Sleeping At Last

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AN: Merry Christmas Everyone! Here's my gift!

X. Sleeping At Last

Prompt: Grey's Anatomy (Doctors) AU


Kisses dragged herself to the sleeping quarters of the hospital where she will be spending most of her time as an intern for the next 4 years.

She had just gotten out of her 15-hour shift and decided that her caffeine level might already be over the legal rate that a one-hour nap should seriously be in order.

She entered the vicinity quietly, adjusting her eyes to the sudden darkness of the room and searched for an empty bunk bed.

The room was full of tired bodies of the hospital staff, some fellow interns, of which she was only recently introduced, and white clothed strangers, huddled together of which some are even sprawled on the floor desperate to get some sleep.

It's just her first week at Masbate Med and she’s already completely overwhelmed by the workload. Her whole body felt boneless, her legs feels like lead, her eyes bloodshot. She’s either going to come out as a Doctor or end up being a Patient, she doesn’t want to know.

She squinted her eyes and searched the room for a bed or a corner where she can sit and rest her legs for just an hour before preparing herself for the physical and mental battle outside at the emergency room.

Kisses could not quite believe her luck upon discovering a bed at the far corner of the room with just a single occupant. She didn’t think much about it, she knew that hospital residents such as herself have no strict qualms about sleeping on the same bed with strangers. Everybody just needs some space to rest and have a proper shut-eye. So she quietly lied down beside her unsuspecting bed mate and released a sigh of relief. Just an hour, Kisses.


Kisses woke up with a start when she felt her companion jostling her awake. She hurriedly sat up, opened her eyes only to be welcomed by a face of a very handsome stranger.

“What are you doing on my bed?”

“Excuse me?”

He observed her from head to toe, looking at her uniform badge, “I don’t think I need to repeat myself, you’re an intern, you’re supposed to have sharp eyes and ears.”

Kisses was still lost in the void, shaking her head for clarification.

He scoffed at her, “I can’t believe you. Nevermind. You need to get up.”

“Excuse me? Who are you to talk to me that way?”

“I’m a resident doctor here and you’re an intern, so if you bother to look at your surroundings, you’ll realize that every other interns have gone out to work while you’re still here lazing about."

Kisses opened her mouth to argue but one look around her and she knew he was right. It seemed that only both of them are left in bed.

So she hastily stood up, gave him a glare and quickly walked out.

The nerve of that guy! Every sane individual knows that you shouldn’t rile up a person who had just woken up, Kisses fumed curses to the stranger while running to her station and hoping that her superiors wouldn’t realize that she’s horribly late for her rounds.


Kisses tried her very best to adjust to her workload, taking each punch of pressure and problem as a challenge. She heavily depended on caffeine and eluded sleep as much as she thought possible.

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