Chapter Twenty Two

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The noise from the crowd increases as Blaine exits the limo. Scooting across the seats, Blaine extends a hand for me, which I eagerly grab, holding onto it like a lifeline. The noise seems drowned out by the pounding of my heart as I take my first steps with Blaine in public. He lets go of my hand, but before I can freak out about the loss, he's wrapping his arm around my waist.

"Just be you and smile," he says in my ear, and I do just that. I smile and wave at the fans, for a moment unable to believe I was just one of them almost six months ago. On that fateful day of Blaine's concert, where he actually gave me his phone number. Where all of this started.

"Come on," Blaine says, gently pulling me along until I snap out of my daze and we are past the initial photographers, and now we are heading to interviews. My mouth goes dry as I see the first interviewer step up to Blaine, quickly securing the first interview with him.

"Hi, Blaine. How are you today?" She asks. Blaine grins, his grip on my waist tightening as he pulls me into him, where I wrap my own arm around his waist.

"I'm great, what about you?" He asks politely. She smiles and they exchange a couple more formalities while I stand there, looking excited when I need to.

"So I see you didn't come alone. What's your name?" She turns to me, and then her microphone is in my face and I have to fight to remember my own name.

"Kurt. It's nice to meet you," I say, holding out my hand for her to shake. She laughs and shakes my hand, and I can't help but wonder if she laughed at me or because I tried to shake her hand or why did she laugh? Oh crap, she's asking me another question.

"So Blaine Anderson's mystery man finally has a name to his face! Are you excited for Blaine?" She asks. I quickly nod, looking at Blaine with a smile.

"I'm so excited that he's here. Personally, I'm also a huge fan of his, so to see him here, it's a dream come true for the fanboy in me," I tell her, causing both Blaine and I to start laughing. She looks a little surprised when I mention I'm a fan.

"How did you two meet?" She asks. I grin as I look at Blaine with what I can only hope to be lovingly, fully aware of the cameras flashing our way.

"Actually at one of his concerts. He dropped his phone backstage and when I returned it, we started talking," I say. Blaine jumps in after this, revealing his side of the story.

"And as we were talking, I realized I didn't want to stop so I gave him my number in an autograph-"

"I actually think I still have that autograph at home by the way," I interrupt, causing both of us to laugh.

"Anyways, we met up after the concert and started off as friends. Then we started officially dating around Thanksgiving and everything else is history as they say," Blaine finishes, and the reporter smiles as she waits for him to finish. The topic turns back to Blaine's nomination, and eventually we leave and head for the next interview, Julie herding us along the entire way.

"This is my boyfriend, Kurt," Blaine introduces me to the next interviewer when she asks. I smile and hold out a hand.

"Damn, Blaine, where can I find more boys like Kurt here? He's gorgeous," she remarks, causing me to blush and Blaine to pull me into his body again, his arm wrapped around my waist.

"I know, but he's one of a kind," I look down at Blaine and wish we weren't being surrounded by people so I can kiss him. Like I mentioned earlier, he looks amazing in his suit.

"So I know in a previous interview, Blaine mentioned you had Broadway aspirations, Kurt. Is that still true?" She asks.

"Well that's the dream! One of my best friends and I both dream about getting on Broadway and doing a show together, and we both are planning on moving out here after we graduate," I explain.

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