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Name: Soveliss

Did the dragons call him by this? Because if the other dragons (like the ones who enslaved him) were to name him, they'd probably name him a regular dragon-name (ex: Kestrel, Oasis, Anemone, Peril, etc.). So, um, this is odd. Unless he named himself, then it's okay.

Era: Literally ANY


AU: Imperium (check the book on my profile.

It's an interesting concept, really.

Gender: Soveliss is a shapeshifter so he technically doesn't have a gender. But Soveliss, in his true form, is a male. And he prefers to take on Male forms.

Okay. I'll just call Soveliss "him", then, if you don't mind.

Age: He was created during the scorching, so do the math!

He's like, 5,000 years old, wow.

Sexuality: Pansexual/ Bisexual partially due to his/its shapeshifting, and partially due to actual preference.

Huh. Okay, makes sense.

Tribe: N/A

Of course. Question, though: Does he prefer to take on the form of a tribe? Also, when he shape shifts into a different tribe, does he then gain the abilities of that tribe? (Ex: IceWing form has frostbreath, SeaWing form has gills, etc.)

Abilities: Shape Shifting, mind manipulation, summoning and manipulation of magical energy. Animation of statues and inanimate objects. Basically a wizard... sortof...

If Soveliss uses his abilities too much, he/it can be hurt (ex nosebleed, sickness, or the like).

Hah, that reminds me of Eleven from Stranger Things. Anyway, this is pretty good. It all pretty much makes sense, looking at the backstory and such.

Rank: Soveliss often finds itself in a position of serving directly under a queen or other powerful figure. Soveliss is more than content in serving others, but also likes to hold and exert power of its own (reasons why later).


Family: Soveliss has had many romantic liaisons over the ages, so he has had multiple mates over the years. But nothing he really commits to.


Physical Description: Soveliss, as a shapeshifter, is capable of altering his physique and appearance down to the slightest detail. Soveliss can't make himself bigger than Darkstalker was, but could be as small as a spider if he wished.


However, if incapacitated, or otherwise hindered, Soveliss enters his true form: A below-average sized dragon with completely dark purple scales. In this form he has the wings of a skywing, the horns of a nightwing, the stinger of a sandwing, and the gills/webbed talons of a seawing. Soveliss dislikes being in this form because it is ridiculously easy to identify him/it as what it is.

However, no matter what form Soveliss takes on, he has eyes that have royal purple colored pupils. This purple has intermittent dots of gold.

Huh. Okay. Cool appearance, but um, why did he get all these bits of different tribes? If I were an animus and brought a spirit into the world in a body, I probably wouldn't add "make it so he has some bits of different tribes in his appearance and abilities". This is kinda confusing.

Queen they Support: When it comes to alliances of any kind, not just with queens, Soveliss has a mercenary mentality. He always asks the question "how can we make this mutually beneficial?"

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