What Lovers Do

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AN: Happy Birthday to my BAMF Bestie Kev! Stay true to you 🐒

III. What Lovers Do

Prompt: Kisses and Donny as a married couple.


Kisses was just shy of 22 when she took Donny’s last name as her own.

Everyone in the industry was very shocked with this revelation. They didn’t even know that Philippines’ Sweetheart Kisses Delavin was dating MYX’s Coolest VJ Donny Pangilinan.

They were both at the peak of their own careers and it was because of this event, that the media flocked the privately-married couple with thousands of questions as to the reason of their elopement.

Many speculated that both parties are involved in a scandal that broke Philippines’ social media, the news even trending up abroad. Many confirmed instances where they swore that they saw Kisses being pregnant and that they believe Donny to be the father. What else should be the reason for their quick and private wedding but that?

People threw hate mails/messages to the couple’s way especially to Kisses, cursing her, telling her of how much a disgrace she was to the young millennials of today.

Nobody sincerely congratulated them except for the ones who really knew the truth and watched behind the scenes as it all unfolded.

What most people don't know, is that Kisses and Donny loved each other so very much, thinking the other as their soulmate that they chose to marry at an early age of 22 and 23.

People may argue that they’re both still very young, but Kisses and Donny both came from very good and nurturing families. They know what they’re doing. They did this because they were both lucky enough to find love early on in their life and both wanted to start living it quickly.

Kisses was not even pregnant at all. Trust mass media to ruin their great start.

To cut the story short, their blissful union started way rocky than they had initially expected.


Kisses was already almost 25, when she thought that maybe those people were right all along. Maybe they did marry way too early.

She sighed, “I shouldn’t think of that. I promised my husband that I would never think of that.”

She shook her worries away and continued on her wifely chores, washing their small set of used dishes just after lunch.

“Kisses, I’m going to work at the studio for a bit. Will you be alright here on your own?” Donny called over from the living room of their hard-earned condominium.

“Yep. I’m actually going out later to meet Hannah. She said she wanted to go shopping.”

“A girls’ night out, then? Don’t be home too late and text me,” Donny muttered while fixing his shirt and came over to kiss her cheeks. “I’ll see you later, bye!”

When she heard the door shut, Kisses’ shoulders slumped. She didn’t know if it’s a woman’s intuition but she can’t help but feel that Donny’s starting to drift away.

Sometimes she thinks that Donny doesn’t love her as much as she does him anymore. She frequently feels that Donny’s just forcing his affections and being distant. In the past few weeks, Donny’s been always absent from the house. He never really tells her, he loves her anymore. And it makes her feel more miserable, now that their third anniversary was fast approaching.

Which brings her back to her previous predicament, maybe those people were right all along. Maybe we did marry way too early.

She washed her hands and phoned Hannah, canceling their plans for the afternoon. Kisses needed time and space to think about everything that’s been happening to their marriage.

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