Alone (Ch 11)

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Chapter 11- Alone -Franks POV-

Gone, Gerard is actually gone! He was the one who held me together, the stitches on my broken heart; Without him, I could feel them slowly ripping, allowing me to slowly fall apart.

It had only been two days since he'd left, two days and I already couldn't stop shaking. Not to mention school, which would be starting the next day. Due to the small town we lived in, I would have to go back to my old school. I would be behind by a year, so at least I wouldn't be in the same classes as my bullies.

I was honestly freaking out, I needed Gerard.

At least Mikey was being nicer, him and I were getting along a lot better. I found out that, like Gerard, Mikey was an excellent cook. At least I wouldn't have to worry about food, I knew there would be no way in hell I could cook for myself.

I sat in our room, one of Gerard's shirts loosely hanging over my small frame. I clutched my legs, pulling them closer to my face in a desperate attempt to drown my crying.

Why did I let him leave? My mind was basically yelling at me.

I pulled out the comic that I had tucked beneath my pillow, lightly tracing the outline of Gerard's face beside mine. As I flipped to the next page, I felt a fresh stream of tears trickle down my cheeks.

The picture was amazing. Dark shadows lined the faces in the alley, casting a dramatic look. Blood was pooled sloppily on the floor as the two sat, clinging desperately onto each other. The smaller figure had obvious tears running down their face, while the bigger had a soft, scared expression.

It was the first time we met; The first time Gerard had saved my pathetic little life. Looking at the picture physically hurt, forcing a small whimper out my mouth.

I put the comic down, knowing it would be best to not ruin it with my never ending tears. I slipped it back under my pillow, returning to my hopeless crying.

I didn't even look up as Mikey entered the room, cautiously taking a seat beside me.

"Frank?" He whispered softly.

I pushed my face further into my knees, muffling my sobs.

He gently placed a hand on my shoulder, in what I believe was an attempt to comfort me. Mikey wasn't very good at that type of thing, sometimes I wondered if he even had emotions. He usually just blankly stared at something, whether it be a person, an object, or a plain wall.

"Fuck you Gerard" he mumbled under his breath, pulling me into a hug.

I moved away, panicking from the sudden contact. I looked up at him, revealing my beaten up face; Not in a physical beating way, but in an emotionally drained, sleep deprived way.

"M-Mikes" I stuttered, "I, I miss h-him"

God, why am I so fragile and pathetic?

"I know Frankie" he sighed, getting off the bed. "Listen, you haven't gotten a second of sleep since Gerard left and school starts tomorrow. Could you try to get to bed? It's getting late"

Frankie? No one but Gerard had ever called me that, and I wasn't too sure if I wanted anyone but him to say it to me. He was allowed to call me Frankie, he was allowed to call me sweetie and tell me I was his teenage girlfriend. He was the only person that cared about me.

"I suppose" I sniffled. I then snuck under the covers, chewing anxiously on my silver lip ring.

Mikey stood beside me, before pulling the covers up to my chin and lightly patting my head. Nice to know Gerard trusted me enough to not hire a babysitter. I can't complain though, I truly liked being looked after.

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