Safe (Ch 13)

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Chapter 13- Safe (Gerards POV)

"shh Frankie, you're safe now baby" I cooed, finally able to run my fingers through his soft brown hair.

Sitting here with him once again curled up within my arms, made me realize just how much I had missed him. Luckily, my classes had been cancelled for the rest of the day due to the harsh snowfall we had gotten, so I was able to pick my Frankie up. I was hoping for the weather to stay like this, for I wouldn't mind one bit to spend the rest of the week drinking coffee, while Frank and I cuddled by the fireplace. He relaxed into the touch of my hands against his hair, snuggling into the blanket I had draped over us. He smiled contently, facing forwards to watch the embers flying around the fire. It was the times like these I would miss the most. My dear princess cuddled into my lap, stealing sips of my warm coffee, despite the full cup he had in his own hands. He gently rocked back and forth, careful not to strain his ribs.

"Now, uh, could you tell me who did this to you?"

It had only been his second day in school, and he was already getting shit from the other students. I couldn't help but to think all of this was my fault. I just had to go leave him for some stupid art collage.

"It- It was m-my old bully's friends" He choked out in a way that broke me. He nervously chewed on his silver lip ring, tears poking at his beautiful golden eyes. This wasn't what my Frankie deserved.

"Do you need me to go introduce myself?" I frowned, stroking his fringe.

He shook his head, turning around on my lap to face me. He wrapped his arms around my shoulders, giving me a delicate kiss. I blushed, carefully returning it. He pulled away after a few seconds, but I didn't mind. I had him here, that was more than I could ever ask for.

"Wheres Cheshire?" I asked, rubbing his arm with my thumb.

"Oh!" he smiled, "we put her in our room while were out. I would go get her, but I'm not up for moving"

"I could go get her" I offered, moving around slightly, trying to get Frank off.

"No!" He yelled, pushing me down. "I'm too comfy Gee"

"Fine" I sighed, continuing to rub small patterns into his pale skin.


We must have fallen asleep, cuddling on the floor, because we were awoken by Mikey coming home from school.

"Frankie? Are you here? I thought I told you specifically not to skip!"

Frank shifted slightly within my arms, rubbing his eyes. He then looked up to me, shrugging.

"Were in the living room Mikes!" I called, having no desire to get up.

"Gee!" He yelled, joining us on the floor for a hug. "You're back?"

I pointed my head towards Frank's bruised cheek, signalling why I was back.

"Frankie? What happened?" He gasped, lightly touching my boyfriends cheek.

"Bullies" I replied for him, knowing he wasn't in a talkative mood.

"What?" Mikey practically screamed. "I thought I told Derek to lay off him! I swear to god!"

"N-no" Frank stuttered. He hated yelling. "It was Dereks friends, not him"

Wait... Derek? I knew that name. That was Mikeys asshole childhood friend. I hated that kid, and always warned Mikes about him being bad news.

I clenched my fists, closing my eyes and taking a deep breath.

Frank noticed me tense up, and snuggled closer to me, grabbing a strand of my pitch black hair. He twirled it around his fingers, pulling it slightly.

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