sighing contently when he tightens his grip around me unconsciously. I could stay here forever.

"Kurt!" Rachel hisses from the door. I jump in fright, causing Blaine to wake up and rub his eyes groggily.

"What's going on?" He mumbles almost unintelligibly. I glare at Rachel, who's standing in the doorway still.

"Oops, sorry Blaine. Kurt, come on. We said we were going to go see NYADA today," Rachel says at her full, annoying volume.

"And this couldn't have waited until I got out of bed?" I snap, a little angry at her for ruining my moment of bliss.

"Let's go, Kurt. We can't deprive NYADA of our presence any longer," she practically sings, turning and leaving the door open on her way down the hallway. I groan and look down at Blaine.

"Regretting the decision to let us all stay here yet?" I ask. Blaine chuckles, running a hand through his curls which are even more unruly than normal from sleep.

"I will never regret having you here," he says. I laugh and kiss his forehead before getting out of the covers.

"Way to avoid the question," I call back over my shoulder before I start the shower. I don't have to wait long before the water warms, and I quickly hop in and let the steam surround me.

An hour later, which was filled with multiple Rachel Berry poorly concealed exasperations, both me and her are walking through the streets of New York City. Okay, we are riding the subway underneath the streets of New York City to be honest, but it's the thought that counts, right?

"Kurt, I can't believe we will be here next year!" Rachel squeals for the umpteenth time this day, holding onto my arm in a death grip. However, despite all that, I still feel my stomach bubbling with excitement at the prospect of being here with my best friend. The subway lines are a little difficult to navigate, coming from Ohio and never having to worry about them, but somehow we manage to get to the stop we need to go without getting terribly lost.

"Rachel, the map says turn right here, just trust me okay?" I tell her, looking down at my phone which is pulling up directions to NYADA's campus. She elbows me in the side, causing me to wince.

"Enough with the sass, Kurt. I'm excited," she retorts. I bite back my remark about her excitement seeming more like nerves, but I don't want to fight with her this week. I instead just roll my eyes and let her grab onto my arm as we walk towards the college of our dreams.

And when we see it for the first time, both of us can't help but hold back a gasp of shock. It was beautiful. Several tall buildings, though not nearly as tall as some of the surrounding skyscrapers in the city, make up the currently visible part of the campus. A sign is in front of the nearest building, the words New York Academy of the Dramatic Arts practically gleaming at us on the concrete. Students rush about, oblivious to the surroundings as they walk around the campus.

"Let's go!" Rachel pulls me out of my stupor, dragging me towards the college. I quickly pull her back to a normal pace, and we walk past that sign and walk around the campus in awe. I try to keep my observations from being too obvious, not wanting to seem like the outsiders that we actually are.

"Can you imagine it, Kurt? We are going to be here next year, together. Look, we can get coffee at that cafe right there! Oh, and we can study on our musical theatre classes under that oak tree because we all know we can't be out in the sun otherwise you'd burn to a crisp," Rachel rambles, causing me to laugh. However, despite all the excitement at seeing the campus for the first time, nerves start to creep in as I watch several students in the distance, laughing at something one of them said.

Love and Fame: A Klaine StoryWhere stories live. Discover now