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If anyone's reading this and going, "what but I sent my form earlier than this person I was supposed to be next," please look at the updated rules c:

Criticism Preference: Normal


Does NOT take place in original timeline

That's fair

Name: CrystalWings

It's... alright, I guess? It's not the most creative name ever if I'm to be honest, but I haven't seen enough of them to hate the name.

Lifespan: Average would be about 100 years, can live up to 104.

SandWings have relatively the same diet but they live a lot longer than 100 years. Why do CrystalWings have such a shorter lifespan? Is it due to a lack of access to herbs and things that would aid in medical advancements, living underground?

Diet: Bugs, lizards, frogs, basically anything they can find in the tunnels where they live.


Leader: Queen Sapphire

Okay. I've seen it once or twice but that's ok, lol.

Royal Family: Queen Sapphire has no dragonets, or a husband, but does have a brother called Garnet.

Alright, so I'm seeing that the naming pattern here is gems. Not a very creative concept, but honestly, if you make it interesting with your own twist to it, that won't matter. It's what you make with the concept, not the concept itself.

Abilities: Very, VERY good at digging, tunneling, and finding jewels, can see in the dark, breath fire.


Special Abilities: Very rarely a dragonet will be born with the power to change the type of gem of a gem, but this has only happened four times.

I'm assuming you meant that a CrystalWing dragonet can change the gem into another gem, which is... a little boring, admittedly. There's not much else to explore, there, and what good can come of it? Not many situations could call for a dragonet who can change a gem into another gem. Like, fireproof scales are useful, scales burning at a million degrees is interesting, and then... this isn't the most useful, interesting, nor creative power for these dragons. Instead, how about some dragonets are born with the ability to forcefully crystallize any object regardless of what state (gas, liquid, solid) it's in, and regardless of what science says you can or can't crystallize (because, hey, according to science, animus magic and firescales and mindreading is impossible)? So, like, you'd give them water and they could crystallize it? Or a rock? Or literally anything?

Typical Tribe Appearance: Small, with tiny wings, and large feet. They look like they're bejeweled, with either red, orange, pale gold, green, dark blue, dark purple, or pure white scales. Their eyes are in a gemstone shape.

Pretty generic and boring, really. Multicolored gem-dragons that have gem powers. It'd honestly be more interesting and more realistic if you made these dragons be like... grey and brown with maybe some mossy green colors at the edges. They'd blend in better with their surroundings and really, why would tunnel dragons get such dramatic coloration? They're, like, underground for most of the time, they wouldn't get rainbow scales. Also, I feel like some details are left out, here- like do they have serrated claws? Do their tails curl in? Are their tails short? What shape do their scales have? Do they have long necks or long horns? Do their horns curl in or are they straight? Do their horns tilt upward? How small are their wings exactly? Are they slim, or buff? So many questions.

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