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I just want to say — I am so glad I starting reviewing characters. Not because I just like helping people improve their characters (though that is what this was originally for), but because of all the great songs and concepts and ideas y'all have introduced to me. There are so many songs on here that I wouldn't EVER have found or noticed if it wasn't for the fact that somebody sent their character in with a great song to tag. This, right here, is a great, inspiring song — thank you, IcyDarcyStormyTrix, for introducing this song to me.

Time Period: During DoD, but she's much younger than them.


Name: Tarantula (Name Reasoning: There are hundreds of tarantula species found in most of the world's tropical, subtropical, and arid regions. They vary in color and behavior according to their specific environments. Generally, however, tarantulas are burrowers that live in the ground.)

Good name. Tarantula. I like it!

Age: About twelve years old

Okay, but keep in mind you mentioned that she's younger than the DoD. The DoD, as of now, are 7. Is this placed further in the future?

Gender: Female


Sexuality: Straight as an arrow

That's fine. We support all sexualities in this household

Tribe: SandWing

10/10 I love Sandys

Queen She Supports: Queen Thorn

The lovely Thorn

Rank: Prisoner of War (Formerly)

Servant/Slave (Formerly)

Rehab Student (Currently)

All interesting ranks! And thanks for adding the former ranks as well as the current one. I've never seen a rehab student.

Abilities: She can go almost seven days without water and three without food.

Maybe you mean the other way around? And either way, SandWings can go weeks without water, and they can go months without food, if I recall correctly.

She has the normal poisonous barb on the end of her tail used for stabbing and killing prey or enemies. Able to breathe fire in small quantities due to her bad health and current age.

When a dragon reaches their seventh birthday, they're an adult, so.

Sometimes she can become 'invisible' if she stands against a wall and ducks her head. It happens quite often.


Appearance: Very small, thin, dijon-colored female SandWing that stands at about the height of a large male SandWing dragonet. She has scattered bronze underscales on her neck, chest, stomach, and tail, along with very pale corn-colored wing membranes fading into a dull mustard-yellow. Her eyes are a vantablack color - looking almost like black holes penetrating her skull. She has various scars on her fragile wings, legs and stomach from blows coming from her captors, and her barb is dented from an accident as a servant. Tarantula wears no jewelry because she thinks it weighs her down.

I LOVE this appearance so freakin much! Like, seriously, I can imagine her perfectly. 10/10.

As I'll suggest later, though, I recommend making her and her mother's appearance very similar, perhaps so similar it's near identical. I'll further explain why later when I actually get to the full suggestion.

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