I'll Be Off (Ch 10)

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Chapter 10- I'll Be Off

"Please stay" Frank whimpered, crawling into his boyfriends warm arms for the last time for a while.

Gerard's face scrunched up, as he yawned. "Did you say something baby?" He asked, brushing a strand of hair away from Frank's pale face.

"You-you're leaving today" Frank broke out into a sob, allowing his tears to drip onto the taller mans face.

A frown fell over Gerard's face, the time had gone by much too quickly. He gently stroked Frank's arm, humming a soft melody into his ear. Cheshire was snuggled in between them, peacefully sleeping.

"You-Your'e, you have to-"

"Shhhhh" the older one cooed, running a finger along Frank's damp cheek.


Gerard let out a sigh, pressing himself against his boyfriend's trembling body. "I'm here now, let's just enjoy this moment, okay?" But he didn't just want to enjoy this moment. He wanted it to last forever. He knew Frank wouldn't be able to survive at school without him. Fuck, the last time Frank didn't have him, he was about to kill himself in an alley. Gerard was hopelessly lost. He needed to protect his weak, kind-hearted partner, but needed to go finish his last year of college to get a better job. It was only less than a year, he had already gotten through most of his needed years before he dropped out, But he dropped out to care for Frank. Why was he giving that up now?

Should I just stay here? No. I couldn't do that.

But the longer he looked at his hopeless boyfriend, the more he desperately wished he could.

It was early in the morning; The sun had just allowed itself to begin its journey across the sky, leaking bits of golden light through their bedroom window.

The smaller boy had curled up against his boyfriend, knees tucked to his chest. He couldn't bring himself to speak, he had nothing to say. Tears had been trickling down his cheeks since he woke up, forcing small sniffles out of his mouth. He didn't want to cry, he wanted to be strong, but he knew he couldn't. He was too damaged; Too broken.

It took all the courage and strength Gerard had in him to prevent tears from spilling down his face as well. He didn't cry. He had already cried enough in front of Frank and knew doing it again would be too stressful. He had to be there for the crying mess desperately clinging onto his oversized band tee.

"Frankie baby, I love you, you know that right?"

The trembling boy looked up, his puffy red eyes meeting Gerard's. He nodded weakly, before trying to straighten himself out on the bed. He sat up slightly, wiping his face on his already tear stained shirt.

"I'm sorry" He sniffled.

"For what?" Gerard replied, in a calming, whisper-like tone.

"For not being strong, You're always strong. You always know what to do"

Gerard's mouth fell open slightly, allowing a confused look to grow upon his face. He solemnly looked at his boyfriend, before grasping his hand.

"Frank Iero" He began, "you don't have to be strong, you don't have to know what to do" He knew he didn't seem very encouraging, but he couldn't find a way to get the right words out of his mouth.

"You are so pure Frankie, that's better than being strong. I mean it, you are the most beautiful and amazing person I have ever met. I was a complete wreck before I met you.

You make me strong Frankie"

The boy couldn't help but smile, placing a delicate kiss on Gerard's pale cheek.

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