Baker's Choice

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I. Baker's Choice

Prompt: Kisses and Donny are aspiring musicians inexperienced in the kitchen but they both scrambled to test their skills when they got forced to bake a cake during a family talk show.


Donny agreed to attend this talk show to promote his latest single release and ended up wearing an apron.

He glanced to his right, and saw Kisses, another guest of the show, fidget uncomfortably while tying up her hair.

How did we ended up doing this again?

The talk show, which is centered mainly for young adult audiences, invited two next generation young stars (who have both ventured in the music industry) to get to know them better. Its supposedly main purpose was to help these youngsters promote their albums and additionally boost their popularity in the media.

On this certain show episode, Kisses Delavin was specifically casted because of her rising stardom and large fanbase. Donny Pangilinan on the other hand, was chosen due to his passion with singing and his upsurge in media popularity from his DJ side-job.

Both agreed to the casting, without fully knowing what they’re really in for.


The first half hour of the show went on smoothly, introducing both loved artists, interviewing them of their future plans and aspirations and what ifs in life.

The next part however left both of them shocked. The show Floor Director decided to add in a surprise baking segment to test the versatility of both aspiring musicians.

“Do you know how to bake a pound cake?” Kisses hesitantly questioned.

“I don’t even know how to fry an egg."

“Me too."

“We’re screwed,” Donny face-palmed.

“There’s a recipe book though. I guess we could just follow this up and pray it wouldn’t turn out to be anything other than a gooey mess,” Kisses offered the book for Donny to read.

“I’ll follow your lead,” Donny mumbled.

“Donny are you serious? I have bad luck in the kitchen, I’ll follow your lead!"

“We’re definitely screwed,” Donny face-palmed again.

“How about this,I prepare and measure all of the ingredients and you mix them all together to make the batter?” Kisses openly suggested.

“Deal." That makes everything easier, Donny mentally added.

They got to work, putting together the right amount of flour, butter, sugar, eggs and mixed them altogether to create the pound cake batter all according to the book.

Kisses nodded in satisfaction with their mixture, she went to pre-heat the oven and gestured for Donny to pour the batter into the baking pan and slide it inside.

“Do you think it will come out alright?” Donny conflicted.

“We followed everything in the recipe book, I don’t think it will turn out that bad.”

“How many minutes does it say it will take for the cake to bake?” Donny prodded moving to crowd over in front of the oven.

“It says an hour and a half at 160°,” Kisses answered.

Donny started pacing the stage floor.

“How did two aspiring singers ended up baking on a talk show?” Kisses asked after a long period of silence.

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