Let It Snow (Ch 14)

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Chapter 14- Let It Snow

Two days had gone by since Frank had gotten beat up. Luckily, his bruises were clearing and his ribs barely hurt. He insisted he was totally fine, but Gerard suspected otherwise.

"Cmon Gee, please! It's already Friday! Let's go play in the snow!" Frank pleaded, desperately pointing out the window.

"No, sweets." He replied, guiding the boy away from the window, and bringing him towards the warm fireplace.

"But I want to go outside!" Frank pouted, pulling his hand away. "Look! I'm totally better!" He pleaded, jumping harshly onto the couch.

"Now, stop that Frank." Gerard scolded, "You're going to injure yourself."

"Mikes?" Frank begged.

Mikey rolled his eyes, "Just let the kid go outside, the ice'll be good for his wounds, besides, it'll get him to shut the fuck up."

"Oh." was Frank's only reply as he looked up at his taller boyfriend.

"Fine." Gerard scoffed, wrapping his striped scarf around his neck.

"Yay!" Frank yelled, running to get his snow outfit on.

Mikey laughed, once Frank had left the room, walking up to his brother.

"What are you laughing at?" Gerard pouted, playfully punching Mikeys shoulder.

"I'll tell you one thing Gee," Mikey began, "That is one adorable kid."

"Hey!" Gerard blushed, "Get your own adorable boyfriend!"

"I heard my name?" Frank giggled, walking out of the bedroom. He was dressed in his snow pants, jeans, two shirts, his red sweater, two pairs of gloves, a grey beanie, and scarf.

"Ah, classic Frankie, wearing his entire wardrobe." Gerard chuckled, forgetting his previous agitation towards the small boy.

"Snow?" Frank then smiled, gently taking Gerard's hand.

"Course sweets." He smiled, "Lets go get the sled out of storage."

And with that, the two walked out of the small apartment. Mikey would walk Cheshire later, besides, the two needed some alone time.

Frank carried the two person sled to the park, setting in on the top of the biggest hill he could find. He stopped for a moment, looking down at the white landscape. He studied the ways the light reflected off the surface, casting colours upon every direction.

"Pretty." Gerard smiled, climbing onto the back of the sled.

"Yeah, I love the snow." Frank agreed.

Gerard giggled, patting the space in front of him, "Not the snow silly, I was talking about you sweets."

Frank blushed, joining his boyfriend on the sled.

Gerard pushed off, hugging Frank as he screamed his guts out. The ride lasted only a few seconds, but brought a huge smile to both of their pale faces.

Frank rolled off, giggling into the icy snow.

Gerard smiled, getting up, and offering Frank his hand. Frank gratefully took it, pulling himself to his feet. The two of them walked, once again, to the top of the hill.

"Can we make a jump?" Frank asked, jumping around playfully.

Gerard raised his eyebrows, eying his boyfriends bruised jawline.

"I don't think that's a good idea, sweets." He stated, brushing away Frank's dark brown fringe.

"Please?" The younger begged, grabbing Gerard's hand, before giving him puppy dog eyes.

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