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I won't take any points off for this, really because I have no reason to, but this song doesn't fit her at all. Either the song is about Joy or, theoretically, Joy would be the one singing it to someone else — either way, just because she has mood swings doesn't mean she's a "wolf in sheep's clothing," and the person who's singing it is too pessimistic to fit Joy's simple personality of being joyful and cheery and whatnot. Someone who is a "wolf in sheep's clothing" is deceptive, manipulative, showing a front to someone but secretly something else. Joy has mood swings, that is not manipulation, and that is not deception. This implies every moody teenager is deceptive, and I hope I don't need to tell you that not every moody teen is deceptive. Rebellious? Sometimes. Lies occasionally? Almost definitely. Manipulative? While, yes, there are some teenagers who are manipulative, the majority would be a big fat NO.

This either-

a) Shows you really, really don't know about your character (or maybe can't tell the difference between mood swings and manipulation, which, may or may not cause trouble in the future, beware)

b) Shows that Joy doesn't have enough personality for her to get an accurate theme song on her, so you resorted to this, which I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case.

AU?: Yep

A'ight. Curious to see what changes there are

Era: 9 years after the second Arc

Sounds fair, I think.

Name: Joy

A bit of an overused name, but I'll let it slide since I haven't seen it that much.

Age: 6

Okay, I suppose.

Gender: Female

'kay. Lots of females, but that's ok.

Sexuality: Straight

Cool cool.

Tribe: Rainwing

Name fits the tribe, so that's always a good thing.

Leader: Queen Glory


Abilities: normal Rainwing

Good, though maybe I'd consider adding some of her talents, here. I consider talents/skills as abilities, too, since abilities just mean "possession of the means or skill to do something." Doesn't necessarily have to be natural weapons or powers.

Rank: she doesn't have a job yet, although she considers her "job" to be cheering other dragons up

That's cute. I like that.

Appearance: I'll just tag since I don't know how to describe it with words, you'll see why

After looking at her appearance, I must say, she looks great. Her appearance is unique, kinda simple but also very different, and it fits completely. I love it.

Personality: Personality wise, she's me, minus the depression. She's really bubbly and happy, almost never sad, she can see the bright side of almost anything, almost a normal rainwing. ALMOST. She can get ticked really easily. For example, a nightwing wouldn't stop calling her lazy(just trying to get on her nerves). And she snapped at him, she said, "CALL ME LAZY ONE MORE TIME AND I'LL BEAT YOU TO DEATH WITH A STICK!!!" She's that one short person in your friend group who can go from happy to completely ticked and back to happy in five seconds. Most of my OCs represent a part of me, and Joy represents that part of me.

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