From Now On

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AN: I wrote something for once, this month and I updated. Here you go!

XIII. From Now On


Kisses and Donny was sitting on a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!

No! We were not sitting on a tree but was lazing on his couch and we were totally not kissing in any way, Kisses corrects herself.

Not the way she would like to anyway. Donny had kissed her cheeks upon welcoming her inside his family home.

Oh but Donny kissing her, she wishes for that badly enough, for almost a year now in fact since discovering her tiny-little-tidbit (not really) feelings for her childhood friend, that she got herself prepped for an early make-over because school’s out and her boy-next-door Donny is coming back home from university.

Oh what a season to be in love! Spring has officially ended and Summer has begun- Girls just wanna have sun!

But here now, inside the Pangilinan household, sitting on the family’s couch with Donny’s family just around the house and Donny, himself, just sitting a few inches away from her, Kisses couldn’t help but contain her excitement of being here together with Donny at last!-- because one look at his handsome face and she knew:

Donny was bored.

And to Kirsten Kisses Delavin, those could be three of the scariest words in the human language.

The both of them had been friends since birth and she knew Donny’s tendencies as much as he knows about hers. They both knew how to read each other's moods and provide the perfect solutions for them but one of the things that Kisses had never ever conquered was Donny’s very rare bouts of boredom. Because Donny was never, if ever, a bored person.

Kisses fidgeted beside Donny, contemplating the best course of action to cure him of his rare disease. She watched him took an interest on a lone almost-empty water bottle and decidedly started flipping it over multiple times.

On his tenth attempt, he successfully got the bottle to flip back bottom down on the table and goaded Kisses to do the same.

He grew tired of watching her failed attempts of flipping it at her 23rd try.

Donny sighed and Kisses had to think quick of a new game or trick to play to keep Donny entertained or worse-- he would succumb to his boredom and lock himself upstairs with only his phone as company and Kisses will never see him again after 48 hours. For real.

Kisses was about to suggest playing some video games (which Donny loves best, especially if he keeps winning over her) when he surprised her by saying, “Come on Kisses. Let’s get out somewhere and go do something. I’m dying of boredom in here.”

Summer Holidays! Here we come! Kisses inwardly punched the air in happiness.

But Kisses paused on her seat, where will we go?

She mentally crossed out each place they’ve already been. Their same favorite spots will not cure Donny’s boredom, they need to go somewhere else, somewhere new.

Donny, it seemed, was thinking of the same thing so Kisses asked him upfront, “where would you like to go Donny?”

“Honestly, I don’t know. I just want to get out from here, don’t you?”

Anywhere with you is fine, great even, Kisses almost says. “But to where?”

“Like I said, I don’t know. Somewhere else, anywhere else. You’d come with me, won’t you?” he reached across the couch and placed his hand on top of hers. Kisses bit her lip as she felt that small electric spark. She always did felt it, whenever they touched. It was hard to describe.

Kisses eagerly nodded. She would go with him anywhere. Anywhere to keep his hand on top of hers forever.

Because he’s holding her hand and it's the first contact (after the welcome cheek-kiss) they ever had since university and since realizing that she might had caught some feelings for her childhood friend.

“I mean it Kisses. Let’s go somewhere. Make do with our short summer vacation and go out. Really go somewhere.”

“Hold on Donny, you don’t mean go out of the country, do you?” Kisses hesitantly asked.

And she was answered with his first real smile, “That would be amazing don’t you think?”

“Umm… I don’t think I would be allowed to go.”

Donny laughed at her expression, “I’m only joking. That’s a bit extreme. Maybe when you’re in college, I could ask your parents for you. But for today, just out of the city I think. You. Me. Together. The world doesn’t stand a chance.”

Kisses almost turned into goo. Donny can be super sweet when he wants to. I’m totally whipped.

Kisses had to admit that the idea of going out of the city was very tempting. But going out of the city today is not an option for Kisses. She can’t go on a roadtrip today of all days, she already promised her parents to help on their end-of-spring cleaning.

She turned her saddest look on Donny, “I-I can’t today Donny. Maybe around the neighborhood but out of the city, I can’t. I’m sorry Donny. I know I said-”

Donny waved off her explanation and Kisses then had tears in her eyes for not wanting to disappoint him.

“Woah, woah, Kisses. Are you crying? Oh please don’t cry. I can’t-I don’t know what to do when you cry. It’s alright. Maybe-maybe we can just go to your favorite café a few blocks away?” He clasped his left hand on Kisses’ offering her the best kind of comfort.

“Are you sure?”

Donny touched the back of his head self-consciously, “Well yes. I mean I would really like to go out of the city today and a road trip would be awesome. But that’s not the point, as long as it's with you is the point. So, just hanging out with you is fine. Really, really fine. Its great! You know, I like you. I mean, I like you best, you know that don’t you?”

Kisses stared at Donny’s eyes and not for the first time thought she saw something more. I like you, huh? Forget what she said before. Those three little words were the scariest. In a good way. A great way.

And hey, she just discovered that she actually has conquered all of Donny’s weird quirks and tendencies. If she knew that her tears could cure Donny of his boredom quick as lightning, she should’ve done it sooner.



THANK YOU TO ALL MY FOLLOWERS! 21! Since November! That doesn’t sound so bad coming from a lazy person like me. So, here you go! Thank you! Pray for my sanity!

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