
650 11 31

^^ Theme Song ^^

Era: Dragonet of Destiny Era

Sounds good.

Name: Adpotus

Did his parents name him that? Did he legally rename himself that? Is this just a nickname? Either way, I recommend you change that. Even if his parents were drunk out of their mind when they decided the name, they could've changed it later. They probably would've changed it later. It's an interesting name, but not a name I would think is possible, terrible parents and childhood or not. I recommend changing it to something to do with the desert.

Age: 31

Fair enough. Although, I'm just curious - is this in dragon years or human years? Either way, 31 is a decent age. I'm kinda tired of 16 year old dragons everywhere.

Gender: Male

Yes! Great! I don't mind female OCs, but, like I probably said before, there's just too many of them.

Sexuality: Straight


Tribe: Sandwing

SandWings are cool :D

Rank: Town Drunkard

Yikes. But, aye, there's always one of them in a town. Very unique and original, I haven't seen it before. Good job!

Appearance: Golden scales with a white crest, Blue eyes, Scars all across hid body form bar fights he gotten in, his right eye is blind, and both of his horns are broken.

I would've said something about the white crest and blue eyes, but it makes sense because he got into a fight with an IceWing. One of his eyes is blind is a little bit unoriginal, and so are the broken horns. But, with that said, I hope you keep the blind eye and broken horns. It adds a lot to his character. Basically, the appearance is good.

What about burns, though? Or maybe SandWing barb venom marks? I think those two things would be more likely than IceWing attack after-effects. I'm not saying to lose the IceWing attack after-affects, just maybe add some scorched scales here and there?

I also really like the scars. It does add a good amount of realism. I mean, hey, being a town drunkard, you won't just walk out of every bar unscathed, right?

Personality: He is very funny and usually is a do first think later kind of guy, but can be very sweet, if he is drunk his personality changes, he usually becomes very aggressive and agitated so he becomes a very dangerous dragon.

Makes sense. People change a lot when they're drunk. Anyhow, I would suggest to go further into detail with the personality. Okay, so when he's not drunk he's sweet and a "do first think later" guy, but what else? Is he awkward, is he flirty? Or is he more flirty when he's drunk? Just a suggestion.

Backstory: He was born before the Dragonets of Destiny were, his Mother and Father where both alcoholics, so he was abused and beaten and cut, so he ran and never came back and now lives in Possibility where he earned the title of Town Drunkard, he earned this title because he had been drinking so much it didn't really effect him so he could beat anyone to the drinking game. But he was beaten once by a Sandwing by the name of Thorn, after that he had a crush on her.

Yikes. Both of his parents? I suggest leaving at least one of them completely sober, maybe. Ooh, suggestion: So maybe he lived with both of his parents, one of his parents was an alcoholic and started abusing their spouse and him, and so he and his sober parent ran away and settled in possibility. Still not exactly a happy story, but not all stories can be happy. And, again, this is only a suggestion.

On another note, I have never, ever seen a "Town Drunkard" OC before. I think I already mentioned this somewhere else, but I mean, that's very original. I hope you keep this. I also really like how you added Thorn in - on many occasions, I don't like OCs who somehow interact with canon characters. However, in these particular cases, I like it. Because it makes sense - sounds like something a younger version of Thorn would do, and it sounds like what he would do. And then him having a crush on her because she beat him is an excellent part.

Residence: Possibility

I love Possibility characters!

Family: His Mothers name is Rattlesnake, His Fathers name was Abusus.

Did he have any siblings? Subtracting NightWings, mothers in Pyrrhia tend to have more than one child. Especially SandWings. And even if Adpotus didn't have any siblings, surely he would've had an uncle or aunt.

Mate: N/A

Makes sense.

Crush: Thorn

I like it. Just make sure it doesn't go very far, because canon characters are canon and OC characters aren't.

Dragonets: N/A

Again, makes sense.

Other: Has been arrested for Murder of an Icewing after they got into a fight.

Why would an IceWing, even an outcast or a criminal IceWing, associate themselves with a SandWing? The Town Drunkard, nonetheless? Even if they were outcasted or a criminal, IceWings tend to view themselves as superior to all tribes, including SandWings.

Also, I can't exactly count this for originality - I have seen plenty of similar scenarios with SandWing OCs. Although it's usually SandWing in particular - hmm.

My Rating:


Originality: 24/25 (1 point knocked off for "IceWing Attack After-Effects" being kinda unoriginal)

Realism: 22/25 (1 point knocked off for the lack of burns on him, 2 points knocked off for the name)

Interest: 20/25 (I have some interest in this character)

Uniqueness: 25/25 (This character is very unique)


Adpotus has a lot of potential. I can see he can become an absolutely great OC if you just added some things here and there, along with changing a slight bit of things. He's already a very good OC; just, like said, a couple things added and changed and everything will be great.

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