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Era: A long time into the future but JMA is still a thing, much larger with like a lot of new Winglets


Name: Buttonbush

A cute, unique, original, good name that I've never seen before. Good job!

Age: Around 4-ish

Nice. So Buttonbush's maturity equals to the maturity of a 14-year-old scavenger?

Gender: Male

There haven't been enough males recently.

Sexuality: Bi, but joked to be gay

I do that all the time lmao, except I like to say that I'm "half-gay"

Tribe: MudWing

MudWings are amazing

Abilities: Being the smallest of his sibs, he isn't the heaviest hitter like his bigwings brother, but he does have pretty good fighting skills. He is also a talented sculptor for his age.

Do you have any idea how many times I've seen OCs that sculpt? WHY IS SCULPTING AS AN ABILITY SO POPULAR? Is this like a trend that I haven't caught on yet?

Well, my point is, I've seen it too many times before. Change it? Please?

Everything else is OK tho.

Rank: Student/Sibling peacemaker

Oh, like if two siblings or two students fight, he's like "OK OK BOIS BREAK IT UP"

Appearance: He has a base scale color of a brown topaz, a little less dull than the rest of his sibs. He has darker overscales and oddly pale underscales. His horns and spikes are thicker than they should be, and he is muscular for his age, so he looks very rounded off and overall pretty cute. He has large, muddy and murky brown eyes that seem to always be rounded. He has chipped claws from his sculpting.

Well, at least it's realistic. Doesn't excuse how overused the profession is though.

It is hard for him to look fierce on his own, but his larger frame looks strong when surrounded by others.

Personality: Oh boy. How much loyalty can one dragon have? Buttonbush has, like, all of it. Tripled. He will defend anyone he even remotely likes with his life. Whenever someone even tries something with any of his friends or sibs, he will go into attack mode and get them away, even if it's his bigwings.


Other than that, he is excitable and bubbly, always working hard to get things done while also thinking of others. Sometimes, he can be a little too kind and others walk over him, and he doesn't notice until it's too late. He tries to always lend an ear and some advise, though if anything is wrong with him he will try to block it out and keep himself occupied. He is artistic, mostly with clays and sculpting, and will go on outings for days at a time just for new materials.

Again, realistic, but doesn't excuse how overused it is.

He gets anxious when away from his sibs without knowing for sure they're okay for sure. Like, breaking-down-in-a-corner anxious.

I love the traits! They seem pretty awesome. I recommend adding a few more minor traits, but other than that, it's pretty good.

Backstory: Buttonbush spent the first few years of his life where more higher-up MudWings lived. He and his sibs liked their home- a semi-roomy cave with a nice marsh area around them so they could relax. Buttonbush was pretty reliant on his sibs, especially the bigwings, Blackbird, because he was a bit of a shy dragonet. He hated asking for help and directions from others just because he hated talking, so Blackbird did it for him. He got out of his 'shy phase,' but he still gets nervous when he doesn't know where his sibs are. His sister, Pocosin, has always tried to be the 'angsty' one, so she would always make fake issues and talk to Buttonbush about it, because he was happy to help when Blackbird saw right through her lies.

I've seen the names Blackbird and Pocosin a few times before, but only once or twice and they are pretty unique and interesting so I'll let it off.

Buttonbush believed her, though, and took up sculpting to ignore anything bugging him so Pocosin could talk to someone. After three years, Blackbird told them he got a letter and they were all going to Jade Mountain Academy, by order of the queen. The reason as to why is still a mystery to the sibs, they just assumed that, as higher-up MudWings, they were just next on the list. A few days gone by, and BOOM they were at Jade Mountain. They each got scrolls with maps and their winglet, and were forced to separate. Buttonbush didn't like that, but he soon learned he had classes with some sibs, which made him feel a little better. He was in the Agate Winglet, which he liked the sound of. He got to his sleeping cave and met two other dragonets, his clawmates, Sunstone the SkyWing and Dreamshifter the NightWing.

The names are cool and interesting, and I really like the reasoning behind them being sent to JMA and I really like the "Agate Winglet". I haven't seen it before, and it's pretty nice.

Dream was very nervous, while Sunstone was a little over-the-top. They all decided to talk, noting they would be sleeping in the same room every day. They quickly bonded, finding a lot in common with each other. They met the RainWing, Sugar Glider, SeaWing, Bathyal, IceWing, Cloudburst, and the SandWing, Pangolin. The SeaWing and RainWing literally talked to nobody, Pangolin was okay company as a last-resort, and Cloudburst... just no.

The trio stayed away from those four (minus Pangolin, for the reason stated above). It has now been a few months into school, and the group is one of the most well-known friend groups, the quiet yet intelligent NightWing, the loud, party loud SkyWing princess who never let her status get to her while casually talking about how she was gonna murder her mother, and the adorable yet tough little MudWing artist.

Aww. The backstory is amazing.

Residence: Agate Winglet cave/Upper-class MudWing house


Mother- Topaz (unknown)

Father- Waterfall (unknown),

Sibs- Bigwings, Blackbird, male.

Pocosin, female.

Leech, male.

Opossum, female.



Princess Sunstone, SkyWing, female.

Dream, NightWing, female.

Somewhat friends with Pangolin, SandWing, male.

Mate: N/A

Crush: Used to have one on Sunstone but now she's like a sister to him, so N/A for now

Dragonets: Honey he IS a dragonet

Lmao, yeah it would be weird if he had dragonets hah

Other: jesus that took 50+ years to write

I'm sorry :(

Glad you submitted Buttonbush to me anyway though!


Originality: 24/25 (1 point knocked off for the sculpting part)

Realism: 25/25 (This character is very realistic)

Interest: 25/25 (I'm very interested in this character)

Uniqueness: 25/25 (This character is very unique)


Literally, all you have to do is erase the "sculpting" part and all of the parts related to it because of how overused it is. Then you're good, and Buttonbush is a 10/10 character!

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