Chapter Nine

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I wake up a couple hours later, which was about midnight. I hear my door slowly creaking over and sit up, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. I know immediately who it is.
"Blaine, what are you doing? My dad will kill you if he finds us in here together," I whisper, trying to keep the sleep out of my voice. I dimly see Blaine walking carefully towards me, and the bed dips as he crawls under the covers.
"If you really want me to leave, I will. It's just, I really want to be held by you as I sleep. Is that weird?" Blaine asks, his voice quiet yet seems like a yell in the silent room. I can't help but feel my heart skip a beat at his plea, and nothing in the world, not even the thought of my father finding us in the morning, stops me from wrapping my arms around his chest as he crawls under the covers. We lay down and I feel his head on my chest. My hands immediately go to his hair, playing with the soft curls that tickle my chin. We stay like that, and I'm sure Blaine is asleep until he speaks.
"I really don't want to go back to New York Saturday," Blaine whispers. I smile and kiss the top of his head.
"We will hang out all of tomorrow, and I'm taking you back to your house so you can pack. I'm squeezing every single moment I have with you," I say, knowing I feel the same way. This past week with him has been absolutely amazing, being able to see him whenever I wanted.
"You really would do that? Even after everything I told you about my family you still want to go with me and help me pack. You do know they will be there, right?" Blaine asks. I laugh a little.
"Of course I will, Blaine. I'm not about to let you deal with them after what happened today," I say. Blaine snuggles deeper into my chest, and I sigh contently.
"I love this. Being in your arms. You make me feel so happy, Kurt," he whispers.
"You make me feel the same, Blaine," I tell him. I feel my eyes start to close, and barely have time to whisper goodnight before I'm falling asleep with Blaine in my arms.
I wake up to find that Blaine and I haven't moved at all. His face is buried in my neck, and our legs are a tangled mess together. I smile as I look down at his sleeping form seeing the rise and fall of his breath. Like the creeper I am, I watch his face as he sleeps. He looks so peaceful, so stress-free. His eyelashes brush his cheeks in a way that makes me strangely fascinated, and my eyes trail to his plump lips, brushing my neck every so often. His hot breath washes over the skin of my neck, and I smile, unable to help myself as I reach up and play with his hair.
Blaine moans softly, and I know he's waking up. Instead of letting him sleep, I selfishly keep playing with his hair, gently tugging the curls so I can see him open those honey hazel eyes I love so much.
"Good morning," I whisper. I look over Blaine's shoulder to the alarm clock and see it's almost 7. Knowing my parents, Blaine needs to get to the guest room soon before they wake up and catch us in my bedroom together. But I'm a little selfish and want to stay here for a little while longer.
"Keep doing that," Blaine says, his voice still husky from sleep and I quickly comply with his request. Not that I had any problems with it. We stay there in silence before Blaine finally looks up at me.
"I'd kiss you, but I probably have horrible morning breath," I say, trying not to breath down at him. Blaine laughs softly, and reaches up towards me anyway.
"I honestly don't care," he says, pressing a kiss to my lips. I gently kiss him back, slowly waking up as Blaine kisses me. His kisses are like a shot of electricity through my veins, waking me up hurriedly.
"We should probably get up before your dad or Carole does. I don't want to get you into trouble," Blaine says. I smile and agree, however I don't make any move to get up.
"In a minute," I tell him, "I really want to just stay here in this moment with you for a little longer," I continue. Blaine hums happily, and we stay there for a couple minutes. Both of us just laying with each other, holding one another. Finally, we really do have to get up before we get caught and head down into the kitchen, where I start making breakfast.
"What are you making?" Blaine asks, sitting on the counters. He watches as I pull ingredients out of counters and a large bowl from one of the drawers.
"Fat free pancakes with fresh blueberries and eggs. I hope that's alright?" I ask him, looking up briefly as I crack an egg. Blaine smiles and watches me.
"That sounds amazing," he says. I smile and start heading around the kitchen, tossing things together and making breakfast.
"You are incredibly sexy when you cook, you know that?" Blaine suddenly states. I blush and look at him shyly.
"Blaine," I warn him, not knowing when my parents or Finn will come down. The last thing I want is for them to hear one of us saying something they wouldn't want to hear.
"I'm serious! You get really concentrated when you're measuring things out, and your brow crinkles a little and I think it's the sexiest thing ever," Blaine continues, smirking at me. I wave the spatula in my hand at him.
"I'm warning you mister. Another word and I'm kicking you out," I can't keep a straight face around him and end up grinning, making my threat pretty much useless. Blaine laughs and thankfully doesn't say anything else. Which is a good thing because my dad takes that moment to come downstairs.
"Morning, boys. What are you making Kurt?" He asks, heading straight for the coffee pot I had out on.
"Pancakes and eggs. I'm also going to do a little bit of turkey sausage," I say. Dad smiles and turns towards Blaine.
"Did you sleep good, Blaine?" He asks. Blaine nods, smiling and shooting me a glance.
"Yes I did, sir. Thank you for letting me stay over," Blaine thanks my dad, and my dad frowns.
"What's with all this sir business? I thought I told you yesterday to call me Burt," he says. Blaine smiles and laughs.
"Of course, sir. I mean, Burt," he says. Dad laughs and looks at me.
"I'll be in the living room when you're done, Kurt. Thanks for cooking breakfast," he says.
"Of course dad. You know I like to do it," I tell him. He doesn't say anything as he is retreating back towards the living room, where I hear the tv turn on.
I finish up breakfast and we all sit at the table eating. Finn is probably still sleeping, and I laugh when my dad makes a joke about his absence. As we finish eating, Blaine shoves me back towards the couch when I get up to go clean dishes.
"You cooked, it's only right that I clean," he says, glaring at me playfully. I hear my father's laughter and Carole disappears in the kitchen.
"But I made the mess. Besides, you are a guest and it isn't right for you to have to clean up," I say. Blaine just glares at me again and I sigh, knowing there is no way that I'm going to win this argument with him.
"Boys, if you are done arguing, you'll notice that Carole is taking care of the dishes. Why don't you get ready to leave? Didn't you say you were going to go to drive Blaine to pack the rest of his things?" Dad says. I look at him in surprise, forgetting he was here for a moment. Blaine has that effect on me, I guess.
"Yeah, we should. You sure you don't mind letting me stay here for another night, Burt?" Blaine asks, looking uncertain.
"Of course not, Blaine. Stay here as long as you want. I'm sure Kurt won't mind," he laughs, causing me to shoot him a glare because I know he's right.
"Come on, I have to change and we have a long drive," I say. Blaine nods, and we head up to my room. Knowing that he doesn't have any clothes with him, I dig through my closet for something that he could wear.
"Here, try these. They might be a little big on you though," I say, handing Blaine a pair of my old skinny jeans. I give him an old shirt from my Cheerios days with the MKHS logo on the front. He eyes it surprised.
"Isn't this the same shirt that the cheerleaders at your school wear?" He asks. I nod, starting to look for something I can wear now.
"Yeah, it is. I used to be one," I tell him, grabbing a shirt and looking at it with a clinical eye.
"Do you think your parents would like this shirt?" I ask, turning around and holding it up for Blaine to see. He's just staring at me strangely.
"Blaine?" I ask, confused.
"You used to be a cheerleader?" He asks. I nod, smiling at the memories of singing at Nationals.
"Yeah. I even helped them win a national title. I sang a fourteen minute Celine Dion medley in French," I say. Blaine's eyes widen, and before I can think he has stepped forward and is kissing me hard.
"You have no idea how much the thought of you in a cheerleader's uniform turns me on right now," Blaine whispers. I blush and he kisses me again.
"I have to get ready, Blaine," I try not to sound breathless as he pulls away, but I fail miserably.
"Okay," he says. He grabs the clothes I gave him and leaves my room. My blush doesn't really leave my cheeks as I get dressed, trying to impress his parents without being too over the top. Blaine told me not to even try, however I do want to make a good first impression. 
"You look gorgeous as always. But I thought I told you not to worry about impressing my parents?" Blaine asks, casually leaning against the doorframe. I swear, he knows how much I love looking at him when he's like that. His arms crossed across his chest, making his shirt pull over the muscles there, his biceps bulging as he unconsciously flexes a little.
And God, I never thought I'd be the kind of guy who said that their boyfriend looked better in my clothes than I ever did, but damn. Seeing him in my clothes is like I'm almost marking him as mine and the primeval part in me can't help but feel accomplished. It's then I realize that I should stop eye fucking my boyfriend and answer him.
"I know you did, but I still want to make a good first impression, even if it won't change their minds about us. Besides, this is the kind of person I am. I have to be fashionable all the time, Blaine. You know that," I grin, watching as he just shakes his head. I head over to my vanity and start to style my hair, fully aware that Blaine is still watching me.
"See something you like?" I ask cheekily. Blaine just shrugs.
"But of course. And I'm trying to imagine you in a cheerleader's uniform, performing, your body stretching in incredible ways," Blaine trails off, and I blush under his scrutiny. If I had known how much being a cheerleader turns him on, I'm starting to wish that I hadn't had to give my uniform back to Sue when I left the Cheerios...
I finally finish and Blaine and I head towards my car. We start the two hour drive to Westerville where Blaine's family lives. I notice the closer we get, the tender Blaine becomes. So I reach over and hold his hand, glancing over at him quickly before eyeing the road once again.
"Hey, it's okay," I tell him. Blaine sighs, and I frown a little as I hear the stress in the one sound.
"I'm just nervous about what their reaction is going to be when they see you. I don't want anything to happen to you," he says. I gently stroke his hand with my thumb.
"Don't worry, I doubt they will do anything like that. You said your brother was going to be there, right?" I ask, knowing that Blaine really just wants me to meet his brother. A slight smile spreads on Blaine's face as I say that.
"Yeah, he will. And that's why I'm bringing you. If it was just my parents, especially my dad, I wouldn't. Not because I'm ashamed of you or anything, but I'd be scared they would do something to you. But since Cooper's home, I really want you to meet him," Blaine tells me. I smile and continue rubbing the back of Blaine's hand with my thumb.
"You really love your brother, don't you?" I ask. I see Blaine nod out of the corner of my eye.
"Yeah, I do. He was the first person I ever came out to," he says. I smile as I see Blaine opening up.
"Well, I'm glad someone in your family accepts you at least," I say. Blaine nods, and I notice him relaxing a little.
"Yeah, he actually helped me out with my feelings for you. I constantly talk with him, and whenever you came up, he could tell I really liked you. Se he encouraged me to come out early and surprise you. And I'm glad he did," Blaine smiles and brings my hand up to his lips, kissing my knuckles gently. I blush and wish I wasn't driving so I could reach over and kiss him.
We get to Blaine's house, and my eyes widen at the size of it. I knew Blaine went to Dalton, which is a private school, but I had no clue that his family was this rich. Blaine doesn't pay my surprise any attention as we get out, heading towards the front door hand in hand. The door is unlocked, and we walk straight in. I look around, eyeing the pictures lining the walls. Many are family portraits, and I see Blaine throughout the years.
I can't help but notice so many more photos of his brother than him, and my heart reaches out for him. There seems to be no photos of Blaine in what could be his high school years, and I know it's because that's when he came out.
"Blaine, is that you?" I hear a voice and look up to see a woman walking in. I'd describe her as a very put together person. She has Blaine's hazel eyes, but on her they don't have the warmth I find in Blaine's. I don't find anything that I love when I look in Blaine's eyes in hers. I grip his hand tighter in my own, and notice Blaine stiffen.
"Hi, mom," he says. She looks between Blaine to me, and I notice her eyes drop to our combined hands. Instead of letting go, Blaine holds onto me tighter.
"You must be Kurt. I'm Sandra, Blaine's mother," she says, her lips pressed into a tight line. She makes no move to shake my hand, or anything of that nature. I smile at her, even though I know she probably never will accept my relationship with her son.
"Yeah, that's me, Kurt Hummel. You have a lovely home, Mrs. Anderson," I tell her. She doesn't say anything, and Blaine starts to pull me towards the stairs.
"We will be leaving shortly, mom. I'm just packing the rest of my things and spending the night at Kurt's," Blaine explains. His mother doesn't say anything, and I just allow myself to be pulled up the stairs. I can only guess that we are going to Blaine's room.
He leads me through the complicated house, and soon is pulling me into a room that seems so different from the rest of the house.
While the house seems like a place where people live, the size of it seems to diminish that familiar quality that houses generally have. That feeling that memories are practically dripping off the walls, that this is where people have grown up in. Blaine's house doesn't really have that, and I wonder if it's because I know Blaine doesn't really belong here anymore.
But his room is a different story. Pictures from Blaine's life line his dressers. I shamelessly walk around as Blaine shoves some clothes into already full suitcases. It looks like he didn't even bother unpacking, and I feel bad that he wants to get out of there so fast he doesn't even unpack.
His pictures are full of Blaine smiling with his friends. I smile as I see one from his years at Dalton, seeing him grinning at the camera with his arms wrapped around friends dressed in similar blazers. There's more of him posing with his friends, and a couple of them at competitions.
"You know, I've never had a guy in here that I liked," Blaine says, his chin resting on my shoulder as his hands rest on my waist. I grin as I turn around, and Blaine keeps his grip on my waist.
"I'm glad to know I'm the first," I whisper, my eyes unconsciously glancing at his lips that are so close to my reach.
"I've always wanted to kiss a boy in here, just as a personal 'fuck you' to my parents," Blaine says. I grin, pulling him closer.
"Well, you know I'm happy to help you with that," I say. Blaine doesn't say anything and leans forward, kissing me deeply in the middle of his room. I tug lightly on his hair, which is still free from its normal gelled prison. I can't help but moan slightly when I feel Blaine gently bite my bottom lip.
"So this must be the famous Kurt Hummel," we jump apart when the teasing voice sounds. I blush as Blaine glares at the person who interrupted us.
"Shut up, Cooper," Blaine says. The guy, Cooper, laughs. He looks at me, and I'm struck with the similarities between the two boys. While Cooper's eyes are brown, and his hair isn't as curly as Blaine's, they both look pretty similar. They have the same skin color, and generally the same body shape. Although Cooper is taller than Blaine, he still is shorter than me. He's also slightly less muscular than Blaine is.
"I'm Cooper, Blaine's brother," he says, holding out his hand and smiling. I grin and shake his hand, happy to finally meet the brother Blaine is so fond of.
"You already know I'm Kurt," I grin. Cooper laughs and wraps an arm around Blaine's shoulders. I can tell Blaine doesn't like that and tries to escape, but Cooper doesn't let him.
"I know. This one won't shut up about perfect Kurt with the amazing eyes and the incredible voice and the-"
"Alright he gets it," Blaine cuts his brother off with a jab of his elbow into his ribs. I can't help but blush as I see Blaine shove his brother away as Cooper laughs. I can see that even though Cooper is teasing Blaine, he's still protective of him. I'm happy that Blaine has someone in his family that will do that with him.
"Just teasing you, Blainers," he grins. Blaine rolls his eyes, but a smile rests on his face and that's all that I wanted to see. Even though he hates being here, I can tell that he endures it in order to spend time with his brother.
"Blaine, who is this?" A different voice sounds from the door. Blaine's smile immediately disappears, and I notice both brothers tense up. I look to see the man that must be Blaine's father walk into the room. He had some of Blaine's facial features, as well as the same tanned skin tone, but other than that the similarities ended there. It's obvious that the two brothers share more features with their mother than their father.
"This is Kurt, my boyfriend," Blaine says, grabbing my hand tightly in his. I manage to keep the wince off my face as Blaine grabs my hand too tight. Blaine's father narrows his eyes at me, and I notice Cooper take a step towards him.
"So you weren't kidding when you said you had a boyfriend. I was hoping that you had grown out of this in New York," his father says. My eyes narrow slightly at his father, and I feel Blaine's hand start to shake in my own. I gently rub the back of his hand with my thumb, trying to calm him and myself down.
"No, dad. Like I told you before, this isn't something I can 'grow out of' like you seem to think it is," Blaine's voice, which is normally light, has taken a hard edge to it that I don't like at all.
"And like I told you last night, I think it's time for you to realize that you need to start dating people more appropriate than this," he gestures towards me, a look of disgust in his eyes.
"We both know by that, you mean people who don't have a dick," Blaine laughs, but it's not humorous at all.
"Don't talk to me like that, young man," his father takes a step towards Blaine, and I speak up for the first time.
"Well, as much as I'd like to say it was a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Anderson, we both know that would be a lie. Now, if you would excuse us, Blaine and I are going to head back to my house now and enjoy a day with my family. You know, a family who actually accepts Blaine for who he is. You ready, sweetie?" I ask, looking at Blaine. He stares at me in surprise, and I hear a sound from Blaine's father that reminds me way too much of Karofsky and Azimio.
"How dare you talk to me like that, fag," he growls. Blaine glares at his father, but before he says anything, Cooper steps in.
"Don't say that, dad. Now, let's go before anybody does something they will regret," he says, practically pushing his father out of Blaine's room. I watch him go, a hard look in my eyes as he glares at me. I don't shy away from his glare, knowing that just shows weakness, and I get enough bullying at school to accept it from Blaine's father.
"I'm sorry you had to hear that, Kurt," Blaine says. I turn around me look at him and soften my eyes. I grab both his hands and look at him.
"Blaine, I'm so sorry you have to deal with him," I whisper. He doesn't say nothing, and looks down at his shoes.
"Hey, I told you before. I don't care if your parents hate me or not. I on.y care about what one person thinks of me, and that person is you," I say. Blaine finally looks at me, our eyes connecting and I step forward, gently kissing him.
"Now come on, I'm sure my dad wants us out of here as soon as possible," I tell him, grabbing Blaine's suitcase.
"You are so fucking incredible," Blaine whispers. I smile and look at him, who's staring at me intensely.
"So are you, Blaine. So are you," I say. And with that, we head back towards my car and back to my house. To the family that will always accept Blaine for who he is, no matter what.

Love and Fame: A Klaine StoryWhere stories live. Discover now