Bad at Love

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AN: This is for the people who never forgets to leave me stars and positive comments. You light up my day during random tiring times. Thank you! (PS. This is set on mixed POVs)

XVI. Bad at Love


Donny knew he was in love when he first laid eyes on his classmate and neighbor- Kisses Delavin.

Just the sound of her name on his lips can make his heart swell so he knew that he had to do something about it. But he was only two & a half feet tall. So, pulling her pigtails was his only way then of spelling out his love.

When he grew up at atleast four feet tall, he realized that declaring his love to his first love wasn’t that easy after all.

He tried giving Kisses flowers, chocolates and gifts during special occasions: birthdays, Christmases, New Years. Every single celebration he could come up with. He likes to think it's the best way of declaring his love for her.

But he never progressed, Kisses rebuffed him- Every. Single. Time.

During an honest confrontation, he discovered that in his blind love for Kisses, he had totally neglected her wants and needs. Kisses doesn't really want his unnecessary and extravagant shows of affection. She didn’t really need his excessive love, she isn’t ready for all of it yet.

What she wanted and needed right that moment however, was his friendship and support. He loves her so much, he’d rather break his heart than hers, so he agreed to her friendship for now.

Now, almost towering at six feet high and more, he realized that Kisses’ decision to deter his affections was rather smart.

In breaking his heart, he was cured from his blind love. He saw Kisses from a different light. He learned how weird she was, how loud she gets, how she is very strict to herself, how headstrong and confident yet also weak and feeble she was. How she values her family most of all.

In being her friend, she showed him all of her sides, the good, the bad and the ugly. And he may try to deny it now, but he’s never seen anyone as perfectly imperfect as her. But she was still Kisses, his first love. Before, he saw her as his sun- bright, warm and shiny. Now, he saw her as his moon which shines more significantly and lovely through the darkness.

That is why despite their ongoing friendship, Donny finds it almost impossible to stop teasing her to him. He likes flirting with her all the time. He delights in seeing her squirm and blush, hear her adorable giggles and laughs to his comical antics.

During one lunch break, involving any lack of sleep and a plate of burger steak, Donny elaborated his growing dislike for fast food.

“Kisses, do you want me to get some more fries?”

“But you don’t like fries,” Kisses pointed out.

“But I like you.”

She half-groaned half-giggled, “Donny-”

“I can’t help it,” he smiled sweetly and shrugged.

Donny proceeded to order her fries and in a very grim face returned to sit right across from her, “Kisses, I need to tell you something.”

Kisses straightened and worriedly bit her lip, “Why? Is there something wrong?”

“Nothing serious really, I just need to let you know that my friend thinks you’re cute.”

Kisses was surprised, “What? Which friend?”

Me. I’m the friend.”

Kisses nearly choked, she had just took a big bite out of her burger when he mightily declared it. She reached for her straw while coughing heavily, surrounded by Donny’s laughter.

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