Princess Skyseeker

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SWEARING. You've been warned.

Lolol. This is a different case from my usual OC ratings.

This is my very, very first WoF OC, and I'm going to rate her.

I did this mostly because nobody's sending in OCs, so I have none to rate and at this point if it keeps that way this book's going to become abandoned, and I don't want that lmao.

So anyway. Let's get on with her.

Most of this is by memory, so cope with me here.

(This chapter was sort-of inspired by Neutronic , go follow 'em they're basically one of my favorite people on this world)


Whether or not it's in an AU: Nope

I honestly don't remember this is a guess lol

Era/time period: Regular time period

Again, don't remember this is a guess (lots of these will be guesses)

Name: Skyseeker

Look. There are seven tribes.

SkyWings, NightWings, SandWings, RainWings, IceWings, MudWings, SeaWings.

So when you name your character, there are 7 things you shouldn't and have no excuse to include in your OC's name.

Sky, Night, Sand, Rain (and by extension Rainbow idk), Ice, Mud and Sea.

Conclusion: Don't name your OC Skyseeker.

I don't even think this makes sense.

So what, she seeks the sky? I mean, I guess all dragons do because, y'know, wings and shit? Anyway.

Age: 9 years old

This is pretty decent I guess idk lmao.

Gender: Female

Because males don't exist what lol.

Sexuality: Straight

Pretty sure she was straight, but it's not like I wrote this shit down or anything lol the fuck you talkin bout.

Tribe: NightWing

No shit.

But then, I've seen OCs with NightWing names that weren't even NightWings so like

Abilities: Regular NightWing powers (Yes this means telepathy and foretelling) and has telekinesis gifted to her by her animus dad

- The NightWing powers are excusable; at the time I thought all NightWings had this no problemo

- Telekinesis, on the other talon, is total fucking bullshit. There is no reason why her father would want her to have that power, there's no motive behind it. But I mean pfft, nothing makes sense in Sue-land.

Rank: Morrowseer's apprentice and Queen Nightfall's adopted daughter (technically princess, although won't fight for the throne)

This isn't actually that bad a rank

...provide you know what you're doing, and you do it correctly, which I didn't know what I was doing and didn't do correctly.

Appearance: Regular NightWing appearance; purple freckles, wide wings, strong tail. A bit tall for her age. Has three sapphire necklaces.

Not very descriptive, but like, it's not that bad of an appearance. I might re-do Skyseeker, like, give her a new name, yada yada yada...

Personality: Quick to anger and feisty, snappish and rude. She has a soft spot for dragonets.

Oh great, more vague descriptions. This isn't a bad personality, if a bit unoriginal. But so far all we've got from her is that she's mean.

At least she wasn't perfect.

Hey, I'm actually kind of proud of myself for not creating such a Mary-sue in all my years (I think I've made troll-sues but like I haven't make a super Mary-sue OC and thought it was a masterpiece)

I mean

Can't get too far ahead of myself, Skyseeker's pretty goddamn bad, but like, she isn't terrible, she has flaws

I could totally re-do her, she isn't such a bad Mary-sue that I need to trash her whole character.

Backstory: I don't remember


I think it was something like she was born, her father died, Queen Nightfall (I didn't know who the secret NightWing queen was at the time so like) adopted her for some reason, joined the war and shit idk.

Residence: In the Night Kingdom

Yeah mk

Family & Friends:

I forgot the name - Father

I forgot the name no. 2 - Mother

I forgot the name no. 3 - Bff

All very creative names, truly.

Mate/Crush/Dragonets: N/A 

Might've had a crush but idk

My Rating:


Originality: 21/25 (2 points knocked off for the overused personality, 2 points knocked off for the rank)

Realism: 16/25 (2 points knocked off for the goddamn telekinesis, 2 points knocked off because why would Nightfall adopt her?, 5 points knocked off for the lack of canon [UPDATE YOSELF])

Interest: 5/25 (I'm not very interested in this character, 20 points knocked off for obvious reasons)

Uniqueness: 5/25 (This character isn't very unique, 20 points knocked off for obvious reasons)


I might re-do her, she has potential lololol


I was an ill bastard when I wrote this, and I was pretty lazy. Also, I'm bored. Also, I like rating OCs. Also, there haven't been any OCs sent in for me to rate, so I'm super bored bc there's nothing to do haha kill me

I can't believe my sole entertainment is basically shitting on other people's characters


There you go, thaz me

Anyhow, cya lolol

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