All I Want For Christmas (Ch 20)

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Chapter 20-All I Want For Christmas (Frank's POV)

"Merry Christmas!" Gerard shouted, sending me shooting up in bed.

"Geraaaard!" I whined, looking over at the clock. It read 5:43 AM, great.

Thanks, Gee.

I slowly wobbled around in a desperate attempt to leave the warmth of the bedsheets. Gerard grabbed my arm, dragging me onto the floor.

"Ouch, Gerard!" I whimpered, grabbing my aching elbow.

"Sorry, sorry," He exclaimed, "I'm just excited is all." He then helped me up, and guided into the living room.

The tree was lined with coloured packages, wrapped in golden ribbons.

Our stockings hung gracefully above the lit fireplace, and a wonderful breakfast was laid out upon the table. Gerard prepared a lot for this. It was our last day in this apartment, I could understand why he wanted it to be nice.

I sat at the table, admiring the french toast, eggs, various toppings, and colourful cookies he had made. Gerard really was an amazing cook. He sat down beside me, and Mikey shortly sat down across from the two of us. I picked Cheshire off of the floor, placing her onto my lap.

Gerard eyed me, signalling for me to put the dog down. While he was away, Cheshire always sat on me. Way to ruin the fun.

I placed the fluffy creature back onto the ground, and served myself a few pieces of fried white bread with egg.

Honestly, I was an extremely unhealthy eater. Gerard tried to buy healthy foods for me, but our cupboards always ended up filled with various cookies and other sugary treats. I probably ate way too much, but I didn't really care.

I covered my french toast in a few heaping spoons of whipped cream and chocolate sugar, before spooning four tablespoons of sugar into my coffee.

Gerard just had a spoonful of eggs, and his plain black coffee, as per usual.

Once we were done our food, I excitedly made my way over to the tree. I flopped onto the couch, bouncing up and down.

Gerard first passed around the stockings, which he had stuffed with all sorta of chocolates and candies. I found a pack of jellybeans, and immediately started shoving them into my mouth. He laughed as I picked out the few flavours I didn't like, dropping them into his hand.

"You ready for presents?" He asked, eating my unwanted jellybeans.

I nodded excitedly, reaching for the shiny red package he picked out for me.

I tore the paper apart, the bright pieces falling to the ground as if they were glowing embers, fluttering down to the cold forest floor.

I pulled out a pair of fingerless gloves, decorated with skeleton hands.

I squeaked with excitement, quickly slipping the new gloves onto my pale hands. I moved my hands in front of my face, admiring the bony detailing.

I moved over to the pile of gifts, picking up a small gift bag, decorated in crossbones, and handed it to Gerard. He took out the gift paper, revealing the black and grey striped scarf I had bought him.

"I love it, thanks sweets!" He exclaimed, kissing my cheek.

I blushed, twisting my hands together.

We continued to open the presents until only two remained. I was excited to know if Gerard would like my gift, I had been saving up for it for a long time. He deserved a nice gift after looking after me for so long. He deserved a lot more than a few gifts, but I hoped that the effort I put into the gift would prove how much he meant to me. I was extremely nervous to be honest, but Gerard cared about me, didn't he?

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