Fall For Me (Ch 8)

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Chapter 8- Fall For Me

Gerard gently clasped his smaller boyfriends hand, bringing it to his lips. He continued by pulling it forwards, forcing Frank towards him.

"Ger- uhm, Gerard?" Frank mumbled, rubbing his eyes.

The room was pitch black, the only light coming from the small automatic clock that read 2:12 AM.

Frank's hands felt fragile, as though they could break at any second; Which is why Gerard treated them as though they were the most priceless artifact to ever exist. He felt as though they were more breakable than glass, along with his heart. Why are the most beautiful things so broken? He thought. Life wasn't fair, not in the slightest.

"Frank" He mumbled, pushing his nose into his boyfriend's chest.

Frank didn't reply, he simply giggled, running a hand through the older mans hair.

"You adorable little shit" Gerard breathed, pressing his face further into Frank's faded pajama top.

A frown appeared on Frank's face, "Can't sleep?" He spoke softly.

Gerard shook his head, which was still pressed closely against him.

"Why not?" Frank put his arm around Gerard's warm body, lightly stroking his back.

Gerard lifted his head up just enough that his voice wouldn't be muffled, "I'm just thinking" He sighed.

"Bout what?"

"You, before we met"

Frank's gaze drifted to the ceiling, "oh" He whispered.


"Tell me where we're going!" Frank whined, itching at his blindfold.

Gerard smirked, locking their fingers, "You will know soon Frankie" he smiled.

"But I miss looking into those beautiful eyes of yours" he complained, squeezing Gerard's hand.

He simply laughed, looking at the beautiful teenager that sat beside him. He was tempted to forget entirely about the road passing by in front of him, allowing himself to get lost in Frank's beautiful hazel eyes; He didn't however, knowing it wasn't safe in the slightest bit.

"Is my teenaged girlfriend hungry?" he asked innocently, opening a package of Oreo cookies.

"When is your teenaged girlfriend not hungry?" Frank giggled, wishing he could see the food his boyfriend had prepared.

Frank choked in surprise when Gerard shoved a cookie into his mouth, before settling into the delicious tastes of chocolate and cream.

Frank could hear the sounds of Gerard munching the cookies, most likely spilling crumbs across the entire car.

"Ms. Frankie Way" Gerard purred, moving one of his hands to drape over his shorter boyfriend's shoulder.

"Hm?" Frank responded.

Gerard smiled, pulling Frank's warm body towards his own. "It has a nice ring to it don't you think? Ms. Frankie Way?"

A grin made its way to his slightly pink face, "I suppose it does" he spoke, leaning into Gerard's side. He hoped his older boyfriend at least had one hand on the steering wheel, which he was beginning to doubt due to the amount of attention Gerard was paying him.

"Ms. Frankie Way" Gerard repeated, before running the name through his head a couple thousand more times.

"Wait!" Frank practically screamed, almost causing Gerard to slam on the breaks. "Miss Frankie Way? As in I'm the Miss? Who decided I was the girl in the relationship?" He put on his best pouting face.

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