bad vibes (Ch 21)

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Bad vibes-Chapter 21 (Gerard's POV)

"Frank!" I called, walking through the door, and throwing my bag and shoes onto the door mat. I made my way to the room, finding Frank reading a book on the bed.

"Hello Sweets," I smiled, flopping myself next to him.

"Hey Gee," he replied, turning around to gently kiss my cheek.

I looked over his shoulder, eyeing the cream coloured page he was reading from. "What book is that?" I questioned, "what is my little Frankie reading?"

He giggled, turning the page. "All My Sons by Arthur Millar," he replied.

I flipped the book over, tracing the title, "for school I'm guessing?"

"What makes you think that?" He pouted, "can't a guy enjoy an old, boring, historical book in his own time?"

"No," I replied, closing his book and placing it on the table.

He tried to take it back at first, stretching his arms in attempt to get up, before I pushed him back into the soft comforter. He snuggled into the sheets, before grabbing a pillow from behind me, and chucking it at my face.

"Hey!" I exclaimed, quickly ducking away from his next hit.

He giggled as I grabbed my own weapon, hitting  Oh his arm. He squeaked, hiding behind the bed frame.

"You started it!" I laughed, throwing him back onto the bedspread.

"Well," he mumbled, "You finished it."

I laughed at the sarcastic comeback, sitting beside him on the now messy sheets.

"I missed you Gerard" Frank hummed, gently sliding his soft fingers into mine. I could feel my cheeks heat up as he snuggled up closer to me.

"Stop being so fucking cute Frankie," I warned.

He pressed his nose into my shoulder, muffling his kiddish tone. "Or what?" He teased.

I lifted my eyebrow, replacing my soft smile with a more smug one, "Or I'll have to make you a little less innocent, won't I?"

His cheeks turned a bright red as he relaxed away from me. I hadn't meant to make him stop, though I knew I was pushing his boundaries.

"I'm sorry, Frankie." I cooed, gently once again linking our fingers.

I kissed his cheek, before ghosting my lips across his jawline. He squeaked at the sudden contact, before sitting up. I followed, mentally cursing myself for pushing his limits so much. I looked into his eyes, noticing the fear, and curiosity they held. He was nervously biting his lip, tugging on the silver ring it held in an excruciatingly slow pace. He moved closer to me, gently caressing my cheek with his bony fingers. He closed his eyes as his lips met mine. They were warm, yet cold from the metal loop, and they tasted of chocolate. I smiled into the kiss, wrapping my free arm around his back, and pulling him closer. He kept the kiss passionate, yet desperately kissed me harder. My mind swirled as he licked my bottom lip, sucking on it as he often did with his own.

"Uh, excuse me?" Bert snickered as he entered the room.

Frank frantically pulled away, shuffling to the opposite side of the bed. He hung his head down, covering his beautiful lips with his hands. He whimpered as he desperately tried to suppress a cry, and dug his face further into his palms.

"Yes, Bert?" I asked, slightly irritated. Frank barely ever kissed me. He was always so scared of being vulnerable. Yet there he was, wanting to be kissed, and Bert just happened to walk in.

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