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Name: Inkwriter

I'd have to agree with Oapha on this one, "It sounds like he's writing the ink, as opposed to writing with the ink". Maybe his name could be Scrollwriter?

Gender: Male


Tribe: Full NightWing


Age: 17 (Born near the end of the war, lives after)

Again, coolio

Sexuality: Straight


Residence: He lived on the NightWing island for the first four years of his life, then moved to the Rainforest Kingdom after its destruction. He lived there until he was 7, and then went to Jade Mountain Academy and is now in the Sapphire Winglet (my fanmade winglet).

Again, I feel like the Opal Winglet is a far more interesting and original winglet name. But I won't take any points off because I took points off for the last form, so.

Occupation: He makes some money off writing fantasy scrolls, and wants to eventually be a full time author, but is still a student at Jade Mountain Academy for now (part of my fanmade Sapphire Winglet).

Sounds good.

Queen they support: Queen Glory of the RainWings and NightWings



Nebula, mother- A small and thin NightWing who died from starvation and had some other dragonets with a father Inkwriter never met

Sounds like my OC Storyteller lol

Charcoal, step father- A huge, black and gray NightWing who dislikes children but has three anyways and neglects them

Makes sense for a NightWing tbh (nothing against NightWings tho, lol).

Coulee, older step sister- A thin, tall, and wiry NightWing with scattered orange and red scales all over, who was notorious in the tribe for verbally abusing those smaller than her

Beautiful name. Beautiful appearance. Realistic dragon.

Pyre, oldest step sister- A short and stocky NightWing with purple tints on some body parts, who is obsessed with fighting and starts arguments just to get in battle practice

Again. Beautiful name. Beautiful appearance. Realistic dragon.

Pinniped, clawmate at JMA & crush- A tall, artistic, pale purple IceWing who ran away from her kingdom and found Jade Mountain by accident (has her own form)


Abilities: Inkwriter is, above all else, extremely intelligent. He is also very observant, empathetic, and has a bottomless hunger for knowledge. This results in a strong talent for writing. He lets his imagination roam free and captures it in scrolls ranging in all sorts of topics. He is also able to fight reasonably well (best in the air due to his large wings) and relies more on agility than brute strength.

I feel like Inkwriter and Storyteller would get along well.

And I take it, aside from the abilities you listed, he has average NightWing abilities? Awesome.

Appearance: Inkwriter is jet black with scales that fade to dark blue halfway down his legs, at the end of his tail, the beak-looking part of his snout, and the branches of his wings. His eyes are a deeper color of blue, and they are a bit bloodshot from the smoke on the old NightWing island.

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