Chapter Fourteen

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Warnings for oral sex at the end. Also, pretty sure Good Morning New York is a made up station in my mind, but if it's real I don't own it 😂

I wake up to an empty bed for the first time this week. I vaguely remember Blaine getting up, kissing me goodbye before he went to his morning interview. He said that he was being interviewed by Good Morning New York and had to be out of the apartment by five to be at hair and makeup in time.
I yawn as I look around, realizing that this is the first time I've been alone in Blaine's apartment since I've been here. I smile at the silence, welcoming the chance to get a little bit of alone time. Don't get me wrong, I love spending time with Blaine, and because we don't see each other often, I love squeezing every moment I have with him. But, I guess it's nice just to have a morning alone.
And this way, I get to watch Blaine's interview. I will gladly take the jokes about being a fanboy from Blaine later when I bring it up to him.
I get up, heading straight for the kitchen, where I put on a cup of coffee. I turn on the tv to the channel Blaine will eventually be on, knowing that it won't start for at least thirty more minutes. I send Blaine a quick good morning text as the coffee is brewing.
Good morning, sexy. Blaine responds. I laugh a little at his enthusiastic response, no longer feeling very awkward around him when he's like this.
I missed waking up in your arms. I send back. Blaine takes a moment to respond, but he does so in his usual fashion.
I missed kissing you good morning. I pour myself some coffee before walking into the living room, putting my feet up on the edge of the couch as the tv drones about the weather.
Well at least I didn't have to worry about my morning breath this morning. I smile as I text him, feeling content with a blanket and a cup of coffee on my lap. I can just imagine the winter days next year with Blaine, curled up next to each other. He can be watching some kind of sport while I read Vogue, or we could be watching a movie. Probably Harry Potter knowing his obsession.
You know I don't care about that. I just want to kiss you whenever I want. Blaine responds.
How much longer until your interview? I wanna watch. I change the subject from my embarrassing morning breath. I might have gotten used to letting Blaine see my bed head, but my morning breath could kill small animals, and even though he states he doesn't care I still protest against kissing until we have brushed our teeth.
8:00. Why do you wanna watch though? You know that they just ask about the album and I sing a song. Although lately all my interviews don't end without at least one question about my Mystery Man. Blaine always gets asked anymore about who I am. And he always just says that we are trying to stay out of public attention for the time being. But now that we are planning to go to the Grammy's together, I wonder how the public will react to not knowing anything about me.
You know, if you wanted to, you could talk about me. I know you really want to brag about your incredible boyfriend. Just don't give away my address and social security number ;) I text. Blaine doesn't respond, but instead he ends up calling me.
"Hey," I say, a little confused why he's calling me instead of continuing to text.
"I just realized that I don't know why I'm texting you when it's actually easier to talk," Blaine laughs. I laugh along and can't help but roll my eyes at his adorableness.
"You're adorable," I can't help but say.
"Not as adorable as you," Blaine responds quickly. I smile at the ease he says it with, even though Blaine claims to suck at words. I usually just tell him that he has to use words to sing and he tells me to shut up when I do.
"But back to your last text, are you sure? Because as much as I want to brag about how hot my boyfriend is, I wasn't sure what you wanted me to reveal to the public," Blaine says.
"Well obviously keep my personal information to yourself. Everybody already knows that I'm from Ohio, but I trust you to keep my information private. It's just, we will be coming out at the Grammy's together and I figured that it might be easier to ease into it than just get slammed all at once when we are there," I explain my reasoning the best I can.
"The fanboys and girls are going to go crazy with this new info, you know," Blaine teases. I laugh.
"Oh, I know. From a fan perspective, learning about your music is cool. But hearing you gush about your love life is what really gets those fanfictions going," I explain. Blaine laughs.
"I try to stay away from that part of the Internet but from what I've seen it's pretty intense," he tells me. I blush as I remember my guilty secret of that one fanfiction of Blaine that I created a year ago. If things go my way, he will never have to learn about that...
"Kurt, they are calling me to stage. I'll call you when I'm finished," Blaine states.
"Alright. See you on tv in a few minutes," I grin. Blaine chuckles and says a quick goodbye before hanging up. I take a sip of coffee as I see the hostess introduce Blaine. The people who are actually at the studio cheer as one of Blaine's songs comes on. I watch him come out, waving at all the cheering fans.
He was wearing a pair of black skinny jeans, paired with a white sweater. Under the sweater, he had on a red collared shirt, the collar layered over the sweater. He finished the look with a off white hat, his curls ungelled. I bite my lower lip as I look at how hot he was in that outfit, knowing that I can kiss him later.
"Welcome, Blaine! It's good to see you," the hostess, a woman I really didn't know, says as she and Blaine sit on a couch.
"Thanks. It's great to be here," he grins, crossing his legs over one another.
"So we hear that you have a new album coming out soon. Can you give us any exclusives?" The hostess asks. The fans cheer briefly, and Blaine laughs as he looks at them.
"It's going to be dropping before the Grammy's in January. The specific date is January 17th, and I can't wait for it to come out. Recording it was a blast, and I just finished this week," Blaine explains. The crowd cheers again at the news, and both Blaine and the hostess wait for them to die down before continuing to talk. They discuss the most recent tour, and then the subject finally comes up.
"Speaking of your tour, you went back home to Ohio, didn't you?"  She asks. Blaine smiles, probably knowing where this is going.
"Yup! It ended up being the second to last stop," he says.
"It's also where the first picture of you and your Mystery Man surfaced. Ever since then, you've been spotted returning to Ohio more than usual. The most recent picture here is of you and your man outside your studio yesterday. Care to comment at all?" As she speaks, pictures of Blaine and I fill the screen. The first one was the one of me and Blaine hugging after his concert, the second one when he visited for my Sectionals, another one of Blaine and I saying goodbye at the airport after Thanksgiving, and finally, me and him holding hands and heading into his studio. Blaine smiles, and I can't help but mentally squeal at how cute he looks.
"Yeah, that's my boyfriend," he says. The crowd explodes at that statement, cheering loudly as Blaine laughs. The hostess manages to calm him down, and quickly starts asking questions, knowing that she is the first interviewer to get an exclusive about Blaine Anderson's Mystery Man.
"You and him have exploded in your fans eyes. People dub him your Ohioan Mystery Man, seeing as nobody seems to know about him. What's he like? What did you first notice about him?"  She asks. Blaine laughs.
"Well, I obviously noticed his looks first. I think we can all agree that my boyfriend is pretty hot, right?" Blaine has to break off because of the cheering of the crowd. I blush as I hear lots of agreement, and even the interviewer is nodding.
"Anyways, what first drew me to him was his voice. When he spoke for the first time, I swear I got chills. Not to mention how he sounds when he sings," Blaine gushes. I blush at his words, watching him smile as he talks about me.
"He's a singer? Does he want to produce music like you do?"  She asks.
"He doesn't want to get into the recording side of it. He knows I mean it in the nicest way when I say he's a bit of a diva," he chuckles and I burst out laughing, knowing he's remembering the words I spoke to him when I told him I liked the spotlight.
"But his dream is to eventually get on Broadway. And I have no doubts that he'll get there," Blaine continues.
"Well, the best of luck to him, and to you as well. We are going to take a commercial break, and when we come back, Blaine is going to sing his hit single! Stay tuned!" The hostess says to the camera. I watch as the tv turns back to commercial, and busy myself with looking around his kitchen during the commercials.
I return to watch Blaine sing, and he performs flawlessly. He finishes his song and the hostess bids him away. It's a couple minutes until he calls me, and I eagerly answer.
"You better get here quickly, because I need to kiss you for everything you said about me," I tell him. Blaine laughs.
"Well, I have to go to a meeting with my producers unfortunately. So you'll have to hold out on those kisses for now. I meant every word you know," Blaine says softly. I smile at his words.
"I know. And I guess I'll see you after your meeting," I tell him. Blaine agrees, and has to hang up because his manager calls him.
After a quick glance around the kitchen, I change into some different clothes, throwing my hair in a simple hair style. I grab the spare elevator keys that Blaine left me, and head down to the lobby of the building.
"Excuse me, I'm sure you don't remember me-"
"Of course I remember you. I don't forget Blaine's visitors, and you seem to be the one he cares about the most. Anyways, what can I do for you?" The doorman interrupts me. I blush slightly at his words, but continue my mission.
"I don't suppose you can direct me to the nearest grocery store?" I ask. He laughs, and then directs me to a store. I thank him as I head to gather to ingredients to my mother's chocolate chip cookies, feeling in the baking kind of mood after Blaine's interview.
A couple hours later, I'm pulling the latest batch of cookies out of the oven when I hear the elevator ding, signaling someone just arrived.
"Kurt?" Blaine calls.
"In the kitchen," I yell back, putting the cookies on the cooling rack. I look up as he walks in, watching Blaine look around the kitchen at the cookies lining the tables.
"You decided to make cookies?" He asks, even though he knows the answer is obviously yes.
"I felt like baking. And after last night, I figured I'd make my mom's cookies," I explain. I look up as a woman walks in. She smiles easily at me, and I watch as she stops next to Blaine.
"It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Kurt. I'm Julia, but everybody calls me Julie," she introduces herself.
"It's nice to meet you too. Would you like a cookie?" I gesture to the tables surrounding us. She laughs and accepts one, and Blaine eagerly grabs one as well. I watch their reactions, anticipating their first bite. I laugh as they both compliment me.
"You are an incredible baker, Kurt," Julie says. I laugh and accept the statement.
"Thank you, but my mother deserves all the credit. This is her recipe," I explain. Blaine smiles and I laugh as he quickly eats the cookie, unable to not compare him to a little kid.
"Anyways, as I'm sure you know, the Grammy's are going to be here soon. And I'm here to take both of you to get a suit and get it tailored. I'm sure you already have a suit in that pretty remarkable wardrobe you have, Kurt, but the Grammy's are a little bit different than a high school prom," Julie says.
"I guess you're right. But I don't have a lot of money to get a suit tailored," I say. She just smiles.
"Don't worry about that. It's on the label, after all, their star was nominated," she pats Blaine on the shoulder and he just blushes.
"Then I guess I'm ready," I say. Blaine grins and grabs my hand, and we follow Julie to the car.
Richard drives us to an expensive looking store, which is full of different suits and tuxedos. Julie takes us directly towards the tuxedo section, and I look around in absolute heaven. I quickly rush through the store, pulling out several different jackets and trying to decide what color would look best on me next to Blaine.
After several looks, I decide on a dark, midnight blue jacket. I pair it with a white button up shirt, and a dark blue tie that matches the jacket color. Blaine looks at me hungrily as I come out of the dressing room, getting both his and Julie's approval.
Blaine eventually walks out of the dressing room dressed in a charcoal grey tuxedo, complete with a matching grey bow tie. He wears a white collared shirt under the jacket, and I look him up and down, appreciating the way it looks on his body.
Fuck, he looks way too hot in that.
"Are those your final choices?" The store owner asks. We both nod, and he directs us towards a stand. He measures both of our outfits quickly before saying he will finish tailoring them in several weeks.
"That's fine. I'll pick it up for you, Kurt, and keep it for you before you fly out the day before the Grammy's," Blaine tells me. I agree, and Julie gets a ticket for both suits. The owner promises we can pay after the suits have finished being tailored, and sends us on our way.
Richard drops off Julie, and then takes both Blaine and me back to his apartment. We head up hand in hand, and I notice the mess the kitchen is still in. I can't believe I forgot to clean up.
Blaine and I have fun with each other cleaning up the kitchen, laughing and singing as we clean.
"You wanna just order Chinese? We can watch a movie while we eat," Blaine suggests. I gladly agree, letting him order the food as I pick out a movie.
I pull out Moulin Rouge, wanting to watch something that wasn't Disney or Harry Potter, which seemed to be most of Blaine's collection. It also was my favorite movie, which was another reason. Luckily, Blaine agreed, stating it was one of his favorite movies as well.
The food arrives and we settle down together, eating and watching. When the scene with Come What May comes on, I can't help but sing softly along, smiling when Blaine sings along with me.
"I've always wanted to sing that song to my husband at my wedding," I admit once the song is over. Blaine smiles, and pulls me closer to him. He doesn't say anything, and I can't help myself from thinking about my wedding. I've thought about it a thousand times, planning an imaginary wedding with an imaginary groom. But for the first time, the groom has a face, the groom has a name. And it's Blaine. I imagine singing Come What May with him in front of our friends and family. I imagine marrying him, and it scares me how much I want it. I want to marry Blaine, and that scares me a little, especially seeing as I don't know if he feels the same way I do right now.
The movie finishes, and we both gather the trash, heading for the bed. I smile as I finish changing into sweats and one of Blaine's shirts.
"You know, I just realized I never kissed you for your interview this morning," I say, walking behind Blaine and resting my head on his shoulder. I kiss his neck, nuzzling my nose into the skin as I smell that distinct scent that is just him.
"Nothing's stopping you now," Blaine whispers. I smile and he turns around. I place a hand on his cheek and kiss him gently at first. But the kisses quickly become more and more needy, and we end up falling onto the bed together, with me on top of Blaine. I continue kissing him, straddling his hips. I move my kisses down his jawline, latching onto a spot on his collarbone and sucking. Blaine places his hands on my hips and I hear him groan when I lightly bite the spot I was sucking on. I smooth my tongue over the spot, grinning as I hear him moan. Blaine's hands travel up my back underneath the shirt, and I lean back, letting him take the shirt off of me. I make quick work of Blaine's own shirt, running my hands over his tanned chest.
"God, Kurt. You're killing me here," Blaine whimpers as I run my hands over his hard nipples. I smile, leaning down to kiss his lips once again.
"I wanna try something," I whisper. Blaine nods, not knowing what I wanted to try but still looking eager. I almost laugh, even though I'm a little nervous. Even though I've held him, I've never actually seen his dick, and for what I want to do, I'd be getting up close and personal.
"Tell me if I do something wrong, or if you don't like it, okay?" I ask, making him promise.
"Of course, Kurt," he whispers, smiling up at me. I kiss him gently before trailing kisses down his body, paying attention to his nipples before continuing my way down his body. I reach the edge of his sweatpants, looking up at him. Blaine is staring at me with wide eyes, his pupils dilated so much they practically take over his honey hazel eyes I love so much.
"Can I take them off?" I ask. Blaine swallows before nodding, unable to say anything. I slowly ease him out of his pants, taking his briefs along with the sweatpants as well. He kicks them off and out of the way, and I pause as I look at him.
He's different from my own, which I expected. Not like a huge difference, it wasn't like he was abnormally thick or anything. And it's not like I'm comparing my dick with his, I'm not that creepy or self centered. God, I'm so nervous I'm even rambling in my thoughts.
Hesitantly, I grip the base of his dick in my hand. Blaine groans loudly, and I lick slowly from the base to the head, encouraged by the loud moan Blaine lets out. When I suck gently on the head, I have to hold Blaine's hips from thrusting.
"Fuck, Kurt," Blaine cries. I suck a little harder, letting a little more of him in my mouth. I don't go too deep, not wanting to gag and ruin this. I can't help but look up at Blaine, wanting to see him. His head is tipped back in pleasure, his mouth open and eyes shut tight. His entire body is so stiff, his hands twisted in the sheets next to them. I suck hard once, loving the groan that Blaine lets loose.
All the sounds escaping Blaine turn me on to no end, and my own neglected dick throbs in an almost painful pleasure. Even so, I ignore it and focus on Blaine, strangely loving the power I feel giving him pleasure.
"Kurt. I'm close. Oh god," Blaine lets go of the sheets with one hand and instead I feel it on the back of my head, gripping the hair there. He gently pulls me up so only the head is in my mouth, and I let my tongue stroke under the head, hearing his broken moan.
"Kurt, please," Blaine begs, which makes me moan and I suck as hard as I can over and over, wanting to experience Blaine finishing in my mouth. I don't have to wait long before he cums with a shout of my name, which causes me to feel a strange sense of pride. I swallow around him, not used to the slightly bitter taste and strange texture of his cum. However, I still suck him through his orgasm, stopping only when he finishes and letting his dick slide limply from my mouth. I crawl up Blaine's body to watch him as he lays there panting.
"Oh my god, Kurt. You are way too good at that for someone who's never done it before," Blaine finally says, making me blush. That seems weird considering I literally just had his dick in my mouth. Blaine groans and switches our positions, and I moan when his thigh comes in contact with my own hardness.
"You have to let me return the favor," Blaine whispers, looking down at me. I nod, trying not to seem too eager.
"Fuck yes," Blaine whispers, leaning down and kissing me hard despite the fact that he just came in my mouth. He practically bruises my lips with the force of his kiss, but I couldn't care less.
Blaine's hands travel down and trace my chest, running over my nipples much like I did to him. I moan as I thrust my hips up against him, trying to gain a little bit of friction because I'm so hard it's starting to actually hurt.
"Blaine, please," I whimper. Finally, his hands reach my pants and he rips them off. I start to laugh at his eagerness but it dies in my throat the minute he takes my dick in his hands.
"Oh, God, Blaine," I tilt my head back in pure pleasure as he strokes me. My hips try to thrust up into his fist, but he holds them down with an iron grip.
"God Kurt, you're beautiful," he whispers. I try to thrust against his fist again, as he's not moving it and instead just staring at me. Instead of moving his hand, he slowly moves down my body.
"Blaine, as much as I love the compliments and everything, if you don't move your hand soon or do something, I'm going to scream," I say breathlessly. Blaine chuckles.
"Bossy, bossy," he says. I whimper because his breath washes over my extremely sensitive dick and then I actually do scream as Blaine takes me into his mouth.
"Oh, God, Blaine," I hear myself say. What I say next is unintelligible even to me as I lose myself in the feeling of Blaine's mouth moving up and down.
"Blaine, fuck," I tug on his hair a little harder than I meant, but Blaine just moans around my dick at the action. That's all it takes for me to reach my high, coming so hard I swear is see the cliche stars.
Blaine kisses me gently, and I vaguely taste myself on his lips as I slowly recover. He pulls away and lays down besides me, his face in the crook of my neck and our legs tangled together. I don't even care how messy we are as Blaine pulls the covers over us, my eyes already closing in blissful sleep.

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