Teenage Girlfriend (Ch 6)

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Chapter 6- Teenage Girlfriend

Frank rolled on top of his sleeping boyfriend, shuffling towards the edge of the bed. He carefully swung his legs over the edge, preparing his bare feet for the cold floor.

Gerard sloppily flung his hand onto Frank's arm, "mmh" he yawned, "don't leave me, you aren't allowed out of my sight for the next week"

Frank sighed, climbing back next to him in bed. He snuggled into the warmth of Gerard's skeleton onesie, taking in every aspect of the boyfriend he would so desperately miss. He paid attention to Gerard's breathing, and how it paired with his heartbeat in absolute harmony. Oh

"I'm scared for high school Gerard" Frank admitted. He had dropped out last year, meaning he would be a year behind. There was also the fact he was gay and dating a man four years older than him. Frank had terrible experiences with high school before, waking up beaten up in bathroom stalls. He had been placed in the hospital several times due to injuries by several students as well.

"It will be fine, baby" Gerard reassured, placing a gentle kiss on the top of his head. "Remember, I'll call you every lunch break just like work okay?"


"I promise Frankie, I've never failed you before have I? It will be no different, and I'll drive all the way to your school if you ever need me" Gerard knew it wouldn't be the same though, he wouldn't get to come home every day to Frank's adorable smile. He wouldn't be able to stay up all night watching horror movies with Frank hiding within his arms. He knew he wouldn't be able to care for Frank as much, he couldn't be there for him.

Frank replied with a simple "okay" before pulling Gerard out of bed. He needed coffee before he fell recklessly asleep again.

Both Gerard and Frank weren't going to start their new jobs until they got settled in their new environments, meaning they had their last week together off.

"Why does coffee always taste better when you make it?" Gerard teased, hugging Frank from behind.

"Because I make it with extra love" Frank exclaimed, taking a sip of the beverage that had been overstuffed with milk and sugar. "I still don't understand how you can drink that" Frank pointed out, eyeing Gerard's pitch black sugarless coffee.

"I could say the same for you with your milk-flooded sweet coffee, sweetie" Gerard played, kissing his cheek.

"I told you not to call me sweetie" Frank giggled, wiping off his cheek.

"But why?"

"Because it makes me sound like your teenaged girlfriend!" Frank giggled harder, pulling away.

Gerard caught his arm, pulling Frank hopelessly back into his grasp, "Aren't you my teenaged girlfriend though, sweetie?" He teased.

Frank contemplated Gerard's sarcastic point for a moment, giving it some serious thought. "I suppose I am" He spoke in a questionable tone.

Gerard laughed, grasping Frank's hand that wasn't holding his coffee. He traced a heart pattern onto the palm, sending shivers up Frank's arm.

"I love you, Frankie"

"I love you Gee"

Mikey opened his bedroom door, he barely looked half awake as he walked into the kitchen. He noticed Gerard clinging to the smaller guy in front of him, intertwining their fingers.

"Well, hello there" Mikey's face grew slightly surprised, "I feel like I'm interrupting something?"

Frank took a step back, forcing an awkward grin. Gerard joined in, laughing nervously.

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