Kiss me (Ch 15)

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Chapter 15- Kiss me -Gerards POV-

The movie ended with Frank laying sideways across my lap. His head rested against my arm, as I gently stroked his hair. He truly was adorable. I had won, of course. I knew Frank would be scared out of his mind without me to comfort him, but I didn't mind. I loved it when he snuggled against me; As I previously said, Frank is amazing at cuddling.

I picked him up within my arms, bringing him to our room. I set him carefully on the bed, smiling as his eyes slowly opened.

"Did I fall asleep?" He spoke quietly, rubbing his eyes.

"Yes sweets," I giggled, "during one of the freakiest movies ever."

He laughed softly, pulling me onto the bed.

I had almost forgotten about the deal we had made, I had won, which meant Frank had to make out with me. I almost felt bad, I didn't want him doing anything he didn't feel comfortable doing. He didn't seem to mind last time, however, but I would wait to see how it played out.

He crawled on top of me, leaning down. As much as I wanted this, I was sort of freaking out. I didn't want Frank to kiss me because of some dare, I wanted it to be genuine. Why did I agree to this?

"Frank," I began, trying to sit up. He pushed me back down, placing a finger to my mouth.

"Frank, please, we don't need to do this."

He ignored me, leaning in until our lips met. I gasped, still slightly surprised at his confidence. Keeping our lips together, he sat cross-legged on my chest. He gently cupped my cheeks within his hands, steadying my face. After about a minute, I decided to kiss him back. If he was going to actually carry through with our deal, it may as well have not been one way, right? He seemed surprised at first, before kissing me harder. I pushed myself up, sending him stumbling backwards. He sat on the bed, questionably staring at me. I sat across from him, before moving in. We kissed again, this time more romantic than the last. We slowly moved our lips together, only taking small oxygen breaks. He nibbled on my bottom lip, sending a shiver through my spine. I decided against using tung, knowing Frank was barely even comfortable with this. I didn't mind, however, because this was perfect. His lips were soft against my own, making the kiss comfortable. He gently tugged at my hair, still refusing to break the kiss.

I backed away, gasping for air.

"Wow." was all I managed to push out of my mouth.

"Wow." He repeated, blushing madly.

"See? That wasn't so bad, was it?" I asked, not exactly sure on what answer I would get. I knew Frank wasn't in to this type of thing, but the amount of passion he had put into the kiss had to have counted for something.

"I- It w-was-" He stuttered, bringing his knees to his chest.

Fuck, I shouldn't have done that. I probably fucked everything up. I thought, looking down at the bed.

"I- I liked it." He blushed, digging his face further into his knees. "Kiss me?"

I smiled, leaning in again to meet my boyfriend's lips.


Frank yawned, bringing his arms above his head. I giggled as he rubbed his eyes, climbing out of bed.

"Sleep well Frankie?" I grinned, giving him a hug.

"Mmm, mhhm" he replied, slipping on his sweater.

We made our way to the kitchen, where Mikey had prepared coffee, eggs, toast, and bacon. I really enjoyed having him around, he was like a personal chef. I missed cooking however, and the adorable look on Frankie's face when I prepared his favourite meal.

We sat down, Frank on top of me. Mikey handed us our plates, Frank's not having any bacon on it. I didn't understand how the kid survived without meat, he was all skin and bones.

Frank licked his lips, immediately digging into the warm food. He loved food so much, it was really cute. I ate mine slowly, unable to finish the small meal that had been prepared for me.

Frank gave me a dirty look, signalling for me to finish my food. I simply shrugged, pushing the plate across the table. Eating was pointless, I was fat enough anyways.

"Please?" Frank pouted, wrapping his arms carefully around my neck.

I smiled, leaning down to peck his soft lips. I could see the blush creeping up his face, as he buried himself into my shoulder.

I ate the rest of my food, and the look on Frank's face was worth it. He smiled sweetly at me, giving me a few hundred hugs. 

I kissed his cheek, picking him up, and carrying him onto the couch.

"Stay" I ordered, pointing at him. 

He nodded, nestling into the large amount of blankets that lay there. We had a lot of blankets. I made sure to get new ones often, knowing Frank could always make room for another blanket in his blanket nests.

I walked back to the kitchen, grabbing him his box of Oreos. I could have sworn we had at least three boxed before I left, but now all that remained was about a quarter of one. I hoped Mikey was at least trying to feed Frank healthy food. I knew for a fact if it was up to the small boy, he would eat nothing but shit.

I returned to the living room, admiring the smile that appeared on my boyfriends face. I handed the curled up boy the box of cookies, crawling next to him. I wrapped my arms around his small figure, squishing myself between his blanket-covered self, and the back of the couch.

He quickly popped a few of the treats into his mouth, curling up within my arms. I smiled into his shirt, nuzzling him with my nose. He shifted around till we were facing each other, shoving a cookie in my face. I gagged slightly at first, coughing a few crumbs onto the couch. The little fuck simply laughed as I struggled to compose myself. I managed to swallow, before pulling Frank's lips onto mine. His eyes widened, but he soon wrapped his arm around my neck, pulling me closer to deepen the kiss.

He sighed, pulling away to rest his head on my shoulder. That adorable shit is going to be the death of me, I swear.

He put the empty box of Oreos on the floor, then moved around till he found a comfortable position. I gently played with his hair, spinning it loosely around my finger, until he drifted off.

I giggled quietly, as I listened to the cute noises he made while he slept. His breathing got heavy, and he would sometimes scrunch up his nose. His fingers tightened around the back of my shirt as he flinched slightly.

I squeezed him closer to my chest, letting my fingers slide through his long, brown hair. I could feel him relax from within my arms, causing a small smile to form upon my lips.

Frankie was the most precious part of my life, and I would never let anything distance us. Collage was a setback, but it was for the greater good. I had plans for our future, him finishing school, and the two of us eventually setting somewhere peaceful and quiet.

When the two of us had first met, he had barely talked to me. I remembered the first time we had a true conversation, he had woken up screaming, sweat dripping down his face, and I had rushed in to check on him. After about half an hour of him crying softly into his pillow, he had asked me if he could stay the night in my room. I had of course agreed, holding his hand as I walked him from my art studio/guest room, to the room in which I stayed. He snuggled into the farthest corner of the bed possible from me, curling up, our eyes meeting. He sniffled, bringing the covers up to his face. As I was beginning to drift off, I felt him lightly poke my arm. I opened my eyes, studying his perfect facial features. He had told me he wanted to talk, he didn't care what we talked about, as long as we both lay and listened to each others words. I had asked him about his future, and what he hoped to achieve. His answer was fairly simple, he had said he wanted to move as far away from civilization as possible, maybe with a husband or a few hundred dogs. He wanted to open up a small business, making a local income in a small town. He also desperately wanted to do something with guitar, that kid was amazing with music.

I would get us there, I wanted nothing more than to make my little Frankie's dreams come true. I would create the perfect future for us. I knew there would be setbacks, and hurt, but I would do whatever it took to get us there.

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