Black Hole (Ch 5)

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Chapter 5- Black Hole

Frank woke up covered by a blanket of sweat, Gerard squeezing his palm. The room was bright, forcing Frank's eyes into a painful squint.


"Frankie!" he replied a little too suddenly, jumping to his feet, causing Frank to shake.

"Oh god Frankie, don't scare me like that again, okay baby?"

Frank nodded, suddenly remembering what had happened before waking up in the hospital. He could feel his hands trembling as he pulled them away from Gerard. He felt as lost as he had when he passed out. It felt as though he was being pulled into a black hole, it was useless trying to escape due to loss of gravity. He closed his eyes, bringing his knees up to his chest. His vision was blurred and his breathing was heavy as he desperately searched the white-walled room.

"Frankie? What the fuck did I just say?" He gulped, gently biting down on his lower lip. He sat next to his trembling boyfriend, gently rubbing his shoulder. "Shh sweets," He cooed in a singsong type of voice, "I'm here."

Frank buried his face in his knees, desperately trying to hide his sobbing. He couldn't bring himself to face Gerard, knowing he was broken too.

"Mr. Way?" A nurse interrupted, walking into the room. Gerard looked over at her as she scribbled something on her clipboard. "Mr. Way." She repeated as if he hadn't heard her, "What are you doing with Mr. Iero?"

As she addressed them by their last names, Gerard cringed; It was far too formal for his liking.

"I'm comforting my friend." he lied, reluctantly letting Frank go. He knew he needed to comfort Frank, and soothe him, but he couldn't risk the nurse finding out about their relationship. He knew a 16-year-old dating a 21-year-old might not go over too well. He also knew that the fact they were both guys, living together, made it worse.

The nurse walked towards Frank, holding a bottle of pills.

Fuck Gerard thought, Frankie is terrified of pills.

Ever since Frank was little, he had hated any types of medication. Having a bad past with them before foster care, he stayed away from all types of drugs; Even prescription ones.

Frank didn't lift up his head, he had barely even noticed as the nurse came in. The one thing he did notice, was the loss of Gerard's warm hand against his shoulder.

"Mr. Iero?" the nurse, once again, formally spoke.

Frank didn't want to look up, he didn't care about what the nurse had to say. At that moment, he didn't care where he was, and he didn't care how he got there. He just wanted Gerard.

The nurse placed a hand on Frank's knee, gently shaking it. Frank shook harder, he hated strangers touching him, he hated it but couldn't find the words to say anything. All he could do was fall deeper into the black hole he had created.

"Stop." Gerard snapped, "he won't take meds, he hates them."

Frank looked up as Gerard spoke the word 'meds', fear to strike his glazed over eyes.

"I appreciate your concern Mr. Way, but Mr. Iero needs these to get better." she bitched, plastering a terrifyingly fake smile on her face.

Frank shook his head, pressing his fragile body against the cold hospital wall. He looked at Gerard, giving him a 'please, help me' look.

"What are they for?" Gerard argued, moving in front of the nurse.

"They will calm him down, that's all. He is having bad panic attacks, these will help."

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