Friends And Enemies Pt 1 (Ch 16)

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Chapter 16-Friends And Enemies Pt 1 (Frank's POV)

I hadn't seen Gerard in about three weeks, he had promised weekly visits, but had been too busy to make it. I get that he entered late, so he had a lot to catch up on, but I was struggling.

Every day seemed like a harder challenge. I was struggling to get out of bed, eat, and talk; Even to Mikey. I went to school, silently sitting through all my lessons, then lay in bed, thinking about the boyfriend I terribly missed.

We called each other almost every day, but it wasn't the same as in person conversations. I wanted him to hold me in his arms, and to be able to run my fingers through his slick black hair. The void deep within me was gradually growing, and I could feel myself being once again pulled back in.

My thoughts were interrupted by Mikey carefully sliding open my door. He silently walked across the room, sitting down beside me. I could smell the tray of triple chocolate pancakes he set on the night table, as he gently shook my shoulder.

"Hey Frankie," He whispered, "You haven't eaten in weeks, please feed yourself at least a little before school today."

I flinched at the word school, not wanting to return to that terrible place.

About a week ago, Mikey had walked in on the group of boys beating me up. They had been halfway through violently shoving me into a bathroom stall. The three of the guys had turned around as Mikey opened the bathroom door. I was dropped onto the freezing cold tiles, as they grabbed Mikey's arms. They tossed him around, bruising every inch of his body. I tried to get in the way, preferring to be in pain myself than to watch this happen to Mikey, but I was tossed back into the stall, hitting the side of my head against a wall and passing out.

I don't know what happened to Mikey while I was knocked out in the stall, but I do know how he was like after. He had seen me come home with bleeding gashed, bruises, and even a broken finger, but had done nothing to help me. He had even walked in on them beating me up, several times after his incident, but hadn't even done the slightest thing to stop them.

He wasn't allowed to try and help me now, he abandoned me. He didn't care about my mental, or physical state, that was clear now. He only cared about himself.

I was sure Gerard hadn't been noticed on my recent struggles, for Mikey would surely get in trouble. So, I was forced to push through it, praying Gerard would visit soon.

Mikey shook my shoulder again, whispering my name.

I rolled to face the other direction, swatting his arm away. If he was going to abandon me, I would abandon him too. Besides, his triple chocolate pancakes weren't nearly as good as Gerard's.

"Okay, whatever Frank." He shot back in a stern voice. "I'm just trying to help you, but if you're going to do nothing but sulk on your lazy ass, you can count me out."

With that, he strode out of my room, slamming the door.

I slowly pulled the covers off, dreading the day ahead of me. I slipped out of bed, pulling on Gerard's red sweater. His scent was fading from it, making me feel helplessly alone. I felt as though he was completely disappearing from my life, leaving me once again in an unfamiliar home, with unfamiliar faces.

I walked through the hallway, entering the vacant kitchen. It looked like Mikey had already left for school, great.

I took out my phone, dialling Gerard's familiar number. The phone rang a few times, before going to voicemail.

I tied my red converse, hauling my bag over my shoulder. The weight was almost enough to knock me over, for I hadn't been eating or sleeping, and had lost a lot of weight.

I walked through our apartment lobby, shivering as I opened the door that lead to the outside. The school wasn't too far from the apartment, for we lived in a small town. It took me about 15 minutes before the familiar building came into view. I noticed Mikey chatting with Derek, laughing hysterically. I just walked past the two of them, not being able to care less.

I was greeted by the three familiar faces that haunted my daily visits to the school. One grabbed my bag, emptying its contents onto the dirty floor. The other two knocked me against a locker, which was extremely painful, due to my already bruised ribs.

I could hear faint laughter echo through the hallway, as I was shoved into a nearby vacant locker. I curled up against the sides of the small metal box, feeling some comfort in being locked away from the monsters on the other side. I could feel a few warm tears fall down my cheeks, dripping onto my sweater.

My phone rang, vibrating the entire locker. I struggled to get my it out, but eventually managed to bring it to my ear.

"H-hello?" I sniffled, trying my best to hide my current state.

"Frankie? Hey sweetie? What's wrong? You don't sound too good." The familiar voice spoke.

"It's nothing" I replied, wiping my face off.

I whimpered as someone kicked the locker from the outside.

"Fag!" They yelled, "why don't you just go kill yourself already?"

There was no doubt it was one of the three from earlier, but there was no way in hell I would let Gerard know that. He had enough going on, he didn't need to parent me.

"Sorry, I uh- I have to go, we just started watching an anti-bullying movie in class." I mumbled, before quickly hanging up.

I felt extremely bad hanging up on him, but I felt it was necessary. I couldn't drag him in again, he didn't deserve that.

I could feel the entire locker shake, as people kicked it passing by. I was used to this as well, for this had become my locker. No, it wasn't my assigned locker, but almost daily I was violently shoved inside, rescued after the bell by the main janitor. Him and I had become close, I would like to say he was my only friend at the school. Sure, we hadn't exactly talked to each other, but we had a silent, mutual respect for each other.

The bell echoed through the hallway, signalling the beginning of first block. I patiently waited, hoping the janitor would hurry up. I really hated this locker, it was lonely, and way too small.

I was beginning to regret hanging up the phone, for I could sure use someone to talk to right about now. No matter though, Gerard was probably extremely busy at his new school. I bet he had lots of new friends, and probably already replaced me. I was nothing special, and I knew for a fact he could do much better.


It had been about thirty minutes, and there was still no sight of the janitor. He would usually be here within the first ten. I guess he had been away that day.

Looks like I'm spending the day in here, great.

One thing was for sure, I sure as hell hoped Gerard was doing a lot better than me, because I was desperately struggling.

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