Surprise (Ch 9)

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Chapter 9- Surprise

"Happy Birthday!" Gerard screamed, tackling his sleeping boyfriend.

Frank rolled over, sleepily elbowing the taller man in the arm.

"Frank!" Gee wined, "Get uppp!"

Frank groaned in reply, pulling the blankets over his pale face. He had no desire to get up, even if he was turning 17.

A smile grew on Gerard's face as he slipped under the covers. He shuffled over until his mouth was practically touching Frank's ear.

"I made you triple chocolate pancakes, your favorite" He whispered.

Frank's eyes immediately flew open, as he flew out of bed. He pulled on his favorite sweater, as he ran into the kitchen.

A large stack of chocolate pancakes with chocolate chips lay on the table, drenched in chocolate sauce. He ran over, forking a few onto a separate plate. Gerard walked into the kitchen, running a hand through his freshly washed hair.

"So, you like them?"

Frank nodded intently, looking up at Gerard with his chocolate covered smile.

"Have I ever told you how fucking adorable you are?" Gerard cooed, walking behind Frank's chair, and wrapping his arms around his chest.

A small smile lingered on the small boys face, as he took another bite of the delicious triple chocolate breakfast. "You've mentioned it once or twice" he played between bites. He looked up, eyes meeting his amazing personal chef. He stopped eating, taking a moment to get lost in his breathtaking eyes.

"Your eyes..." Frank mumbled dreamily, before covering his mouth, as he realized he had said that out loud.

Gerard simply laughed, continuing to stare back at his fragile boyfriend.

Frank licked the last bit of chocolate sauce off his plate, handing it to Gerard, who took it to the kitchen. He placed it in the dishwasher, before briefly cleaning the rest of the kitchen.

Mikey walked in. He smiled at Frank and sat down at the table. Frank was confused, when did Mikey stop hating him? Gerard joined his brother, signaling for Frank to join them. He cautiously walked over, before moving towards the chair beside his boyfriend. He went to sit down, but Gerard pulled him onto his lap. Classic Gee. Mikey pulled a wrapped box out from under his chair, placing it on the wooden table.

"What's this?" The boy asked, sounding unsure of himself.

Mikey looked at him as though he should know, "Your birthday present?" He asked in a questionable tone.

Frank had met Gerard a few months before his 16th birthday, a day he never thought he would live to see. His parents never gave a shit about his birthday, neither did his foster parents; So he had never even mentioned it to Gerard.

The day after, Frank had mentioned being a year older. Gerard's face fell at finding out he had missed the big day. 16 was an important birthday, and Frank had spent it alone, with no presents or cake, sulking in his room. Of course, he had made up for that afterward, but he still felt sorry for the small kid.

He was happy to know about his boyfriends birthday this year, so he could throw him the party he had never before got.

"Frankie" Gerard sighed. "People give gifts on birthdays baby, it's for you!"

Frank still looked confused, staring at the brightly wrapped box. He reached out and grabbed it, tossing it around in his hand.

"What is it?" he asked.

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