Chapter Twenty Nine

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Time has a funny way of going from passing quickly to dragging on. It seems like everytime Blaine is able to visit, someone sets the clock to go by twice as fast, and when he's not around, it goes twice as slow. The days trudge on, days slowly passing into weeks. Blaine wasn't joking, he was as busy as he'd always been, doing interviews and promos and eventually dropping the news that he would be doing another twenty city tour over the summer.

But eventually, the next time I'm looking at the calendar, it's not because of an impending Blaine visit. The date circled in red sharpie instead marks audition day. Two weeks. Two weeks until the most important day of my life. Rachel and I had been practicing practically nonstop together, having settled on our song choices a month ago. She was going to do Barbra Streisand's Don't Rain On My Parade of course, while I'm still going back and forth between Phantom of the Opera and Not The Boy Next Door. Rachel and Blaine both agree that Phantom would be the safe choice, but I can't help but think that safe is not who I am.

My thoughts are interrupted by the familiar ringtone from my computer. I smile when I see Blaine's Skype username requesting a call, which I eagerly accept. I smile wider when I see his face in front of me, a little bit of a five o'clock shadow on his cheeks, revealing his tiredness.

"Hey," I say. Blaine sighs, smiling at me and resting his cheek on his hand.

"Hey you. What's up?" He asks, his voice a little deeper from what I know must be exhaustion. I feel sorry for him for a minutes, wishing they would let him take a little but of a break. Can't they see how tired he is?

"Just freaking out about NYADA auditions in two weeks. You know, the usual," I shrug, trying to be funny while stress begins to rise up inside my stomach at how fucking close I am to reaching my dreams. And if I fail at this audition, I'm terrified I'll never reach New York.

"You will do amazing, Kurt. You can sing your audition song in your sleep by now, I promise," Blaine is quick to reassure me. I smile at his efforts, knowing I won't fully relax until after I'm holding my acceptance letter in my hand.

"What about you? You look like they are running you ragged," I remark. Blaine chuckles, which is broken off by a yawn.

"Ever since I came back after Valentine's Day, I swear the label has had me doing something every day. And they want another song done by the end of the month, they need promos done for the tour, they are still getting calls to do interviews with me about the Grammys and the injury. I swear, I want to get surgery on my other eye just to get a break," Blaine groans. I sigh and wish I could do something to help.

"I'm sorry B. But hey, at least you have next weekend to get a break, right? And believe me, I think I'm going to really need you to help me calm down. I mean, if you think I'm bad, you should also see Rachel. She's kind of going crazy," I remark, laughing a little. Blaine doesn't perk up at the mention of his impending visit, instead he looks even more dejected. My heart sinks before he even tells me the bad news.

"I think I'm going to have to cancel, Kurt. The label has me doing an interview that weekend," he says.

"But, don't they know you were planning on coming out that weekend?" I ask, unable to keep my disappointment out of my voice.

"Believe me, I was livid when they said that I had to cancel. But they told me that you can't reschedule Jimmy Fallon," Blaine tells me. I sigh, already mentally canceling all the plans I had.

"Okay," I say.

"Kurt, honey, you know that I would much rather be with you, right? I'd tell Fallon to suck it if I didn't think the label would drop me immediately after I set. Foot back in New York," Blaine murmurs. I laugh slightly, a sad smile staying on my face as I look up at him.

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