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Name: Whitescales

A good name. It's creative, it makes sense, not too over-the-top, yet not too bland either. Good job.

Era: During the Dragonet Prophecy


Alternate Universe(AU): Nope


Gender: Male


Age: 17


Sexuality: Heterosexual/Straight


Tribe: NightWing

First completely NightWing OC, I believe.

Abilities: Rather strong forelimbs and a quick learner. Otherwise, Whitescales has normal NightWing traits.


Rank: Second most used blacksmith

Good on originality! I haven't seen blacksmith before (except for one of my OCs, but she's more of an ex-apprentice blacksmith lol)

Family: Mother: Sweetdreams, gave him a "listening heart"; Father: Poisonedash, works as a blacksmith and taught Whitescales all he knows about the craft; Older brother: Burningtalon, Memoryhunter's avid student and is the protector of Whitescales

Alright. I'm not going to sugarcoat it.

Saving Whitescales, these names aren't that believable.

The name Sweetdreams doesn't describe her appearance, job or sound NightWing-ish, neither does Poisonedash, or Burningtalon. Memoryhunter's a decent name, but it's a bit clunky, if you know what I mean.

So here:

Sweatdreams - Dreamhunter

Poisonedash - Poisoner

Burningtalon - Violence

Memoryhunter - Mindchaser

Physical Description: Whitescales is albino and has no pigment, leaving him powder white except for his wing membranes which are a pastel pink--hence the name.

Lovely. I haven't seen an albino dragon before, so good job. I love the name, and I love the reasoning.

He is tall and heavily muscled around the forearms from working in the armory.

Makes perfect sense, and it's lovely.

Gaunt face and hind end with large wings. He looks slightly off balanced because of this weird muscling. Soft red eyes of which he can see just fine out of. Talons and lower arms are scarred from being burned by hot coals so often.

GOOD. This makes sense.

Scales look healthier than other NightWings but it's just his coloring, he is just like the rest of the NightWing population. He wears a silver earring in his right ear that is studded with black rock (It's Sky Fire), symbolizing his difference--having albinism--from other NightWings.


Personality: Whitescales is sweet-tempered to basically anyone but dragons that are bullies. Comes off to others as one with high authority because of his father's status. He is an amazing learner and picks up new information rather easily, making him the best blacksmith next to Poisonedash. Whitescales is very self-conscious and he tends to over analyze situations which can lead him to think he did something wrong when he didn't. Whitescales is simply annoyed by nature. Probably due to the fact of having to fly miles every day to a clean water source to bathe because the volcanic ash dulls and coats his scales--turning them a mouse gray. Whitescales doesn't hate other tribes the way other NightWings do because of his mother's teachings, so he was okay with moving in with the RainWings themselves, just wasn't too thrilled about the rainforest climate. Whitescales is a hopeless romantic and hates being embarrassed in front of anyone, but specifically around his crush Scrollkeeper. He doesn't look at other dragons with disdain or superiority, but with an open heart, so he is very accepting of those that are different.

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