Sorry Not Sorry

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AN: Yowza! Collect all the fluff, because my next update might not be a very happy one. The characters are from the movie Walwal, by the way.

XXI. Sorry Not Sorry

Prompt: College AU! Lover's Quarrel. Set on Donny's POV.


Donny toes a fallen leaf with his rubber shoes, as he leans and waits for her outside their classroom door. He crosses his arms to his chest and adjusts his stance as he drowns out the white noise provided by his classmates rowding inside. He checks his watch, one minute to seven o'clock. She's getting in late today, as usual.

Which is unusual, in itself. Because Kisses never comes to class late. She always makes sure to arrive before fifteen minutes to seven. And he's annoyed because of course, she's doing this for that sole purpose: to annoy him.

Kisses has not been speaking to him since Monday morning, and he cannot for the life of him still understand why. Donny had already apologized to her for so many times. He even followed her around campus like her faithful, pitiful dog waiting for any scrap of her attention. But his girlfriend proved to be as stubborn as a bull with her silent treatments.

It was already Thursday, nearing the weekend, and he's desperate to fix things with her. He wouldn't like this, whatever this is, to stop him from spending more time with his girlfriend as he haven't done, for one whole week before.

He just wants her attention. He's been away for a sideline work that seemed like forever and he missed being next to her. Sit beside her to smell her hair, to hide his face in the slope of her neck, to hear her laugh, to feel her hands on his waist.

You know, like a total pervert. He misses being a total pervert to Kisses.

His late princess finally arrives like a storm and her lips form a thin line of disapproval when she sees him lingering in the doorway, "I don't want to talk to you."

How many times had Donny heard her say that this week? He can't even remember anymore, it's so many times, he'd lost count.

She ignores him as they fall in step beside each other to enter the classroom, her face still unusually hard.

Donny watches her with a sigh as she drops her bag and unceremoniously sits on the floor beside their very own gang of friends. He follows her quietly.

Jerome waves for him first, making Kisses turn away to focus with Devon at her right. Donny sees Jerome mouth 'talk to her already' in a placating manner, but he only shakes his head in answer 'later'.

"Have you and Donny talked yet?" He hears Devon ask.

Kisses cranes her neck, "Why would I do that?"

Another demand of hers posed to challenge him with an answer.

But Donny lets the taunt pass in silence, because he doesn't want to bite her bait and get angry at her in the process. Now is not the right time for arguments. He rolls his eyes to cool off some and Kisses further distances herself from him like he's got a transmission disease.

But if she keeps this up, he thinks he might really get annoyed.

He surveys his surroundings then, the whole Bachelor of Accounting-1 class are already seated comfortably on the marble floor as they wait for Mr. Joey, their PE Teacher, to arrive.

Yesterday, the whole student population were rounded to attend the First Aid Training lectures instead of the scheduled formal classes they usually have. So today at PE, each class were asked for the demonstrations of the basic skills learned throughout said lectures.

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