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AU: Nope


Era: The Brightest Night/Very beginning of JMA


Name: Chuckwalla

Good name; original

Age: 47

Old bab

Gender: Male


Sexuality: Demiromantic/Bisexual


Tribe: SandWing

SandWings are cool

Queen They Support: Queen Thorn in full.

Queen Thorn is awesome

Abilities: The abilities of most average SandWings, but poorer vision due to early partial blindness, a genetic thing passed down from his father.

YAY! Genetic defects! Original!

Abilities/Skills he learned over time are singing and carving/sculpting, as well as glassblowing.

Hmm, okay. I can see where learning how to sing and carving/sculpting can be learned randomly and without need for adding how he learned it in the backstory, but glassblowing's a bit more of a unique talent that requires caution and training. I hope to see that bit somewhere in the backstory.

Rank: As of now, an artist, shopkeeper, and local singer.

Wow. Lots of stuff goin on there, but I respect it.


Chuckwalla is a thick-skinned SandWing with a stocky, muscular build. A bit on the short side, his muscle is more compacted but is definitely still there. His wings are slightly larger and arch abnormally, causing them to fold improperly, so he opts to hold them up or let them sit on the ground.

Interesting bit.

He has quite a few teeth missing from various fights and skirmishes. Five are missing on the right, two on top three on the bottom, three are missing on the left, one on top and two on the bottom. His speech sometimes slurs together when pronouncing certain words.

Scar-wise, he has long, thin scars starting at his left shoulder and roping over to cross his mid back and ending at a few nicks in his right wing. There were caused by a SkyWing who tried to grapple with him in mid-air who struggled to get a good hold. A few less notable scars are small nicks in his palms from where his carving knife poked him.

Good, realistic appearance so far.

His scales are a pale yellow-brown color with scatterings of grey-ish spots across his neck and back. His underbelly is a darker goldenrod, as are his wing membranes. His sail, claws, horns, and tail barb are all a warm grey with lilac tinges when the sun hits them. His sail has faint striping and spotting similar to an actual chuckwalla lizard. His eyes are a very, very dark grey, but not entirely black due to his receding vision.

As for accessories, he has old, dusty cloth bandages wrapped around his forearms and lower tail that serve little use for actual bandages and are more of an aesthetic thing. He wears a piece of thin rope around his neck that has several small animals skulls looped through, mostly birds and rodents, but there is one lizard skull on it.

Reminds me a bit of Scourge from Warriors, lol.

Anyway, the appearance is really good.

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