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"Kurt! Hurry up! I'm sure your hair looks perfect," I hear Blaine yell at me from the living room. I sigh, looking at my hair with a discerning eye in the mirror of our bedroom. God, our. It still feels weird, although it has only been a month since I officially moved in.

"Kurt, I'm serious, you look incredible but if we don't move now we will be late and then Michael will seriously kill me," Blaine's voice sounds from right behind me suddenly and I jump in fright, not having heard him enter the bedroom. (Our bedroom. His and my bedroom.)

"Okay, I'm coming. Besides, you say that like he wouldn't kill me too," I grumble, letting him grab my hand and drag us to the elevator.

"Please, we both know Michael could never hate you. He adores you," Blaine states, making me laugh and lean down to peck his cheek. "I mean, you are the star of his show," he continues.

"Pretty sure Abigail would argue with that. As much as I love her, I swear that woman could give Rachel Berry a run for her money," I state, looking down at my phone and texting Michael that we are on our way.

Blaine grabs my hand as soon as the doors to the elevator open, and I almost groan when I see the reporters crowding outside. As soon as we move into sight, the cameras begin with their usual blinding flashes.

"Is Richard outside?" I ask, squinting to try and see the body of the tall man.

"He always is. Come on," Blaine grabs my hand and we brave the initial flood of photographers. We battle our way into the limo that Richard is driving for us, shutting the door and breathing sighs of relief in unison.

"God, they never get any easier to deal with, do they?" I remark, causing Blaine to laugh.

"I thought we'd be used to them by now, to be honest," he says. I laugh, reluctantly letting go of his hand to straighten up my tie as best I can, fidgeting nervously now that we are on our way.

"Are you nervous?" Blaine asks, knowing exactly why I can't seem to get my tie to lay exactly right.

"No," I say a little too sharply, trying to ignore the pointed look he gives me. I wait a couple seconds before letting go of my tie.

"Alright, I'm nervous. Why am I nervous? It's not like I haven't been to tons of these award shows before," I admit with a sigh. Blaine smiles, scooting closer so he's sitting right next to me, his presence calming me down before I work myself up into too much of a frenzy.

"You've been to all of my award shows, there's a difference. And we haven't been to tons of them," he says defensively. I laugh, the butterflies in my stomach lessening as I do so.

"Please, we've been to practically every Grammy ceremony since we got together, plus the other ones we've been invited to," I tell him. Blaine smiles modestly, and reaches for my hands, which he holds in both of his.

"Anyways, those were all for me. This is the first one for you. Of course you have a right to be nervous," he tells me. I nod, trying to keep my breath from being too shaky. I glance out the window at the streets of the city momentarily.

"You remember your first Grammy? God I was so nervous that night," I remember, smiling as the memories fill my head. Blaine chuckles next to me.

"You were nervous? I didn't realize," he remarks sarcastically. I scoff and smack him lightly on his chest, making him laugh.

"Shut up," I tell him, making him laugh harder.

"Kurt, I love you, but you tend to obsess a little bit. Relax! You were nominated for the best performance in a musical! It's your first Tony nomination, celebrate!" He says. I raise an eyebrow as I look at him.

"As I recall, we did tons of celebrating after I got the phone call," I can't help but to respond, enjoying the redness that blooms across his cheeks as I mention it. "But you're right. Still doesn't mean I'm not nervous," I say. Blaine laughs, placing a hand on my cheek and kissing me lightly.

"And I love you all the more for it," he grins. I smile, looking into those hazel honey eyes that I have grown to love so much.

"I honestly never thought my life would end up like this," I sigh. Blaine smiles that adorable little crooked smile. The one that he always makes before doing something to remind me I'm dating a five year old.

"What do you mean? My little fanboy never dreamed he'd be here with me?" He wiggles his eyebrows, causing me to chuckle.

"Shut up, I'm trying to be sappy here! God I dreamed of this. The Tony, the perfect boyfriend, the perfect life. And even though I might not get the Tony, and the boyfriend is perfectly imperfect, and the life has some downs with it, I definitely would not change a thing," I say. Blaine is silent for a moment, and then he leans in and our lips connect in a passionate kiss. The surprise quickly wears off and I kiss him back, smiling before he even pulls away.

"I love you," he says, and that's really all he needs to say. Because those three words are everything I need.

We sit there in silence for the remainder of the ride, his head on my shoulder and my arm around his shoulders, lost in our own little bubble. It gently pops when Richard announces that it's time to pull up to the red carpet, and Blaine immediately grabs my hand.

"You ready?" He asks. I smile as I can't help but think of the first time we were here together. We've come so far individually and together since then, gaining success and understanding along the way. I smile at him, knowing that everything similar about this situation is paired with something uniquely different.

"You know me. I was born ready," I state, pulling open the door and into the flashing lights.

Oh. Wow. That's it... Wow. It's a little tougher than I thought it would be to finish this... First of all I want to say thank you for sticking with me, it means so much to me to see you guys voting for each chapter. I read all your comments and each one brings a smile to my face to know that you guys are commenting because you actually like my writing. It's been a pretty long journey for me, seeing as this was originally a NaNoWriMo work, but I had to continue it because I never would have finished this in just a month. Anyways, secondly, I might continue this story in the form of one shots in my new work, Klaine One Shots, so if you haven't already, check them out?

Again, I want to thank you guys for sticking with me throughout this entire work. I love each and every one of you guys. ❤️❤️❤️

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