Picnics and pyjamas (Ch 1)

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Chapter 1- Picnics and Pyjamas

"Frank!" Gerard called, strolling through the door. He was wearing all black with the exception of a red tie.

"Hey gorgeous." Frank replied, eyeing his outfit. He studied Gerard's black hair, noticing the different ways it moved and stuck together.

Gerard slowly walked up to Frank and sat down. Frank gently kissed Gerard's cheek. Gerard smiled before comfortably settling his head on Frank's shoulder.

"I missed you, Frankie." Gerard confessed. He missed Frank often. It didn't matter if Frank was gone for a week or a minute, Gerard always missed him. He even missed Frank when they were together, fearing the next time Frank would have to leave. Gerard was very overprotective of Frank, he knew Frank was sensitive and wanted the best for him.

Frank looked down at Gerard, who was struggling to adjust himself to Frank's small size, "Ya know? Sometimes your too clingy for your own good."

"Oh come on," Gerard played, "I know you like it!"

"Yes, yes I do." Frank blushed.

They sat together for about an hour, locking hands. They talked about their days, and all the shit that had gone on. Frank stared into Gerard's calming golden eyes, rocking their hands back and forth.

"I just don't understand why everyone always wants to talk to me at work." Frank mumbled.

Gerard laughed a little, "you're amazing Frank, anyone who doesn't want to talk to you has something seriously wrong with them! Just don't forget to tell them your already taken by a certain someone."


"No but's!" Gerard cut in, "I know your shy, but they are just people!"

Frank played with a piece of Gerard's hair, spiralling it around his finger. Gerard occasionally looked up and stroked Frank's face, or would move around to get comfortable.

Frank curled up, resting his head between Gerard's legs. He felt comfortable around Gerard, unlike most people. Gerard was one of the few people Frank wasn't absolutely terrified of. Frank had never been a fan of physical contact before the two of them started dating. Usually as much as rubbing against someone would set off a panic attack for him.



"How the fuck did I become lucky enough to end up with a guy like you?"

Frank stared at him for a moment, reaching upwards to once again grab a strand of his pitch black hair. Slowly, Frank pulled Gerard's head towards his till their noses touched.

"How the fuck did I become lucky enough to end up with a guy like you?" Frank smiled, reflecting the question back into Gerard's hazel brown eyes.

Gerard chuckled, tackling Frank to the floor. They both laughed before sorting themselves out and returning to their comfortable position from earlier on the couch.

"I'm happy," Frank smiled, stroking Gerard's hand, "This is nice."

"Yes it is."

"Thank you."

"For what?"

Frank closed his eyes, letting the drowsy feeling of sleep gradually take over. " for being so god damn perfect."


Frank yawned, trying desperately to run the tiredness from his eyes as he woke up.

"Did I fall asleep?"

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