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Time Period: Same as DOD, though she was hatched a few years before the Brightest Night

So.. it's more like before DoD?

Name: Goshawk (Northern Goshawk are large hawks and the largest, bulkiest of the accipiters. They have broad, rounded wings and long tails.)

Yep! Good name; don't think I've seen it before in an OC.

Age: She is Seventeen years old

Okay dope

Gender: Female


Sexuality: Straight as an arrow


Tribe: SkyWings

SkyWings are almost as under-appreciated as MudWings

Queen She Supports: Queen Scarlet/Queen Burn (During the war)

Queen Ruby (After the War)

Seems pretty reasonable. Why the change, though? Is she just loyal to anyone that sits on the throne?

Rank: Mother/Jade Mountain Teacher


Personality: Goshawk is a cautious cat, very antisocial at meetings and such. She is very precise and organized, often admonishing younger dragons about their sloppy moves or kills. She loves her Tribe deeply and will do anything to protect them, and doesn't take loss too well. Her mouth is most often shut as she prefers to listen rather than speak. She has a fiery kick to her words and can be very frightening when angered.

Pretty good, actually! Maybe I'd suggest adding a few minor traits or filling in minor details, such as how she speaks (is she sarcastic? Sassy? Creepily serious?) and her mannerisms.

Abilities: Goshawk has the ability to breath fire in large quantities, but only for a few moments before she needs to rest and regain strength. She is a powerful flier - not that fast - but strong. She is also resistant to SandWing venom due to slowly injecting it and developing an immunity to prevent later-war injuries.

An interesting and realistic concept! I like it. My only question is — where did she get the SandWing venom? Was she allowed access to the SandWing prisoners and stole venom from them (that would probably be the most likely, honestly)?

Appearance: Goshawk is a large, bright tiger-orange SkyWing dragon that stands at the height of an adult male SkyWing - perhaps smaller. She has dark bronze, yellow and red underscales on her throat, chest, belly and tail. Her wing membranes are dull mustard-yellow fading into dull red toward the fleshy part. Her eyes are a dark rusty brown with golden flecks. She wears no jewelry save for a small pouch on her neck that conceals a small, useful blade for emergencies.

I. Am. In. Love. With. Her. Appearance.

The appearance is wonderful. It covers all grounds, makes realistic sense, while also being especially unique to Goshawk!

Backstory: Goshawk was hatched out during the SandWing war without  parents - they had died in battle.

Admittedly, dead parents aren't that original, but it makes perfect sense for Goshawk since they both died in the war.

She was brought up by her older brother, Gyrfalcon, who was already a trained soldier. Being a SkyWing meant she would soon join the war and fight in behalf of Burn, the SandWing princess. Her first seven years were uneventful, she went to school and was trained in battle by Gyrfalcon.

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