
395 7 16

AU: Nope


Era: JMA


Name: Alpine

Beautiful name, and it's original. I haven't seen it before. Good job.

Age: 5

If my dragon-human-aging is correct, Alpine is 15 years old in terms of maturity.

Gender: Female


Sexuality: Bisexual


Tribe: Icewing

One of my favorite tribes.

Queen she supports: Queen Snowfall (Spoilers! It is cannon that Queen Glacier dies and her daughter Snowfall inherits the throne.)

Yep, I know. You're looking at a super-WoF fan! (Well, not super-super-super, but I'm pretty super)

Rank: 7th circle


Residence: Lives around the borders of the Ice Kingdom and Kingdom of Sand

This makes sense.

Occupation: None, but dreams of being the Kingdom's writer. (Scrolls of all kind!)

Makes sense, given she's 5 years old.

Appearance: Alpine has a pale blue colour, with hints of pale, but still darker than her base colour, purple-ish blue scales along her spine and down to her tail (reasons in backstory). Her wings fade from a lighter blue, to a deeper, more dark colour. The spikes along her back are a blue-purple colour (her horns too). She has a very lean body, her tail ending whip-thin, giving her the advantage of speed.

I wouldn't really ask for a reason, because purpleish scales aren't uncommon in IceWings.

Attire: She wears a hoop earring with feathers of a gyrfalcon and a single amethyst looping through it. A silver armband coils along her right arm with amethysts embedded into it. Other than that, all she wears is a necklace to signify her rank.

I didn't ask for attire, but I suppose it goes along with appearance.

How'd she get the amethysts? Aren't those expensive? How'd she get the money to get it, or did she steal it or something? Was it a gift? 
If she bought it herself, then I sorta recommend removing the amethysts because those seem to expensive and costly for someone who doesn't have a job.

But other than that, I LOVE her accessories.

Personality: She is the kind of dragon which will quietly obey any order, but if it goes against her beliefs, she will stand against you (and is quite stubborn about it). She is quite indecisive and will often times leave the decisions to other dragonets. If you happen to anger her to a point where she thinks it's too much, she will avoid you as she holds a grudge, but forgives quickly if you apologise (although not so much in some cases). She can act annoyed, but not to a point that it rude (again, not for all cases), she just likes to let you know when she's had enough. Around dragons that she doesn't know, she can seem very quiet, nodding and overall acting too polite, but when you get to know her, you'll see that she's a very bright dragonet and can be a great asset, as she is very observant.

Hmm. Okay. She just seems to be shy and polite, not really much else. I think maybe you should add another trait that really makes her stand out. Other than that, the personality seems pretty good.

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