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Cosmo Sheldrake is now my favorite singer.

Era: A hundred or so years before the Dragonets of Prophecy


Name: Okay, so Mirewings have a much different name system. I will elaborate on stuff, but basically, at the moment of hatching, a parent will implant a memory into the dragonet's mind. So, their names are hard to put into words, and I could just keep zooming in on the memory to describe it. His name is a memory of a blackbird singing on a twig above murky water while sunlight filters in through the trees. For the sake of simplicity, I will call him Blackbird.

Woah, okay. Very cool, and an interesting concept. Does everyone else know him as Blackbird?

Age: 24


Gender: Male

Gender diversity.

Sexuality: Straight


Tribe: Mirewings (fantribe)


Queen: Mirewings have elders that guide the population, but the current Grand Elder is a female named Grieved Laugh (a memory of her parents laughing with each other after her grandfather was killed in battle.)

That's both sad and beautiful... wow. I can't believe you've got me almost crying just because of a meaning of a name.

Abilities: Mirewings are all mind readers, and communicate exclusively through shared memories and emotions, having no written language.

Mind readers? Do we truly need one of those? How about, instead, they have telepathic abilities but they can't really read minds?

They all have extremely good memories, remembering everything perfectly from the moment of hatching, some dragons containing the memories from several lifetimes all at once. (when a dragon dies, it's traditional for the dragon nearest to them to accept all of their memories to carry to their family and allow their lives to remain preserved. A Mirewing only truly dies when they are forgotten. The greatest insult to a Mirewing's life is to not carry on their memories.) Sometimes, this can alter Mirewing's personalities greatly, making them amalgamations of their ancestors.

They also have great control of their thoughts and emotions, although their innermost feelings always exist within.

My favorite saying is "controlled chaos", and I think this is the most accurate representation of that saying.

Okay, but... how? These abilities seem almost contradictory. So, they remember absolutely every single little thing... and occasionally, plus, with someone dying and them receiving their memories, and they somehow manage to stay sane? Even with memories of death, destruction and pain? What?

And then, what happens when someone dies, someone else receives their memories named Bleh, and so then Bleh dies, and someone else receives Bleh's memories PLUS the original guy's memories... somewhere down the line, that has to lead to extreme migraines, and maybe even death. The brain can't handle that.

These MireWings seem immensely powerful and don't seem to have the awful side-effects that MUST follow logically.

They can hold their breaths for up to three hours in normal conditions, more if they are physically inactive or cold.

At this point, I'm imagining MireWings as the hybrids of a MudWing and a NightWing, who somehow got animus-touched to add an extra boost to their powers.

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