Chapter Sixteen

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The next morning is filled with slight chaos. Blaine and I held off packing (in my case repacking) until now, and we had to be at the airport in two hours. We both sneak in kisses as we pack, making the other laugh and gently pull away.
Blaine was the one usually sneaking the kisses.
We finally gather all our things, heading out pretty much just on time. Richard is waiting for us, like usual. He helps us with our suitcases and we slide into the backseat. I pull out my phone, texting my dad that we are heading to the airport now.
When we get to the airport, it is packed with photographers. Richard manages to pull up as close to the gate as possible, and I watch the photographers outside start to take pictures.
"Shit, they must have found out that I was heading back to Ohio today. And after the picture of us at the studio, they must have realized you were with me. I'm so sorry, Kurt," Blaine says. I take his hand and smile slightly.
"Hey, it's okay. We just have to manage to get inside, and they don't know anything about me at the moment except that I'm from Ohio," I tell him, trying to calm him down. Blaine smiles and leans across the car, kissing me lightly before getting out. Cameras flash away as he quickly runs to my side, causing more cameras to flash as I get out. Not knowing what to do, I just follow Blaine as he grabs our suitcases. I manage to thank Robert before he drives away, and quickly get pulled into the airport with Blaine. Inside, security was keeping the photographers from following inside.
"Thank you," Blaine tells them. They don't say anything, so Blaine and I gladly walk towards the check in. The lady looks a little surprised at seeing Blaine, but doesn't make a scene, thankfully. The last thing I really wanted after that debacle outside was for a mob to ensure in here.
We manage to breeze through check in and security, heading to our gate without any problems. Once the chaos of getting there dies down, we decide to stop and grab some lunch before we board. And when the attendant announces that we can board, Blaine and I are glad for the privacy of the first class seats that he bought.
I lay my head on Blaine's shoulder, that scent that is just him washing over me and making me believe we are back in his room, in his bed. My eyes close and I can't fight the pull of sleep if I tried.
"Hey, babe. Wake up," Blaine shakes me awake as we are about to land. I yawn, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. I look up to see he's watching me, and I lean back into his chest despite the fact that I just moved out of his grasp. Blaine doesn't say anything, just wraps his arms around me as I nuzzle my face in his neck.
"You're a comfy pillow," I say. Blaine laughs and I feel him kiss the top of my head.
"Glad I could be of service," he says. I laugh and stay there in his arms, surrounded by his warmth. Finally, we really do have to separate because the plane is going to land, and I just know that Blaine's chin would somehow crash into my head painfully if we stayed like that.
We land and I quickly text my dad that we have landed and are waiting for the doors to open.
Okay, we will be waiting for you boys. He responds.  I smile and put the phone away, unbuckling my seatbelt and getting up when the plane stops. Blaine and I head towards the terminal, where I know my family will be waiting for us. We don't say anything, just hold each other's hands as we ride the escalator up.
I spot Finn quickly, his head at least an inch taller than everybody else. I smile and lead Blaine over in that direction, calling out his name.
"Finn! Hey," I say, waving my hand as we head towards my family. My dad and Carole stand next to him, and turn to look at us the minute Finn does.
"Kurt! Blaine! There you two are," Carole states, smiling and pulling first me into a hug, and then Blaine. I can tell that he's surprised by that action, but I can't watch because my dad is pulling me into a hug himself.
"Wow, dad. I knew you missed me but I was only gone for a week," I joke, feeling him squeezing me tight.
"Shut up and accept my hug, Kurt," he says. I just laugh and let go when he does, watching as he then pulls Blaine into a one armed hug. Blaine again looks surprised, and this time I can see the happiness he feels from the fatherly affection. I fist bump Finn, grabbing Blaine's hand once again as soon as I can. Carole shoots me a knowing glance, and I can't help but blush under her eye.
"Come on, let's head home. I'm sure you two are tired from the trip," my dad says, leading the way to baggage claim. We collect our suitcases, no as we wait, I go into detail about my time in New York.
I'm in the middle of a very detailed account of watching Wicked when I see the first one. A camera flashing in the distance, and know that they will be many more if we don't leave soon.
"Blaine, I'm pretty sure people are taking our picture behind me," I say as it maneuver myself into a position that he can look over my shoulder. Blaine sees the camera flashing that I saw, and we both hurry my family up towards the car.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, where's the fire?" Finn jokes as we both look over our shoulders. I don't see the photographers following us, so I think that we are safe for the time being.
"There were people taking pictures at baggage claim and I figured we needed to leave before someone recognized Blaine," I explain. Finn looks confused, but luckily both my dad and Carole seem to understand.
"The car is just up there," they point out the familiar car and I let out a relieved smile.
"How did you guys deal with it in New York?" Finn asks.
"It wasn't really bad. I was disguised most of the time when we went out together, and when I wasn't we got lucky. Getting to the airport was really the only time we had a big crowd of paparazzi to deal with," Blaine explains. I smile and squeeze his hand in mine.
"Yeah, I won't be surprised if I see those pictures on the Internet tomorrow," I say, letting Blaine know I didn't mine by smiling at him. He grins as we get into the car, even though he is squished between Finn and me since he was the shortest of us three.
He leans his head on my shoulder as the scenery drives by, and I run my thumb over the back of his hand between us. I look down and see he's asleep, and I let him sleep on me until we get to my house.
"Hey, Blaine, we're here," I gently wake him up, watching him grumble a little as he does. I smile and resist the urge to kiss him as I'm surrounded by my family, and watch as he slowly wakes up.
"Come on, Carole made us dinner and then we can sleep after," I tell him. Blaine smiles at the thought of food, and I have to admit I'm starving as well.
Dinner was filled with laughs. I continue to gush about New York, and how I can't wait to get out there and attend NYADA. I laugh along with Blaine as Carole tells embarrassing stories about Finn, and blush when my dad tells embarrassing stories about me.
We both say we are going to sleep after dinner, too tired to stay up and chat. My dad says that the guest room is set out for Blaine, and warns me that we will be sleeping in separate rooms. I knew this was going to happen, and I'll probably crack my door open for Blaine to sneak in. After spending night after night this week falling asleep in his arms, I can't imagine that it will stop just because we are down the hall from each other.
Sure enough, around midnight, Blaine enters my bedroom as silently as possible. I smile as I feel my bed shift as he crawls in with me. I quickly kiss him, feeling a little excited about this sneaking around. I end up rolling on top of him, not able to see Blaine's expressions but feeling his arousal is definitely enough.
"Kurt, what are you doing?" He whispers as I start kissing his neck.
"Shh," is all I say. I kiss his lips again before making quick work of his shirt, running my hands along the smooth skin of his chest. Not being able to see adds another exciting element, and I'm curious about how quiet Blaine can actually be.
"You have to be quiet, okay?" I tell him, trailing my kisses lower down his body.
"Fuck, Kurt. I'll be quiet, just don't ever stop," Blaine groans, and reach the waistbands of the sweats he's wearing. I pull them down just enough to grab his dick and pull it out, wrapping my hand around and slowly stroking.
I hear strained noises from Blaine, and I grin at the fact. I know I'm being way too reckless right now, but I don't care. This is turning me on to no end, the sneaking around.
I lower my mouth to Blaine's dick, grinning around him as I hear the muffled groan from Blaine. If I had to guess, I'd say he was holding a pillow to his face at the moment. I suck and I lick him, enjoying the noises that Blaine is unable to hold. Finally, I feel his hand in my hair, pulling the strands lightly.
"Kurt, I'm gonna cum," Blaine whispers. I lick the underside of his head, before swallowing as much as I can. This causes Blaine to come quickly, the hand in my hair tightening as I hear his muffled moans. I swallow around him, and when he's finished, I reach for the tissues I know are on my nightstand. Gently cleaning him off, I toss them in the general direction of the trash can, knowing I'll clean it up later. I crawl up and lay down next to him, holding him close.
"What about you?" Blaine mutters sleepily. I smile and kiss the top of his head.
"You can pay me back later. Right now, I just want to hold you," I say. Blaine mutters something but it's pretty much unintelligible as his face is in the crook of my neck. We fall asleep like that, limbs tangled with one another.
"Kurt, wake up," Blaine's whisper pulls me out of my sleep. I feel him kissing my lips, but before I can kiss him back he's pulling away. He starts trailing kisses down my neck, sucking lightly.
"Blaine, what are you doing?" I ask, trying to be silent because my dad wakes up early.
"Relax. I'm paying you back for last night," Blaine whispers. I glance over at my clock, it's 4:00 in the morning.
"Okay," I say dumbly. Blaine chuckles and gently slides my shirt off. I see his shirt is still laying on the floor and bring my hands up to his chest, running my hands over the muscles there. Blaine's kisses fall to my collarbone, and I gasp. I pull him in to kiss me as I thrust my hips up, my erection brushing with his. Blaine lets out a low groan as I do so again. And again.
"Kurt, if you keep doing that, I'm going to cum," Blaine moans in my ear, and I chuckle. I pull him closer to me, thrusting up again.
"But I'm so close," I whine. Blaine crashes his lips to mine, his tongue dancing with mine in a way that makes me want so much more. He pushes our pants and underwear down, locking himself back to me as soon as he can. Our clothes are tangled around our ankles, but I'm not thinking about that. Blaine grinds his hips against mine harder, and I have to pull away from Blaine's lips to stop the loud moan that wants to escape.
"Blaine, close," I can't seem to get out full sentences. Blaine's fingers are holding my hips in a bruising grip, but I don't care at all. It takes a couple more thrusts from Blaine before I'm releasing against our stomachs, my breaths coming in pants as my mind goes blank. I register Blaine biting the pillow next to me, moaning in my ear as he cums as well.
We roll off each other, panting. I can feel the stickiness against my stomach, but my entire body is limp at the moment. I feel Blaine grabbing the tissues on my nightstand and clean us both off.
"We should clean up," I say. Blaine laughs and kisses my neck before getting up. I can't stop my eyes from following him, blushing as I see the white streaks he missed across his toned stomach.
"I'll see you downstairs," Blaine practically growls as he says this, leaving his clothes in my room and darting across the hall totally naked. I lay back against my pillow, my cheeks red.
"Holy fuck," I whisper to myself, grinning.
I show Blaine some of the better spots of Lima, which isn't much. We go out to Breadstix one night, get coffee from the Lima Bean, and hang out in my dad's shop. I help my dad out like I normally do when I'm there, cursing the coveralls I'm forced to wear. However, Blaine hangs with me the entire time, watching as I conduct oil changes, change tire pressure, and I know he was watching my ass when I was bent over the hood of various cars.
Later, he showed me how much he liked the coveralls when everybody was asleep.
Christmas Eve came faster than I thought it would. The morning of, I slowly get of bed without waking Blaine. How he has managed to sneak into my room each night and not get caught the next morning was beyond me.
I head downstairs I start making chocolate chip pancakes. It was a tradition that my mom started. Every Christmas Eve, she and I would go to the kitchen and cook chocolate chip pancakes, trying to be quiet so we didn't wake up my dad. We never would, however, because both of us would start singing and dancing which caused my dad to come down the stairs. He would laugh and my mother would slap his hand away from the plate of bacon that would always be waiting just for him.
I sprinkle some of the chocolate chips in the pancake batter when I feel arms wrap around my waist. I smile as the scent that is just Blaine fills the air, mixed with the chocolate, creating the most perfect aroma in my mind.
"This smells amazing," Blaine murmurs in my ear, pressing a kiss to my ear. I laugh as I gently push him off.
"Hush! My dad is still asleep!" I scold him. Blaine just laughs and kisses my lips.
"I'm sorry. Do you want any help?" He asks. I instantly bite my lip, wondering if I should let him into the little tradition. My mom and I would make these pancakes, and after she died, I continued it. My dad tried to help me, but I told him that I wanted to do it myself. It was something that was just between me and my mom, something I thought was sacred.
"Sure, you can sprinkle the chocolate chips in," I say, handing Blaine the tiny bowl of chocolate chips. Blaine grins, and stands right next to me, his arm wrapped around my waist as I flip the pancakes over.
"I really can't stay," Blaine suddenly sings in my ear. I look at him surprised, but he's continuing into the next lyric of the song. Despite my reservations about waking up my parents, Blaine's voice just causes me to want to sing with him.
We dance around the kitchen, singing Baby it's Cold Outside. I grin as Blaine flirts with me through the song, but am unable to stop myself from flirting back. We finish the song and Blaine wraps me in his arms, pulling me into a hug from behind. I laugh as he lifts me off the floor, even though I'm taller he picks me up with ease.
"You guys sound amazing," I look up to see my dad is leaning against the doorframe, watching us. I smile and step out of Blaine's hold.
"Thanks, dad," I say. I grab the last of the batter and Blaine quickly grabs the chocolate chips, sprinkling them on. He grabs the rest and eats them, grinning and turning away from me before I could take them away.
"Blaine, you can't just eat chocolate chips," I scold. Blaine's laughter is accompanied by my dad's, and I realize he's still watching us. I wonder how strange this must be for him. I constantly told him that I wanted to do this Christmas Eve tradition by myself. Just me and my mom, and then he sees me accepting Blaine's help. I hope he doesn't think it's because I don't love him.
"Blaine, could you go wake up Finn? It looks like breakfast is almost ready," Dad says. Blaine nods, disappearing from the kitchen.
"You let him in on the tradition," he states. I look up at him, a little nervous about his reaction.
"Dad, I-"
"You love him, don't you?" He interrupts. I look at the counter, not wanting to see what has to be his judgement.
"I do. And I know you're probably going to say we are too young to know about love, but-"
"Kurt, I'm happy you found someone who loves you as much as you love him. Seeing you two down here," he pauses, before surprising me by pulling me into a hug.
"God, you remind me so much of your mother sometimes," his voice breaks, and I just bury my face in his shoulder.
"I love you dad," I say, my voice muffled by his shoulder.
"Love you too, kiddo," he lets go, and a couple seconds later, Carole walks in followed by Blaine and Finn. I realize she probably saw our father-son moment and stopped the two other boys from walking in. She smiles at me, grabbing plates and handing them to everybody.
"This looks amazing, thank you Kurt," she says. I smile gratefully back, trying to tell her thank you for understanding through it. She give a me look that tells me she knows what I'm trying to say. I see my dad kiss the side of Carole's head, and smile at how lucky they both were. They both had one great love, and when they died, they were lucky enough to find another. I look at Blaine, knowing that he is my great love.
"What are you waiting for, Kurt? Grab some food before Finn eats it all!" Dad laughs, causing Finn to look embarrassed as he piles his plate high with the pancakes. I laugh along with everyone as I grab a plate and some pancakes. We sit at the kitchen table, telling old Christmas stories.
"And Kurt, for his eleventh Christmas, said all he wanted was the pink power ranger because it was the only one he didn't have," dad laughs as he finishes the story about my obsession with the pink power ranger when I was younger. Blushing, I glare at him.
"Dad, that was long time ago," I say, looking down at my plate. Blaine grabs my hand under the table and I look at him to see his grin.
"I think it's adorable," he says, obviously not caring that he's sitting at a table with my family. I blush even more, looking away and seeing Carole's grin and Finn's awkward look.
"Well, since we are all sharing embarrassing stories, what about you Blaine? Any humiliating holiday stories?" I ask. Blaine laughs, and blushes.
"You do, you have to tell us now," I grin, noticing that I haven't let go of his hand under the table.
"Okay, so I have one when I was nine or so? So, my mom decides that this year she wants to try to be a normal mother and cook us Christmas dinner," Blaine trails off, blushing at the confused looks he's given from my family.
"My family is kind of well off. I grew up with a cook always cooking our dinners," he explains, looking a little embarrassed by the fact. They nod in understanding and then he continues with the story.
"Anyways, so my mom decides to cook for what probably is the first time in her entire life. As you can imagine, it's absolute chaos. She somehow managed to burn pretty much everything and the kitchen was an absolute mess. We ended up having to order Chinese takeout for dinner, and she was banned from the kitchen from there on out. I sadly inherited her cooking skills," Blaine flashes me a grin, and I laugh and roll my eyes at him. He smiles, and then starts thinking.
"You know, I think that was really the last good Christmas memory I have," he says softly, obviously not meaning to say it outloud by the absolute look of mortification on his face.
"I did not mean-"
"Well, you are going to be in for a treat. Christmas at the Hudson-Hummels are a pretty interesting affair. Obviously you saw the chocolate chip pancake tradition Kurt and his mom had. Then, we all go last minute Christmas shopping at the mall before it closes, and spend the evening watching Christmas movies," dad says, changing the subject that is obviously causing Blaine embarrassment. I shoot him a thankful smile, and Blaine looks happier.
"That sounds perfect," he says, looking at me and smiling. I grin, squeezing his hand and getting up.
"Well, I'm going to go take a shower and get ready. I'll meet you all down here for our mall trip," I announce. I head up the stairs, closely followed by Blaine. I quickly pull him into my room, pulling him into a hug.
"I love you," I whisper, feeling Blaine bury his face into my neck. I know when he was telling that story his family at one point really did love him. It kills me to think that the reason that changed, at least for his parents, was because they don't accept that he's gay.
"I love you too," Blaine says. I pull away, kissing him lightly.
"Now, I really do have to shower. And as much as I'd like to bring you with me, my parents aren't that stupid. Plus, my shower isn't as spacious as yours," I grin, kissing him again. Blaine doesn't let me pull away for a light kiss however. Instead, he pulls me closer when I pull away, gently biting on my lower lip. I groan, parting my lips to taste his tongue in my mouth.
I finally have to pull away, the need to breath too much. Blaine grins, and presses another light kiss to my lips before leaving, letting me shower.
The day at the mall was a lot of fun. I dragged Blaine around to all my favorite stores, picking up my last minute gifts for my dad, Carole, and Finn. I already had picked up Blaine's gift before I left for New York, knowing that he would love it. Well, at least hoping that he would love it.
Later that evening, we watch Elf while eating Chinese, Blaine and I curled up next to each other on the floor, while my dad and Carole took up the couch. Finn took the other chair, and I was able to lay with my boyfriend without feeling awkward. We both didn't pay a lot of attention, whispering in each other's ears stupid little things the entire time, annoying Finn to no end.
"If you guys aren't going to watch the movie, why don't you just go upstairs or something?" Finn finally snaps, and I just roll my eyes at him.
"Fine, Finn, we will," I grab Blaine's hand and lead him upstairs.
"Door open!" My dad's command follows us upstairs and I blush. I do leave the door open, but still pull Blaine into my bed.
"Won't your dad be mad if I stay in here?" Blaine asks. I shake my head, pulling him closer to me. I lay my head on his chest, closing my eyes in pleasure as he plays with my hair.
"I don't care. The door is open and I just want to cuddle with my boyfriend on Christmas Eve," I say, tracing random shapes on Blaine's chest next to me.
"I'm a little scared for tomorrow," Blaine whispers, and I look up, resting my chin on my hand so it's not digging into his chest.
"Why? Because of your parents?" I ask. Blaine nods, sighing.
"I've been having the best time with you, and your family too. It's different, seeing your parents accept who you are without question," he trails off, and I know he wishes his own parents were like that.
"I know," I say. I crawl up to face him, leaning my forehead against his as I gently kiss him.
"I know your family isn't the best. But you have your brother, you'll always have him. And you have me, and all of my crazy family," I tell him.
"Yeah, but what if," I stops, obviously afraid of something.
"What if what?" I ask, reaching up and tracing circles on his chest.
"What if one day I don't? What if one day you wake up and realize that you don't love me anymore?" He asks, tears welling in his eyes and one even escaping. I reach up and brush that tear off with my thumb.
"That will never happen," instead of continuing to tell him how much I love him, I kiss him. I kiss him softly at first, but soon get more and more passionate as I try to say everything I need him to hear. How I will always love him. How I will never leave him. How heartbroken I would be if he left me.
"I love you so much, Blaine," I cry when we break apart, my tears mixing with his as I pull him in for a kiss again.
"Come here," Blaine says, holding his arms open for me. I sigh happily, feeling his arms wrap around me. I face away from him, feeling his head in the crook of my neck as he presses his body against mine. I sigh happily as I intertwine our fingers.
"I love you," Blaine whispers.
"I love you," I say back, closing my eyes and falling asleep.

Love and Fame: A Klaine StoryWhere stories live. Discover now