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"Frank?" Gerard called out through the house, admiring the gorgeous countryside that lay outside the windows.

A door opened, revealing two small hands.

"Dad!" The voice squeaked, rushing over to the tall man. "Father is sleeping, and he wont wake up! I'm hungry!" She stated, rushing to the kitchen, and climbing up the tall bar stool.

"Okay, okay Susan!" He laughed, pulling a cup and plate out of the drawers. "what would you like to eat?"

"Triple chocolate pancakes!" She screamed, bouncing up and down.

The sound of another door creaking open grabbed Gerard's attention, as a tired Frank walked into the room, dressed in Gee's misfits tee and some grey sweatpants.

"Did someone say chocolate pancakes?" He smiled at the little girl.

"Father! You're up!" Her voice yelled, as he took a seat beside her.

He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, "Hello, sweetheart."

Gerard admired the beautiful ink that covered his callused hands, the tattoos he had designed for his younger husband.

"Hey honey," Frank yawned, leaning across the table, placing a gentle kiss against Gerard's lips. "A man stopped by today asking about one of your art pieces, the newest in your museum, he said he was interested in buying it."

A smile fell upon Gerard's face, "I already have 7 people competing for it," he laughed.

Gerard had started a museum of his own after Frank had finished collage, filling it with the many pieces he had completed over the years. The museum was an instant success, ranking him within the 20 most well known artists in North America. He had also started writing a series of comics, and had assisted in a few shows from Cartoon Network. Frank had gone back and forth between jobs, before settling as an assistant guitar player. He collaborated with artists as they worked in the studio, meaning he wouldn't have to go on tour and leave his family. After the two had sorted out their careers, Gerard had popped the question, marrying Frank the next year. Gerard had many people working for him at his gallery, and only had to be there for important events, and Frank was only in the studio a few times a week, so they had decided to start a family and move to a small country home. They had taken cheshire back as well, who had grown to be extremely fluffy.

The family sat upon the couch eating their pancakes, Cheshire making sure to lay across all three of them. They flipped on the food network and laughed amongst themselves.

"Dad, Father," Susan began, "how did you two meet?"

Frank looked to his husband, his hand running through his cherry red hair.

"Well, it all started in an alley."

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