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Two reviews posted within two days? Who am I, some kind of imposter?

Criticism preference: Normal


AU or not: I'd say it's probably an AU, because it takes place in the future after everything.


Name: SwiftWing

Ooo! Never seen that as a tribe name before!

Average life span:120-140 years

Fair, I think

Diet: Rams/sheep (those live on mountains I checked), fish, large birds like hawks and eagles, bears (those also live in the mountains)

So SwiftWings live in the mountains?

Leader: Queen Plasma


Royal family: Queen Plasma, King Shockwave, Princess Stormfinder, Princess Zap, Princess Rainfall, Prince Thunderclap, Prince Striker

Ahh. It's one of those tribes. The ol' stormys.

Abilities: They have incredible vision, are one of the fastest dragons, and can breathe blue or white fire.

Either that's some H O T fire or it's colored naturally by something else. It's cool either way.

As for the incredible vision- how incredible we talkin' here?

Special abilities: It's quite rare, but a dragon can be born with the ability to harness lightning during a storm and blast it from their talons. The process to gain this is dangerous though. You must have your egg with you flying in a storm. The egg needs to be hit by lightning for the dragon to gain the ability. The first time it happened was completely by accident and because the process is so dangerous, it's usually never done.

I'm curious about why you have to be flying with the egg specifically, but this is pretty okay. I mean, it's a little standard, but whatever. I'm also assuming that the base of these SwiftWings' talons, either the entire tribe or just the lightning-struck kind, are made of a buildup of material that doesn't conduct electricity. Just talking about the base of the talons though, so when they blast lightning it doesn't travel up and affect the rest of their bodies- the rest of the talons would probably be more conductive. I'm talking like I'm making up a scientific explanation but I'm mostly talking right out of my ass because there isn't much of a scientific explanation for this but hey, there isn't much of a scientific explanation for firescales either, so you're in the clear. Sorry if this big chunk of bold text scared you, this is just me rambling and you're fine.

Typical tribe appearance: SwiftWings have a slender build and long, elegant, light gray horns that curve back.

This, *points at appearance* is exactly the kind of informative, descriptive appearance I need. Good on you. Godspeed, soldier.

They have hardened

Hardened!!! Hardened makes sense!!! I don't know why but it does!!!

scales that come in shades of blue, ranging from a stormy blue to a vibrant, electric blue. Their underbellies are dark gray, like their wings. They have four wings and the larger pair is on top, while the smaller pair is on the bottom. The smaller pair has jagged streaks running across their wings resembling lightning, which is the color of their base scales. They have stormy gray eyes with talons that match the color of their horns.

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