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Name: LightningWings

LightningWings... I must admit, not the most creative name I've heard. It's not like I've seen it a whole lot, but I've seen very similar names numerous times. A few examples are:




And there are probably more that I can't think of right now, but those are the main ones that I've seen a decent number of times.

Not only that, but LightningWings are quite the mouthful, as well as kind of a pain to type up. Why not something like... VoltWings? It's similar enough yet it's totally unique. I know I've never seen the name before.


Queen: Queen Shock

King: King Bolt

Princes: Prince Zap

What shocking names


Get it


... I know where the door is

But anyway, the names are pretty good, but I feel like I should say that you don't have to limit the names to just things related to lightning. Names relating to storms should suffice, too.

Princesses: None


Diet: LightningWings eat mostly birds, but the occasional fish is common too

There must be a LOT of birds for it to be the main diet of a whole tribe, just sayin'

But seriously though

I doubt that there are enough birds to feed a whole dragon tribe. Those things are TINY compared to dragons, no way they're the main diet of the WHOLE tribe.

Behavior Toward Hybrids: There has never been a LightningWing hybrid

Really? Never? That sounds extremely unlikely. Even SkyWings, the tribe that absolutely hates hybrids with a passion, AND the tribe that hates all other tribes and believes that they are the superior tribe of all the other tribes, has had at least ONE hybrid in their whole history. There's no way LightningWings NEVER had a hybrid in their whole entire history of existence unless they are a very recent species that somehow popped into existence by animus magic.

And even then, there could always be an opinion on a hypothetical LightningWing hybrid. Even if one never existed, what do LightningWings think of the possibility of one existing?

Relationship With Other Tribes: LightningWings cut off ties with the other tribes long ago due to their obsession with purity. They still communicate with them, but are very edgy when it comes to visitors.

Ah. There it is. Obsession with purity. I wonder how that came to happen. Well, I think it's safe to say that LightningWings think very negatively upon the thought of a hypothetical LightningWing hybrid.

Average Lifespan: LightningWings can live up to 150 years

Uhhhh how?

The average lifespan for a dragon is 100 years if I'm not mistaken (please correct me if I'm wrong — I'm a little rusty on WoF info). So what's so different about LightningWings? Their diet seems to not be all too great, either, so I'm not really sure where they're getting 50 more years from.

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