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Are they in an AU?: No, my dragon isn't found in an Alternate Universe.

Sounds g

Era: About thirty years after the war between the Sandwing queens.


Lmao sorry

Name: Polaris

I've seen it once or twice before, but only with hybrids that are...

O h.

Why I Chose that Name: I named him Polaris because the star polaris is often referred to as the "North Star", so I though it would be a good Night/Icewing name.


Age: 8


Gender: Male


Sexuality: Heterosexual


Tribe: He's 75% Nightwing and 25% Icewing, this'll be explained in the backstory.

Okay, so, uh, looking at the backstory, you explain his heritage in genetics, something I don't care much for. I want to know how his parents, parents that have a long history of hating one another's tribes, came together and produced offspring.

Another thing to mention — the whole Night/Ice thing? Unnecessary. You don't need it. The story wouldn't change at all if you just left Polaris completely NightWing and changed the abilities and the names around. The only difference would be that it's more original.

Abilities: Polaris can breathe frost breath, but however, because he is 75% Nightwing he can only use frost breath if it's cold enough.

Since he's dominantly NightWing, I recommend removing the frost breath and replacing it with fire. You could add that it's weaker fire if you'd like, but honestly, regular fire works.

He unfortunately lacks the ability to see the future but if he tries hard enough, he can weakly read another's mind. He also has the ability to use animus magic, but he's fearful about using it because his father (who's name is Eternityslayer) used it for evil and Polaris didn't want to do evil with it so he forbid himself from using it too much.

I guess animus magic is okay, but know that this isn't very original. I won't take any points off just for this reason, but I expect the animus magic to play an essential part in Polaris's character.

Rank: He's a runaway from his tribe, so I guess you could say he doesn't have a rank.

Seems fair, tbh. It's not the most original, but it fits, so I'll let it slide.

Appearance: Polaris' scales are pitch black, but he occasionally has a few white scales speckled around him, especially around the snout and his front talons. Under his wings, like most Nightwings, is covered with silver scales like a night sky. On his forehead, he has a whiteish-greyish patch of scales that is in the shape of a four-point star. His claws aren't serrated or ridged like a Icewing's talons are, as they are more like a Nightwing's. His spines are like that of a Nightwing's as well, but they become slightly more like an Icewing's at the tail but his tail doesn't taper to a whip-like thinness. Polaris has a scar on his right talon that crawls halfway up his forearm.

I like this appearance, although there are a few parts that are missing, such as his eye color, height, weight, etc. Also, when it comes to hybrids of any kind, you HAVE to give a lot more detail than you would give for a pureblooded dragon. Things like the face structure and body structure are a lot more crucial to a hybrid's description than it is to a non-hybrid dragon, and something you seriously want to consider including.

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