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Sorry if this isn't the right song btw

AU: no it's meant to coincide with the books


Era: he hatches around the time of the start of the sandwing succession


Name: bedrock

I'm 99% sure you got this name from playing Minecraft because if you actually looked up what bedrock was and what it looked like, you likely would've figured that it wasn't a good NightWing name.

I won't take any points off, only because I know that due to your username, it'd be very unlikely for you to change Bedrock's name.

Age: he us ruffly around forty in the rp I'm currently been doing

Well, that doesn't make very much sense. If Bedrock hatched around the time of the start of the SandWing Succession, he should, at most, be twenty years old, not forty. Unless this is in an AU where it's later in the future, then maybe you should have added that.

Sex: Male


Sexuality: straight (would be werid if he was gay since he has about 4 dragonets is about to be a grandfather)

Yeah that would be strange, but I mean, he could also be pansexual or bisexual



Leader he supports: he technically supports queen glory but he perfers to not count himself part of any tribe due to how he was treated as a young dragonet and younge adult. And was alone for many many years)

Okay, we'll see where this goes

Abilities: fire. (He does have a condition were when he is scared. Or in any state were adrenalin would be pumping he tends to not feel pain in the moment so he will use it to his advantage when fighting)

Interesting condition. Seems realistic enough. I would recommend just putting "regular NightWing abilities," because you'd be surprised the amount of abilities they have (not including fire or moon powers). Let's see, NightWings have:

— the ability to move unseen through shadows/the night

— Slightly fireproof scales

— That bacteria-stuff

— Strong sense of smell

So, really, I'd recommend putting "regular NightWing abilities." Also, what about his skills? Talents? You should add those, too.

Rank: retired guard/ assassin (even though he was trained to be a brute if necessary.)

I see. Reminds me a bit of Mamba.

Appearance: to some to up he is covered in scars everywhere.but his main noticeable ones are as followed. A lightning scar that starts at his shoulder that goes up his neck to his bottom jaw and down his leg to his talons (this is due to how he used to use a large hammer of sorts that directed a lightning bolt to him durring a fight after the war of sandwing succession durring a thunderstorm)

WAIt WHAT- why is this left unexplained? This makes zero sense. Unless they were in a field and he raised his hammer and it electrocuted him, which, by all means should mean he's dead but okay. You should probably explain this more.

he was also stabbed in the eye which makes that certain eye useless.

Which eye was this?

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