Galaxy (Ch 12)

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Galaxy (Ch 12) -Franks POV-

Wake up Frank, wake up!

I could feel sweat dripping down the side of my face, clumsily soaking my white pillow case. I clawed at my bare arms, lightly ripping away at my soft flesh.

Wake up Frank!

A year. It had been over a year since I had my last night terror. They stopped shortly after I moved in with Gerard. He was the answer to all my problems; My cure. Without him, I was slowly fading back into my old, weak self.

My eyes flew open, frantically searching my dark, empty room.

"M-Mikey!" I choked, pulling myself into a fetal position. "Mikey!" I cried again, my voice breaking into a quieter sob as he entered the room. I could barely force myself to look at him. It couldn't have been earlier than 3 AM. It was one thing to be tearing myself apart over this, it was another to drag Mikey along with me. I sheepishly pulled the covers over my head, not wanting to see the disappointed look that most likely waited for me upon his face.

I heard Mikes let out a small sigh, before removing the covers which clung to my sweaty face.

He sat me up in my bed, gently placing a hand on my shoulder.

"It's okay Frank, I'm here"

And Mikey may never know this, but those words meant a lot to me. Really, all I wanted was for someone to look after me.

"Why don't you come into the kitchen for some Oreos and I'll make us up some hot chocolate?" He suggested, pulling me off the bed.

I gladly agreed, making my way across the cold kitchen tiles. I took at seat at the table, crossing my arms in a failed attempt to shield myself from the night air. I decided it would be best to avoid getting hypothermia, so I slipped out of my chair and made my way back to my bedroom, where my red sweater awaited me.

When I made my way back, now comfortably settled within my sweater, Mikey was pouring two mugs of steaming hot chocolate. To my delight, he had added marshmallows, and put out a bowl of various cookies.

"Gerard wouldn't let me eat all this so late" I giggled, sitting at the table.

"Well Gerard isn't here, is he?" Mikey grinned, before handing me the cup.

I clapped, then took the warm mug between my sweater covered hands. I lifted the mug up to my mouth, then blew on it a few times to prevent burning my face off. I then took a sip, and hummed in delight as the chocolaty drink ran down my throat.

"Feeling better now, huh?" Mikey smiled, passing over the tray of cookies.

"Mhm" I nodded, stuffing half the tray into my mouth.

It felt amazing to know Mikey and I were finally getting along after all this time. Not to mention the fact he stopped my bully. Sure, I had only suffered through my first day at school, so I didn't know if Derek was going to actually leave me alone, but it seemed all good so far.

The peacefully silence was interrupted by the buzz of Mikey's phone, followed by a smile illuminating his face.

"Gerard is gonna come by Friday to see us Frankie, so I'll have a whole two and a half days to leave the parenting to him" he joked, giving me a playful shove.

A smile immediately found its way to my face, leaving me bouncing up and down in my chair. "Thats only four days away!" I beamed, picking up another cookie.

"Sure is kiddo" he laughed, grabbing the empty cookie tray from my shaking hands. "Now lets get you back to sleep, you want to be well rested for when Gee gets here dont you?"

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