Chapter Twenty Five

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I sleep terribly that night. I keep tossing and turning, every time I fall asleep, I end up bolting awake because of a nightmare. It was the same one I used to get when my mom had just passed, and I guess it's coming back. But it's changed.

It used to be me watching my mom get buried, and then my mom morphed into my dad. Now, instead of becoming my dad, my mother becomes Blaine and I'm forced to watch as he gets buried.

I wake up in a cold sweat each time I fall asleep. Needless to say, I was exhausted the following morning when my dad finally woke up so we could head over to the hospital. I grab my school bag I brought with me, figuring I'd at least try to get some work done while Blaine is in surgery.

Despite my exhaustion, I know I need to still look presentable, seeing as I'm sure the amount of reporters outside the hospital has grown. Julie announced to everybody what happened, and the surgery Blaine will be getting. She also requested that they leave both Blaine and me alone as we deal with this, which I know won't happen. So I'm not surprised when we pull up to the hospital to see the crowd of reporters.

"I'm going to drop you off at the front and then park. I don't think they will care about me," my dad says, slowly pulling up at the front.

"Thanks dad," I say, shooting him a small smile before getting out. I keep my head down and have to practically shove my way through the crowd to get to the doors. I do say sorry and excuse me, but refuse to comment on their questions. I'm able to take a breather when I get through the doors, fixing my clothes so they don't look wrinkled or out of place. I quickly head towards Blaine's room, checking in with the lady at the front briefly before heading back. I smile as I enter, seeing him still sleeping.

I pull up a chair and grab my bag, doing some homework while I wait for him to wake up. Thankfully, I don't have to wait long before he does.

"Kurt? Is that you?" He asks, his voice heavy with sleep and I'm sure drugs as well. I reach over and grab his hand, smiling down at him. He looks so helpless, lying there in that bed.

"Yeah. How are you feeling?" I ask.

"I'm okay. I think I'm a little high on painkillers at the moment," he laughs, and I can't help but to chuckle and roll my eyes at him.

"So you have an hour until your surgery today," I tell him. Blaine sighs, and he squeezes my hand in his.

"You'll be there when I wake up, right?" He asks.

"Of course I will," I promise. We stay there in silence for a couple moments, and I look up when my dad and Julie walk into the room.

"Hey, kiddo. How are you feeling?" My dad asks. Blaine smiles and turns to look at him when he walks in.

"I'm alright. Be better if I could see out of my other eye but other than that, just peachy," he laughs, and I roll my eyes at him again. But I still laugh along with dad and Julie.

"Well, they are going to fix you right up here soon," Julie tells him, ruffling his hair a little. I laugh at the disgruntled look Blaine gives her, even though his hair is free of gel, he still seems to not want people to touch it. Which is weird because he seems to love when I play with his curls in bed.

"That certainly is the plan," I jump in surprise when a couple doctors walk in, followed by what have to be several interns. I immediately think of Grey's Anatomy when they surround his bed, and fight back a laugh. Instead, I grip onto his hand tighter.

"So, the surgery should be relatively simple. We just have to get in there and clean up the debris still in your eye, as well as repair the damage done to it. It shouldn't take longer than two to two and a half hours," the main doctor says. I nod, shooting Blaine a worried look that sadly doesn't go unnoticed by him.

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