Brother (Ch 4)

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Chapter 4- Brother

"Please, Gerard." His mother sighed softly, "I know it's a lot to ask for but I really do need as much money as you can give me."

"To fuel your stupid addiction? I think the fuck not. I'm happy here with Frank, that's where my money will go."

"Gerard!" His mother called. "I provided for you the entire 18 years you lived here. Now Mikey and I can barely afford to eat. Pull yourself together and help provide for this fucking family!" She demanded.

This wasn't the first call Gerard had gotten from his mom. She called often, demanding money for food, alcohol, and drugs.

Gerard walked tiredly into their room, lying down beside Frank.

"Who were you on the phone with?" Frank whispered.

"Just my mom."

"Okay," Frank sighed, moving closer to Gerard. He curled up, lying his head on Gerard's chest.

"Frank? Gerard questioned nervously.

Frank buried his head into Gerard's shoulder, muffling his voice. "What is it?" He whispered.

"My mom wants money."

"Oh, Gerard.." Frank began, "you don't have to give into her bullshit."

Gerard sighed, putting his arm around Frank's shoulder.

"I know Frankie, I know."

"It's Mikey isn't it?"

Gerard sighed, staring at the dim-lit ceiling. Frank was right, he couldn't care less about his mom at this point. One thing he couldn't ignore, however, was his younger brother.

"We will figure something out." Frank reassured, "we have some money saved up."

"I'm not even working at the moment Frankie, we can't afford to pay for my moms problems. I won't pay for my moms problems."

"So Mikey comes to live with us for a while." Frank suggested, "He can sleep in the office on the pullout couch. We have space."


"Hey, Mikey." Gerard spoke.

"Gerard? What's up? We haven't talked in months!"

Gerard was relieved to hear his brothers voice, even if it was over the phone. He knew it would be complicated to invite Mikey to move in, he was 3 years younger than Gerard and still in high school.

"Mikey.." Gerard began, "we need to talk about mom. She isn't doing well right now and I don't think you should be staying there."

"You think I cant see that?" Mikey snapped, surprising Gerard. "I know she isn't doing well, but I don't have some high school drop out boyfriend to run off with."

"Mikey!" Gerard choked, "What the fuck?!"

"Well, what do you want me to say, Gerard? You left me to deal with her, I'm only 17!"

"I know Mikey, I know. I'm sorry. Please let me make it up to you?"

"How are you going to do that?" He shrilled.

"Frank and I want you to come live with us, at least till mom is better. Please, Mikey, let me take care of you."

"Okay," Mikey said almost immediately. "Okay Gerard."




It was a Thursday afternoon. Mikey was going to be moving in that Saturday, leaving Gerard and Frank only 2 days to prepare for his arrival.

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